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Jan. 1 Mon

Enid and Jack went to beach for picnic with Vickers and Co. George and I helped Percy Port take in his hay.

Jan. 2 Tues Left for Wellington by New Plymouth Mail.
Jan. 3 Wed. Business in Wgtn. Left for Waimate by Wahine for Lyttleton. Good trip. Met Dr Davies, Charlie Collins on board.
Jan. 4 Thurs.
First express to Waimate.Shirley met me at Junction. Spent holiday at Becketts except for 5 days in Timaru where we stayed with Ted and Annie Beckett. Splendid time.Played bowls. Went to sale at Waiho Forks. Went with Evelyn to draft Iambs for Mr Young. Took Lois to Dr Talbot of Timaru - small operation on her eye - duct was blocked.
Jan. 27 Sat. Left for Wgtn. Met at ChCh by Roly Denton, Millie Beckett and some of Shirley's friends. Roly came to boat, Wahine, with us.

Jan. 28 - 2 Feb

Spent at Fern Hill. Took trip in observation motor round suburbs - very enjoyable.
February. 7 Wed.
School picnic at Plimmerton. We all went down an enjoyable day.
Feb. 8 Thurs.
Wettest day for some time. Our car stuck me up before I reached Port's gate. Sat there waiting for rain to stop. Eventually went in Willie's car to Manakau to Mr Inge's place - selected 2 S.D. rams at 10 gns Put them in the car- and brought them home. Picked up Sawtell's man, could do nothing there, so Willie towed it to Levin to be repaired. Creeks running bank high.
Feb. 10 Sat. Fine and hot. Pryor cut hay. I went to town and brought back car.
Feb. 12 Mon. Took in hay. Team arrived 9 o'clock. P.Port and boy, W. Stewart, Poad, Aikman, Ray Jones. Finished about 4 pm. Not enough sun but rain on hay.
Feb. 14 Wed. Went to town in morning to prepare for swimming sports in afternoon. Big crowd. I acted as starter.
Feb. 15 Thurs. Went to Wellington by Field's train. Afternoon Laurie and I went to Well. Coll. to see George and have a look round. Family meeting in evening. All there but Mowb.
Feb. 16 Fri. Down town with Frank in Morn. Afternoon Laurie and I went to House of Parliament to hear no confidence debate. Gov't won by 39-36 and continued in power. Family meeting in evening. Preparation for sale of Fern Hill.
Feb. 17 Sat. Returned by Napier Mail. Also Laurie.
Feb. 19 Mon. Rankin (Stock Inspector) looked at bullock and condemned him. Valued at 15/-/-. I got 2/10/-.
Feb. 20 Tues. Took 8 fat bullocks, 1 condemned bullock and 1 jersey bull to yards. Sold jersey bull for one pound. Milne took delivery of condemned bull. Shirley and I went to picture 'Omar Khayyam' - fair.
Feb. 23 Fri. Standen and man arrived to erect tank stand, etc. made good progress during day.
Feb. 24 Sat. Standen and man fixed copper and finished tank stand. Enid and I went to town with Willie Stewart. Willie and I went to ratepayers meeting to discuss high valuations and rating. Big meeting but not much satisfaction. Wool down in Wgtn sales. Adkin sold hogget wool 15 and a quarter - rest passed in.
Feb. 25 Sun. Johnny went to church with Stewarts. Afternoon Mr and Mrs Fur-ton came over to see us.
Feb. 26 Mon. Mustered rape lambs to yards and Vickers picked up 40 out of 43 at 25/-. Jensen's man came to fix up tank, etc.
Feb. 28 Wed. Enid brought car home. Also Mary and Helen -for tea.
March. 3 Sat.
Afternoon meeting A.P. Assn. Adjourned on account of funeral of Mr Thomas late of Chronicle staff.
March. 4 Sun.
Enid, Francis Fyke, Jack and I went to C. of E.
March. 10 Sat. Put coat of priming on tank stand. Standen up to finish odd lobs, verandah, bench, etc. A.P. meeting decided to hold Mardi Gras in aid of funds.
March.14 Wed. Afternoon went to unveiling of Stone of Rememberance by General Sir Edw. Chaytor. Col. Guy Powles also there. Service spoilt by rain. Afterwards went to swimming sports - started races. Competition between Levin and P.N. High schools. Palmerston Nth won by 33-30 points. Evening Shirley and I went to meet Dorothy and Winnie Beckett who arrived by train from south.
March. 17 Sat. Dorothy and I rode over to Adkins for 4 straggler lambs. Doris Beckett arrived for weekend.
March. 18 Sun. Afternoon we all drove down to Beckett for afternoon tea
March. 19 Mon. Shirley, Dorothy and Doris Beckett went to Linton by first train. Back 6.45.
March. 21 Wed. Shirley put in most of the day at D.S.McKenzie (tooth repairing).
March. 22 Thurs Dorothy and I mustered back hill. Evening Helen, Guy and Percy Port over to tea and evening.
March. 23 Fri. All went to beach by car for day. Very enjoyable. Rotten road. Had bathe. Home 6 pm.
March. 27 Tues. Visited school and walked with Mr Foss.
March. 28 Wed. Afternoon we all went to Levin.I acted as starter at swimming club's sports. Fair turn out. George arrived home for Easter holidays. MacMillan defeated Joe Ward for Tauranga by 1100 votes.
March. 29 Thurs. Shirley met Laurie, Nell and family by Napier Mail. Also Dulcie Denton.
March. 30 Fri. Adkin family and Edith and Kate came over to see us.
March. 31 Sat. Enid, Duicie and George went for ride. Afternoon - rest of us drove down to Horowhenua Lake. Musical evening.

