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Jan. 1 Thurs.

Fine. We all went to picnic at Ohau River, top Kimberley Road. Rev and Mrs Davies, Mrs Kirkcaldie and Mrs Vickers there, enjoyable day.

Jan. 2 Fri.
Ladies and George went to Vickers party.
Jan. 3 Sat.
Jack returned from Paraparaumu.
Jan. 4 Sun.
Fine. We took Edith and Kate to Paraparaumu for the day.Left George and John behind as no room in car. Had a splendid time. Visited Mr and Mrs Stewart who are staying there in Miss Dalrymple's house which is a very fine one. Had a couple of swims and wandered round the beach. Left about 5.30 and took 2 hours to reach home. Road very rough and full of pot holes.
Jan. 5 Mon.
Afternoon we took Edith and Kate up to see power house at Mangaore. Engineer in charge showed us round. On return we left Edith and Kate at Cheslyn Rise.
Jan. 7 Wed. George's college friend Leo Carter arrived from Palmerston Nth to stay with us. Evening Shirley, George, Leo and I went to see Annette Kellerman in 'Venus of South Seas'. Picture disappointing.
Jan. 8 Thurs. Boys made bathing hole - Port bros assisting. Out shooting in evening.
Jan. 9 Fri. Fine and hot. We all went to Hokio Beach for the day. Took Aunty Mary with us and picnicked in Vickers' cottage. Had 2 swims.
Jan. 10 Sat. Fine. Took in hay which was in tip top order and good quality stuff. Had a good gang on. Leo on rake, George, Willie Stewart and Fulton carting, Percy and I pitching. Bert Port, Peter and Jack in shed. Had a very successful day and finished at about 4 pm. I returned Adkins cart in evening.
Jan. 12 Mon. George and Enid went to Palmerston Nth with Leo Carter to stay a couple of days.
Jan. 13 Tues. Shirley, John and 1 went to town. I went to funeral of Mrs B.R.6ardener. Bearers consisted of Levin old resident. E.S. Lancaster, E.G. Roe, H. Denton, W.6. Vickers, D.S. Mackenzie.
Jan. 17 Sat. Went with Shirley to town in afternoon. Bought new suit at Mathesons. Power Board staff putting in poles.
Jan. 21 Wed. Linemen finished wiring here. I cut down bamboo to clear line to house. Afternoon cleared up branches cut down by linemen. Mrs Tully and Mrs Biss up in afternoon. Infantile paralysis prevalent throughout North Island. A few cases at Levin. Howard Kemps little girl taken to Palmerston Nth today. George took car to Levin to have starting handle repaired.
Jan. 25 Sun. At home until 5 pm. when I took the family for a run to Ohau in the car. George and Enid went to Church of England.
Jan. 27 Tues. Shirley brought Cecil and Ella Beckett up for afternoon tea and evening. Will Beckett also up for short while after tea.
Jan. 28 Wed.

Enid's 20th birthday.

Feb. 5 Thurs. Went to Feilding by New Plymouth express. Alb Kellow met me and after lunch we went to showgrounds to Ram Fair. Met Watty Booth of 27th N.Z.M.R. and 2nd Squadron and he invited me to spend night with him and as Vi Kellow was ill,. I accepted. Watty and I went out with Alf Duthie who kindly drove us in his car. Watty took me over a good portion of his farm and showed me his stock. Spent evening with Watty and his wife, sister and father, and after the visitors went Watty and I talked till 1.30 am.
Feb.7 Sat. Afternoon Shirley drove me to station and I brought home the new rams. Rams travelled well Home about 7 pm.
Feb.10 Tues. Infantile paralysis still unabated. Mr Adams' girl and Harry George's boy both sent to hospital.
Feb. 18 Wed. In evening Shirley and I went to town to be examined for motoring driving test. Mr W.N. Anderson took us over the course and we both managed alright. Drove down to see Ray and Dorrie.
Feb. 20 Fri. Mr Mitchell of Manson and Barr commenced to install motor to drive shearing plant. George and I assisted part of day W.G. Vickers came to look at lambs - said they were the best shorn lambs that he had drafted this year. Electric light switched on for first time.
Feb. 28 Sat. Shirley and I went to town in afternoon. I went to A & P Society meeting. Decided to abandon show this year. Having shop day to raise funds.
March. 5 Thurs. Very wet day. George and I cleared out and renewed oil in car. Shirley and I went to town in the afternoon. Accelerator repaired at Sawtells.
March. 12 Thurs. Shirley and I went to station to meet Polly Beckett and Miss Hanna from Waimate.
March.13 Fri. In morning Mr WA. McCulloch of the Agriculture Dept. came up to see me re experimental topdressing of hill pastures.
March. 15 Sun. Shirley, Polly, Miss Hanna, George and I went to church. Afternoon I took the ladies up to the settling tanks and afterwards to Waiopehu Reserve.
March. 16 Man. Amy Ward and Adkin girls over.
March. 19 Thurs. Willie Stewart and I went canvassing for subs and donations for A & P Society. Had successful day. Did not get home till dark.
March. 20 Fri. Enid and Vivian went to Wellington for day. Back by car with Sawtell.
March. 21 Sat. I took ladies to town in afternoon. Meeting of Committee of A & P Assn when lists of donations were put in.
March. 22 Sun. Afternoon I took ladies down Buller Rd to Papiatonga Lake through bush track - very pretty. George and Enid went to church in evening.
March. 24 Tues. Up early. Delivered 54 fat lambs to railways yards. Went up to Levin sale where A & P Assn were holding sale of gift stock and also having a shop. Very successful day - gathered in about 200 pounds worth. Enid passed test for driving
March. 25 Wed. Shirley, Miss Hanna and I went to picture 'The Ten Commandments' - very good.
March. 26 Thurs. Enid, Polly and George went to pictures.
March. 28 Sat. Shirley not too well.
March. 29 Sun. Fine. Up late. Dr Bryson up to see Shirley about 2 pm. Shirley and I had been walking round in morning and she was pretty well. Dr stayed with Shirley and her baby boy was born at 5 pm. Shirley came through it fairly well although has severe haemorage. Boy weighs 8 pound 8 ounces and seems to be good sample. Shirley much improved by bed time.
March. 30 Mon. Shirley and baby getting on well.
April. 1 Wed.
Shirley and baby getting on well. Hosts of congratulations.
April. 4 Sat. Up early intending to go to Palmerston Nth to meeting of provincial delegates of Farmers' Union. Enid took me to Arapaepae corner where I waited for Hotchen's bus but I missed it as it went by Fairfield. Decided to come home and work.
April. 8 Wed. Afternoon I went to Wellington with Billy Wilson, Doris and Miss Frechling in his Vauxhall car which he brought from London. Car went very well but would not climb on top gear. Splendid view from too of Paekakariki Hill. Reached town about 5 pm. and I went to Fern Hill. Found Edith and Katie among the ruins of the house which is being altered into flats. Will and Edith went to Debate so I went with Percy and Alice to comic opera 'The Lady and the Rose'. Very fair.
April. 9 Thurs. Down town in morning. W. H. Bennett kindly took me through City Council's Milk Depot. A very interesting hour, showing various processes the milk goes through. Edith and Kate left for Levin. I went to tea at "Allenville" and after to Fullers with Alice. Poor show. Walked down to Percy's shop. Home after midnight. Bed 2.30 am.
April. 10 Fri. Good Friday. Skylarking with kids. Met Billy Wilson at Courtenay Place at 1 pm. and we came back to Levin reaching here about 4 pm. Doris and Mr and Mrs Jock Pringle and daughter travelled with us. Enid and two children came down in car. Home just at dark.
April. 11 Sat. Went down with George to Country A.A. championship meeting held at Levin Domain. A lot of competitors from outside districts. Meeting spoilt by rain. Masterton had easily the best team and won most of events.
April. 12 Easter Sunday. Polly, Enid, George went to church in morning. Shirley sat up in chair most of morning looking well but rather pale. Cold day. Afternoon Edith and Kate, Marjorie and George, Viv and Agnes over to see Shirley and baby. Didn't stay too long. Evening Polly, Enid and I went to church. Guy Beckett up to tea.