April. 1 Sun.

Whole family except self went to church. Afternoon Shirley, Dulcie and Nell went with Adkins to Shannon to see Dora. Laurie and boys and I drove to State Farm and had a look round.
April. 2 Mon. After dinner went with Willie Stewart and family to Ohau River Muhunoa East, afterwards to Papaitonga Lake. Very pretty. Evening at Adkins.
April. 3 Tues. Dulcie went to Wgtn by morning train. Laurie- and family returned to Hastings. George returned to College by New Plymouth express.
April. 7 Sat.
Shirley had trouble with car.

April. 8 Sun.

Enid, Win, Jack and I went to church in morning.
April. 11 Wed. Willie and I went over to Hodge's clearing sale.
April. 14 Sat. Took day off to go to Mangahao. We took Mr and Mrs Sawtell, Helen, Shirley and self in our car, Willie S. took Winnie, Enid, Jack, Jean and Peter in his car. Shirley drove to Power House, then Sawtell took charge. Road very steep and narrow with many sharp corners. Surface fairly. good. Arrived at Mangahao about 12 and had lunch then walked down bridle track to bed of Mangahao stream, 400 feet down. Very interesting trap. Sawty drove back, car went well. Willie had close shave at hairpin bend when returning. Muriel Beckett (Bash) came home to spend weekend with us.
April. 15 Sun. Spent morning planting native shrubs we brought from Mangahao.
April. 16 Mon. Mr and Mrs Lindsay Barron and Maxwell 'Barty' up in afternoon.
April. 17 Tues. Put up fence round 'Wellingtonia'.
April. 18 Wed. Guy Tully married Miss Frances Thorpe today.
April. 19 Thurs. Put glass in kitchen and bathroom windows.
April. 21 Sat. Canvassing for A. & P. Assn. funds. Annual meeting Farmers Union. P.N.D. stayed at Cheslyn Rise for weekend.
April. 22 Sun. We all went to Tully's Ihakara. Took Percy with us.
April. 23 Mon. Evening R.S.A. annual meeting and social. Good crowd and enjoyable evening. I responded to toast of the ladies.
April. 25 Wed. Afternoon went to ANZAC service at Stone of Rememberance. Nice service. Good crowd.
April. 26 Thurs. Hobson elected Mayor beating Goldsmith 109.
April. 27 Fri. Harry George and Mr Brown NZLMA wool classer up to see me.
April. 28 Sat. Went to meeting of Farmers re County Council affairs. Good meeting. Messrs. Richards, H.J.Cately and T.Kilsby nominated to oppose present councillors.
April. 29 Sun. All went to church except self and Levin. Shirley and I drove down to see Mr and Mrs Vickers in afternoon.
April. 30 Mon. Householders meeting in evening. Very orderly. Committee elected J.Proctor 73, Gardiner 71, Vickers and Roe 69, Honson 67, Denton 66, Percy 61, Adams 57, Shennen 37. (Curtis, Lemmon, Elliott, Hall, Wilson rejected.)
May. 1 Tues. Evening Willie and I went to Experimental Farm to hear lecture on pastures by Mr Levy. Very interesting and lot of Information.
May. 3 Thurs. Picked apples. Mr and Mrs Dick Harris came up for the day. I took Dick for a ride round farm. Shirley to stay at Becketts for a few days.
May. 4 Fri.
Willie and I went to Experimental Farm to entertainment given to visiting farmers to school. Good turnout followed by supper. I sang Tin gee gee and Nancy Lee. Car went sour on us on way home, had to leave it in Queen Street.
May. 7 Mon.
Shirley was to go to Hastings but Lois unwell so postponed.
May. 8 Tues. Took Shirley and Mrs and Miss Stewart down to flower show. Lois improved.
May. 9 Wed.
Went to Levin to vote on County election and Power Board. Old Power Board re-elected. For Whirokino riding Cately, Harkness, Broadbelt, Kilsby. Richards standing. Sale of stock by Jack Neylon - good stuff, fair prices. Tea at Billy Wilsons.
May. 10 Thurs. All went to station. Sent Johnny away to Wanganui to stay with Frank and Ethel, and Shirley to Hastings to stay with Laurie and Nell. Unfortunately took Hastings ticket for John by mistake. Guard telephoned back from Koputuroa. Paid for Wanganui ticket on station master's advice, will claim refund.
May. 11 Fri. ' Boyer' and I mended fence by hayshed. Winnie and I drove to station to meet George. Crowning ceremony of Mardi Gras. Miss Gracie McDonald queen. 720 pounds raised.
May. 12 Sat. Evening Enid. George and I drove up to Tully's to surprise party given in honour of Guy and Mrs Guy Tully. Enjoyable evening.
May. 13 Sun. Winnie and I drove to see Maxwell.
May. 14 Mon. George and Enid drove car to Vickers in evening.
May. 18 Fri. George and Enid out to dance. Tingeys.
May. 23 Wed. Helen and Miss Watson walked up in afternoon. Left George in charge rest of us went to hear the Westminster Glee singers. Splendid concert. Boy soprano very good.
May. 25 Fri. Rex Beckett and Alec Watson biked up in afternoon and stayed evening.
May. 26 Sat. Jack returned from holiday in Wanganui.
May. 27 Sun. Children went to church and brought Mary Denton and Miss Kirk home with them. Winnie, George and I took them back to Levin and went to church.
May. 29 Tues. After going to Levin sale Mr Adams and I visited school. Evening Enid, Win, and I went to male choir concert.
May. 30 Wed. Caught Napier express to Palmerston Nth. Met Shirley just come down from Hastings on her way to Wanganui. Edith also travelling to Wgtn. Shirley and I wandered round Palmerston Nth saw her off on train, returned by train.
May. 31 Thur. Eric Percy up for the day. Played cards in evening.
June. 5 Tues. Went to sale. Tea at W.H.Wilsons. School committee.
June. 6 Wed.
Enid took car to Sawtell's as it was running badly.
June. 7 Thurs. Shirley came home by Wanganui express. I biked down and picked up car and brought Shirley home. Looking much better for holiday.
June. 10 Sun. Billy Wilson and family up in afternoon.
June. 17 Wed. Evening went with Dr Gow, Hamilton, Jack Young in MeFarlane's car to Palmerston Nth to reunion of W.M.R. regiment. V.g. muster - 250.
June. 14 Thurs. Evening went to Savage Club. Big turn out of visitors from P. N. who gave splendid entertainment.
June. 19 Tues. Evening I took Win, Enid, Clare and Mary Beckett to pictures - queen of Sheba' - only fair.
June. 22 Fri. Willie Stewart took Shirley, Enid and I to P.N. by car. Ladies went to Show, W & I went to S.R. Lancasters Sale of pedigree Jerseys. Stewarts spent evening here. Jack's birthday.
June. 24 Sun. After dinner Enid. Win and I drove to Training Farm to entertain boys. We sang and recited. Shin l and Win and I drove to church in evening.
June. 26 Tues. I took Shirley with me to Training Farm where male choir gave entertainment.
June. 29 Fri.
Met New Plymouth express and brought Mr Gray of Pukerua to see hoggets. He liked them alright but objected to 'utiwai on some. However, he took 78 at my price i.e. 20/- nett. Shirley and the girls took Mr Gray to train.
July. 1 Sun.
Percy Port came to dinner and tea. Helen Beckett and Mrs Aymes of Napier cycled up in afternoon and stayed to tea.
July. 2 Mon. Took 78 lambs to station. Dogs caused some bother in morning by disappearing just as I wanted them to drive the lambs. Willie Stewart found them and brought them to me at Leslie Adkins who was helping me round the corner.
July. 3 Tues. Tea at Billy Wilson's. Trio practice at Howard Andrews for Mathesons benefit. School committee and male choir.
July. 6 Fri. Cut hedge by house (Lawsoniana) taking all timber off north side. Presentation to Mr and Mrs Matheson in evening. Male choir performed. I also sang with Andrew and Hunter. Presentation of address and tea service to Mrs M.
July. 8 Sun.
Afternoon Mr and Mrs Lancaster Mr and Mrs E.W.J. Smith and son, Mrs Vickers and two boys came to see us.
July. 10 Tues. Tea at Billy Wilson's and male choir. Winnie staying at Stuckey St.
July. 11 Wed. Dug garden. Miss Tingey staying here.
July. 12 Thurs Evening went down to Boys' Training Farm with party from Savage Club. Sang in choruses and quartet.
July. 13 Fri. Went to clearing sale at Graham's, bought aged gelding for 50/-. Mr and Mrs Guy Tully came to tea and evening.
July. 15 Sun. Went for a drive in car round Kawiu Rd.
July. 17 Tues. Saw Mr Smellie re error in benzine, he promised to adjust it. Tea at Mathesons and male choir.
July. 19 Thurs.
Afternoon - sale of land on a/c Tompsill's estate late. Nudge's farm. No bids whatever. Savage Club in evening. Performed in sole effort - piece called 'The Married Woman' Also male quartet.
July. 21 Sat. Winnie came home.
July. 22 Sun. In afternoon went to Tingeys.
July. 27 Fri. Shirley and I went to town to take Enid to train for Wellington where she is making her debut at the Well. Coll. dance.
Aug. 1 Wed.
Finlayson came to work at 13/-. Set him cutting rushes.
Aug. 2 Thurs. Enid returned Wellington. Evening Ladies night at Savage Club. Big crowd and fairly successful evening.
Aug. 3 Fri.
Shirley brought her brother Cecil and wife Ella back to stay.
Aug.5 Sun.
Cecil and I rode round sheep in morning. Afternoon we alldrove to Papaitonga and then to Experimental Farm.
Aug. 6 Mon.
Shirley took family and visitors to Hokio for the day.
Aug. 8 Wed.
Shirley, Enid and Winnie helped me cart away rushes that had been lately cut.
Aug. 10 Fri. Afternoon I went with Willie Stewart and Mr Adkin to funeral of Harold Porter.
Aug. 16 Thurs. Sledging posts in afternoon. Unfortunately I cut my knee with cross cut saw. Nasty wound. Dressed by Donnelly. Savage Club in evening. Shirley at MacKenzie's.
Aug. 16 Sat.