April. 13 Mon. Shirley up on back verandah good part of day.
April. 16 Thurs. I took Shirley, Polly, Nurse and children to Levin. Paid a lot of bills.
April. 19 Sun. At home all day. Mr and Mrs Kernohan drove to see us in afternoon.
April. 23 Thurs. Polly and I went with Billy Wilson, Amy and Doris for motor trip to Wanganui started 10 am. Wanganui 12.30, lunch D.I.C. Polly and I visited Ethel and Frank for a little while. Left Wanganui 4 pm. Levin 7 pm. Lights failed about5 miles out and had to come in slowly behind Lowe's bus.
April. 24 Fri. Sid Sievers of A & W came up to look at my bullocks but could no see the value in them so did no business. Guy Marriott up to tea and evening. Tried to sell be shares in Afforestation Company Mamuku 20 shares at 1 pound estimated to produce 400 pounds in 24 to 30 years. Mainly investment for children.
April. 25 Sat. Anzac Day. Went to Anzac service in afternoon and evening. Sang 'Comrades in Arms' in quartette (Taylor, Jones, Mottershead, Denton)
April. 26 Sun. Mr and Mrs Hamilton up in evening.
April. 30 Thurs. Shirley and Polly took baby Paul with them to Feilding to see Dr Phillips re circumcision. They are staying with Mrs Hassell an old friend of theirs from Waimate. I went to the station with them. Hobson defeated Goldsmith for Levin mayoralty. Norwood Mayor of Wellington. Election yesterday.
May. 1 Fri. Shirley rang up in evening from Feilding to say they are not coming back till Tuesday next. Operation on Paul took place today and was successful but doctor will not let them travel yet.
May. 2 Sat. Afternoon went to Annual Meeting Levin branch of Farmers' Union. Poor attendance. Was elected to position of President for coming year. Very reluctant to take it on but eventually decided to.
May. 3 Sun.
John went to Bible Class - church. Intended to go to Stewarts in afternoon but it rained very heavily. Dorothy Anne not up to the mark.
May. 4 Mon. Dorothy Anne very unwell. Rang Shirley at Feilding but they were not able to catch train home today. Coming tomorrow. Spent afternoon in front bedroom with Dorothy Anne in front of good fire.
May. 5 Tues. Spent morning with Dorothy Anne. Went to station to meet Shirley, Polly and Paul came home in very heavy shower.
May. 7 Thurs. Sent away a box of apples to Mrs Hassell of Feilding. Shirley, Lois and I met train and brought Mary Beckett home with us.
May. 8 Fri.
Evening Hamilton took me in company with K.E. Adams and O.Whitehouse up to Shannon to R.S.A. reunion. Good turnout.
May. 9 Sat. George went to football. Paraparaumu beat Wanderers II 57-0. Polly went to Palmerston Nth for the day.
May. 10 Sun. At home all day. George took Auntie Mary and Polly to church in morning and brought Willie Beckett back. Billy Wilson and Doris up in afternoon. Rt. Hon. W.F. Massey Prime Minister died 5.40 pm. after long illness.
May. 11 Mon. Met the train from Wellington. Helen Beckett came up for the day and stayed with us.
May. 12 Tues. Took Helen and Auntie Mary to town and later to train. Went to Levin Sale.
May. 14 Thurs. All work suspended on account of funeral of Rt. Hon Massey. Special trains ran to Wellington for funeral. Afternoon Shirley, Mary and I went to station to meet Mrs Baxter who stayed the night with us going on south with Polly.
May. 15 Fri. Wet. Oiled up car and did odd jobs in morning. Afternoon Mary and I took Polly and Mrs Baxter to Napier Mail on their way south.
May. 16 Sat. George and I mended trap shed in morning. Afternoon we went to Levin. Weraroa drew with Shannon. Fair game. George playing for Wanderers juniors and lost to Weraroa II 6 to nil.
May. 20 Wed. Wet day. Not feeling very -fit so stayed in bed.