Finlayson and I cut battens from log. Paid Finlayson to date as he is leaving to go to railway job.

Aug. 21 Tues. Winnie and Gracie Vickers went with MacKenzie family to stay at Plimmerton for a few days
Aug. 24 Fri. Went to train to meet George coming home from school.
Aug. 25 Sat. George and Enid went to Levin in morning. George helped me dock 41 blk faced lambs. We all went to pictures in evening. Good enjoyable picture.
Aug. 26 Mon. George and Enid met Napier Mail and brought home Shirley, Win and Lois after their trip to Plimmerton with Mrs MacKenzie. Jack and I yarded ewes and lambs, and later docked 47 lambs.
September. 1st - 10th Sun - Mon In bed with flu. George looking after the stock. Very rough day on 10th when Win Beckett went up to Wanganui to meet Noel.
Sept. 11 Thurs. Went to town with Shirl and George in afternoon. C. of E. flower show. Enid assisting Helen at stall. Shirl and George went down to pictures in evening and brought Enid home.
September. 13 Thurs. Decided to go to Wellington by Napier Mail. Winnie and Noel Beckett arrived here from Wanganui. I spent evening yarning at Fern Hill.
Sept. 14 Fri. Down town in morning. Lunch with Pero and Alice. Afternoon Alice, Harry and I went to zoo, afterwards walked to Lyall Bay then Kilbirnie, Hataitai and Oriental Bay. Fern Hill to tea. Competitions with Edith and Kate.
Sept. 15 Sat. Went with Norrie, Harry and Will Ross to Athletic Park to see football match N. I. v. N.S.W. Tea at Allenville, afterwards Percy and I went to Fullers to see Stiffy and Mo. Crowded audience but very poor performance.
Sept. 16 Sun. Church in morn. Rob and I walked to Allenville and then with Percy, Alice, Harry and Trixie walked - over Mt. Victoria. Very windy. Tea with Rob and Carrie. Evening at Fern Hill.
Sept. 17 Mon. Returned home by Napier Mail. George returned to Well. Coll.
Sept. 18 Tues. Male choir in evening. Shirley, Win and John went to see Maxwell and Cyril.
Sept. 20 Thurs. Cut and sledged totara piles to house for new additions.
Sept. 21 Fri. Enid and I mustered young ewes and lambs.
Sept. 22 Sat. Mustered ewes and lambs and docked 21 lambs. Jack held lambs for me and managed very well. Shirley and Enid went down to Napier Mail with Noel and Winnie Beckett who are returning to Waimate.
Sept. 23 Sun. Drove Enid, Mrs R.R.Harris and Ken Atken to Boys ,raining Farm for entertainment. Shirley stayed at Becketts for afternoon.
Sept. 25 Tues. Male choir and took Enid to picture. Dr. Jack.
Sept. 26 Wed.
Jack O'Donohue from Boys' Farm up to see me about 2 boys who are at large.
Sept. 28 Fri. Took Shirley to town to see Mrs Bryson as she was not feeling very well.
Sept. 29 Sat. Jack and I mustered back hill and docked 46 lambs.
Oct. 1 Mon.
Standen and 3 men arrived to enlarge kitchen. Put foundations and started on outer wall of kitchen.
Oct. 5 Fri. Carpenters making progress with alterations.
Oct. 7 Sun. Fixed up chimney in kitchen so it could be used temporarily until Standen put on extra bricks. All went down to see Mr and Mrs Matheson.
Oct. 8 Mon. Clare, Maud and Miss Winnie Daniell of Masterton over for the evening.
Oct. 10 Wed. Shirley, Enid and I went to wedding of Miss Beryl Tully to Ken Biss. Very successful function. Evening I went by car to Boys' Training Farm where male choir gave concert.
Oct. 12 Fri. Carpenters approaching finish of job. Visit from Mr Boyes A.M.P.
Oct. 14 Sun. Afternoon Miss Hitchocc and friends Mr and Mrs Kibblewhite drove up to see us.
Oct. 16 Tues. Not well. Temperature up so Shirley had Dr. Gow up to see me. He doped me and said I was to stay in bed till Thursday.
Oct. 19 - 25 Fri 26. - Thurs Did not go from house. Murray came to work, went round ewes and started ploughing.
Oct. 27 Sat. Shirley and I drove to Levin to bring Polly back, arrived by Napier Mail.
Nov. 1 Thurs. Shirley and I drove to Levin for wool packs and odds and ends.
Nov. 3 Sat. Shirley went to town to pay in money for house alterations. Went to town in evening, took Polly.
Nov. 4 Sun. Polly, Enid and Jack went to church. I stayed home with Shin. Auntie Mary came back to dinner. We took her home in evening.
Nov. 5 Mon. Enid helped me muster back hill - utiwai ripening but not sticking yet.
Nov. 6 Tues. Johnnie Hope arrived 5 a.m. to shear and Dickson arrived at 9.30 Did not start till 10.30 I decided to take Shirley to hospital before beginning.
Nov. 8 Thurs. Had trouble with machine. Eric Olivecrona came up and set her going again. Had news of birth of baby girl - 6.30 a.m. Shirley very well under circumstances.
Nov. 10 Sat. Shirley and baby getting on well.
Nov. 11 Sun. Took Polly to church in evening while I stayed with Shirley.
Nov. 15 Thurs. Mr Vickers came and marked 70 fat lambs at 22/6. Very good condition, price disappointing. Polly and I went to top of Port's hill after stragglers. Hospital in evening.
Nov. 16 Fri. Had successful day - splendid wool. Paid shearers. Hope 410 - 5/216, Broughton 322 - 4 pounds. Dickson turned up, paid him 12/6.
Nov.21 Wed. Went to Aikman's clearing sale. In morning I went to Levin and brought Shirley and new baby home from hospital. Both looking very well. Paid hospital fees.
Nov. 24 Sat. Shirley and I drove to town in afternoon but she was having trouble with her breasts so came home and went to bed.
Nov. 25 Sun. Shirley not at all well - high temperature. Nurses from the hospital came up in afternoon and treated Shirley's breast. Enid took them back.
Nov. 27 Tues. Mr and Mrs Aikman and Percy Port over for tea and evening.
Nov. 28 Wed. Shirley sitting up on back verandah. Much better.
Dec. 1 Sat. Alec Broughton continued ploughing. We all went to town in afternoon. I went to see Donnelly about festered finger which he opened up. Also gave me a tonic.
Dec. 2 Sun. Shirley not so well so went to bed.
December. 7 Fri.