May. 21 Thurs. Still wet. Up late. In house all day. Should have gone to Farmers Union Ball at Ohau - also Savage Club opening night but sent apologies.
May. 26 Tues. R.S.A. meeting in evening. Shirley spent evening with Mrs Ken Biss.
May. 30 Sat. Took Shirley and Lois to Levin. Football Hui Mai 11 6 beat Wanderers II 3. George playing.
May. 31 Sun. Fine afternoon. Went to see Willie Stewart and afterwards took Shirley, Lois and Anne to see Mr and Mrs Hamilton. George and Enid to Church of England.
June. 1 Mon.
J.G. Coates appointed Premier.
June. 3 Wed. King's birthday. Shirley, Lois, and D.A. took me to station when I went to Masterton to attend provincial Conference Farmers' Union. Travelled with Alf McLeavey and Reg. Tippler and Mr O.P. Lynch. Ran into rain when we reached Woodville and it continued rest of the journey. Arrived at Master-ton about 4 pm. and walked to Mr C.E. Daniell's house 'Mathon Lodge'. Most of the family away at Napier seeing football match Hawkes Bay 23 v. Waiararapa 3. Evening went to pictures with Miss Daniell, Mrs L. Daniell, Mrs Free and young lady. Poor show.
June. 4 Thurs. Wet. Attended Conference 9 am. to 12.30. Good attendance and good meeting. Did not have any remits to propose. Len and party arrived back from H.B. 4 pm. Tea party of all D. family. Len and I went to complimentary 'Smoke-oh' in evening. Very good turn out. Met Harry Hall who used to go to Willis Street School with me 36 years ago. He is a great entertainer and amused us immensely. Masterton Savage Club gave us some excellent items. Home 12.30 am.
June. 5 Fri.
Fine. Looked up Jack De Castro at Levin and Co. office and had a yarn with him. Also met Jack Staples. Rang up Eddie Payton and Mrs Jack Patham. Conference all day. Len Daniell in great talking form and held the floor. Had photo taken in group. Evening I was driven round by Miss Ethel D. to see Mrs Smith and Mrs Eric Hodder. Talking with Mr D. till 12 pm.
June. 6 Sat. Fine. Went up town to look at shearing plant at Donald Donalds also Booth MacDonald distributors and another one in Farmers' Exchange. Afterward drove round with Mr D. to mill and new building. Left for home 11.20 am. and after dismal journey arrived Levin 5 o'clock. Shirley and Lois met me. Levin Races today. Big crowd about.
June. 7 Sun. Wet in afternoon. Took family down to Church of England to have Paul Mowbray christened by Rev. Davies. Boy behaved himself well. Heavy rain on the way home.
June. 8 Mon.
Wet morning. Took George to railway as he is going to Farm School at Masterton.
June. 10 Wed. Went to Palmerston Nth with Hamilton to Wellington Mounted Rifles Reunion. Very good affair. Met Brigadier Young,. Andy Hughes, Jack Morgan, Mackay Snelling, Watty Booth and many others. Heard from Brig. Young that Fib o Fletcher had just recently died from appendicitus. Home round Foxton way bringing with us Charlie Webb and Everton. Home 1.45 a.m. Mr and Mrs Hamilton stayed all night.
June. 11 Thurs. Fine. Up late. Hamiltons left 10.30. John in bed with bout of flu.
June. 12 Fri. Wet day. Shirley bad cold so stayed in bed. Enid off colour also and stayed about house all day.
June. 14 Sun. Cold and wet. At home all day. Mrs Vickers brought Mrs Stansell, Mrs Raper and children up to see us in the afternoon.
June. 16 Tues. George returned from Masterton via Wellington.
June. 18 Thurs. George went in dray to Levin and brought home 18 eight foot iron and 8 seven foot for cart shed and repair woolshed 4 4" m 1 1/2 purlins. Finished shed in afternoon. Evening went to Savage Club. Initiation of Chief Savage Jones. I took part of "knucklebone." I took Stuart Mackenzie as guest. Only fair programme.