Up at 4 a.m., milked, caught first train to Wellington. Travelled with Bert Prouse, Billy Hannan Turton. After dinner want with Prouse to view wool at Murray Robert's wool store. Evening went with Adkins and W.H.D. to wool sale in Town Hall. L.G.Adkin got 15 1/4d, W.G.A. 15d and 17 1/2a lambs, Clifford 15d.

Dec. 8 Sat.

Went to see Murray Roberts catalogue sold - my wool only reached 15a and was sold. (Brokers valuation 15 1/2 - 16). Went up to College in afternoon to see George. Pictures with Edith. Alice and Pero in evening.
Dec. 9 Sun. Church in morning. Days Bay with Edith and George to see Kate who is staying over there. Oriental Bay in evening.
Dec. 10 Mon. Back home by N.P. Mail. Travelled with Mary Denton.
Dec. 13 Thurs. Benefit picture for school picnic. Shirley and I went.
Dec. 14 Fri. George returned from school. Won Maths and Science prize. Shirley met train. W.G.Vickers came up to breakfast and to draft lambs.
Dec. 18 Tues. We all went to town. School shop day for picnic fund. Only fairly successful - I took 3/7/- at weight guessing competition - total weight of members of committee.
Dec. 22 Sat. George and I finished drilling swedes. Afternoon we all went to town. My birthday party in evening.
Dec. 23 Sun. Tingeys came out in afternoon and stayed to tea. Drove them home and went to church.
Dec. 24 Mon. All went to town in morning. Went to bank and paid account. We all went to town (except Polly) to see sights. Ice cream with Vickers.
Dec. 25 Tues. Christmas Day, Shirley, Polly, Enid, George went to 8 a.m. service. Percy and Bert Port over for dinner, tea and evening. Enid, George and Pop went to party at Vickers.
Dec. 26 Wed. We Joined with Stewarts and went to Mangore Power House and walked up pipeline to surge chamber. Excellent view.
Dec. 27 Thurs. George and I mended fence on terrace. Women went to town - Enid to dentist.
Dec. 28 Fri. Very wet. Worked round house. Cleaned bathroom.
Dec. 30 Sun. Went to church and took Lois for the first time she behaved well. Brought Mary, Helen and Doris Beckett home to dinner and tea. Went to church to hear Rev. Fielden Taylor.
Dec. 31 Mon. Evening Enid and George went to surprise party at St Marys Hall.



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Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
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Bert Denton's Diary 1912


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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938
Bert Denton's Diary 1912