June. 19 Fri. Fine. George and I took down part of the west wall of woolshed and replaced rustic with corrugated iron. Making fair job. Evening Miss Grebe Wallace, Dudley Brown and Eric Vickers up for tea and evening..
June. 20 Sat. I went in car to Palmerston Nth with Mr and Mrs Peter Stewart. Arrived 10 am. and looked around implement Co's for lime distributors. Saw Booth McDonalds which we liked very well. Also went to see Reid and Gray and another. Willie and I decided to go partners in a distributor but so far have not decided on the make. Price runs at 37/10/- less E7/. cash. Afterwards we spent a couple of hours at show looking at implements. Met several people we knew. A J Kellow and family. Mr and Mrs Raper.
June. 21 Sun. Shirley, Lois and I went to Church. Katie came home with us and stayed to tea and went to church with Enid and George.
June. 22 Mon. Showery. Pulled down rest of west wall of woolshed and rebuilt the wood work. Had to get 3 mare sheets of 8 foot iron to finish. Jack's birthday. Had visitors for tea. Katie and Clare Adkin, Mr and Mrs Peter Stewart. Peter not well so Mr and Mrs S. left early. Charades.
June. 23 Tues. I bought 98 shorn haggetts at 21/10. George brought them home. I bought 3 sheets of iron (8 foot) from K. Shaws - tied on car. However, car not going well so had to leave it in town for repairs. Sawtell lent me a Chevrolet for our use in the mean while. Ran very well. Drove down to reunion of R.S.A. at St. Marys' Hall. Dinner and smoke concert. Fifty odd present and fairly good turnout. Sang a couple of songs. Home after 12.30.
June. 24 Wed. Drove down with Willie S. to Ohau to look at Reid and Gray distributor owned by Nicholas and Page. Fair machine but we rather fancied Booth and McDonald.
June. 25 Thurs. Wet. George swotted. I worked around woolshed. Afternoon took Shirley and Paul to see Plunket Nurse. Paul rather off-colour.
June. 26 Fri. Afternoon Willie and I went over to see Ron Law's R and Gray distributor - not going too well, manure damp. Mr and Mrs Lancaster and Mr and Mrs E.W.J. Smith and family drove up to see us in afternoon.
June. 27 Sat. Had a long talk with W.G.A re his domestic matters but apparently to no effect. Took Shirley to town - renewed conversation with Adkin family. Home late. Foxton beat Wanderers 3-0. Came home in Todd's car and had bad blow out top of Queen Street.Willie came to rescue but eventually had to come home on flat tyre. 30 Tues. George went to town to get horse shod for territorial camp. Walter Carter and Leo came up to look at bullocks.
July. 1 Wed. Wet day. Had a visit from Murray Roberts. agent in morning. Also Sawtell called re car. Old Maxwell not worth spending more money on +or repairs which would run into 15 pounds at least so decided to go in for latest improved Chevrolet 250 pounds, solid wheels, balloon tyres. 100 pounds inside a month. Remainder over le months 6 1/27.. Afternoon took Lois and Anne to town. Transfer P.O. account to Palmerston Nth. Also withdrawl 100 pounds. George left for Feilding at 6.30 am. to go into Camp for week's training. Rode Clifford's black pony.
July. 2 Thurs Afternoon I took the family to town shopping and to see Mrs Hitchcock.
July. 3 Fri. Afternoon Will S. and I went down to see a Booth and McDonald distributor working on the settlement at Mr Fiffe's place. Manure seemed to run satisfactorily so we decided to take the machine at 37/10/- plus clock 2 pounds less 5 % discount for cash.
July. 6 Mon. Shirley and I spent evening at Cheslyn Rise on occasion at Katie's birthday. Saw paper that Mr C.E.Daniell's mill burnt down.
July. 7 Tues. Fine. H.Hossack took delivery of 7 tons of superphosphate 447. 467. supplied by Agricultural Dept. for experimental hill top dressing. Packed it in motor shed as road to woolshed too wet.
July. 8 Wed. George returned home from Camp. Levin Section won Hunterville cup for best all round troop.
July. 11 Sat. Fine. I sowed manure all day. 7 hours. Willie helped for about 4 hours. George sledging for about 6 hours. Horses found it hard work.
July. l5 Wed. Fine George and I put in whole day making track up low hill. Good grade. Very tired - bed early.
July. 17 Fri. Enid went to Otaki Golf Ball with Dudley Brown. Stayed at Wall aces.
July. 18 Sat. Enid home 9.30 am. and went back to town in evening.
July. 19 Sun. Up late very tired. Shirley and I and children drove down as far as Mrs Batholomews in afternoon. Church of England in the evening.
July. 23 Thurs. Beryl Bliss up for the day.
July. 24 Fri. Very wet. George spent day swotting. I did odd carpentry jobs in woolshed. Miss Hitchcock came up for weekend.
July. 25 Sat. George pruning apple trees. Football in the afternoon. Hui Mai S Wanderers 3.
July.2 6 Sun. Fine Shirley Miss Hitchcock, Lois, Anne and 1 went for drive in car and eventually reached Foxton. Called on Mrs and Mies Ross who are friends of the Hitchcocks and who kindly gave us tea. When we almost reached Levin on return journey we ran out of benzine and I had to borrow a tin from Mr Mat Suhan who kindly assisted us to start again. Home 6.30.
July. 29 Wed. Evening Shirley and I went to pictures "North of 36" Very fair. Met young Sweet of 27th NZMR - staying with young Eric Vickers.
July. 30 Thurs. Evening Dudley Brown, Eric Vickers, and Sweet spent a few hours with us and we talked of army life.
Aug. 1 Sat. I caught first train to Palmerston Nth to attend monthly meeting of Provincial Farmers' Union. Travelled with Tippler and Clifford (Manakau) Not much business and all over by 12 o'clock, so caught Napier Express back to Levin arriving at 2 pm. Went to football.County 14 Weraroa 5 Poor game.
Aug. 2 Sun. Fine and mild. At home most of day. Took Shirley and children up Gladstone Road as far as Varnhams to see if possible to get metal out. Met Hamiltons. George and Enid to Church of England.
Aug. 5 Wed. Fine. Took dray to Stewart's and brought home load of stones. Leo Cater took delivery of 16 fat wethers. Willie Stewart came over to assist putting down concrete floor for cowshed. He and George carted stones in morning. George in afternoon 5 loads in all. Fixed levels and gradually finished foundations.
Aug. 6 Thurs. Hossack brought up 8 bags cement from Bull, mixing board and measure from Levin Dairy Factory. Willie came over again and we went on with job. Hossack carted 3 yards river metal from Varnhams. We put down concrete in afternoon.
Aug. 7 Fri. Willie came over and we finished concreting before dinner. Caught the 4.45 train to Wellington and stayed with Edith in No. 3 flat. Walked down town to Percy's and then went round to see Alice.
Aug. 8 Sat. Southerly gale and rain in morning. Up late. Agent sent up man to look at flats on behalf of Mr T. Dwan who also brought his wife up in the afternoon. Everything hung up until Will's return from Ruapehu. Edith and I went to Lyall Bay to see College tournament. Heavy wind spoilt play. Wellington College beat Nelson College, and Wanganui beat Christs College. Evening went with Percy to Savage Club. Met Ern Kellow, Ern Liddle. Enjoyable evening.
Aug. 9 Sun.
Beautiful day. Church in morning. Dinner at Carrie's. Afternoon at Amy Ward's. Tea and evening at P.N. Denton's.
Aug. 10 Mon. Wet morning but fine in afternoon. Went to College ground to see finals at College Tournament. Nelson beat Christs 3-0. Wellington beat Wanganui 17-13 after a very exciting game in the mud. Met Dr. Evans, Guy Powles, Charlie Innes, Jim Prendeville, Jack Mackenzie. Met Katie at station, returning from Levin. Robert and I went to Winter Show.
Aug. 11 Tues. Beautiful day. Robert and I went to Seatoun to witness the arrival of the American Fleet. Conditions excellent. Splendid view of the ships and seaplanes (8). Dinner in town. Edith laid up with bad leg. Evening I took Helen Beckett to De Luxe Theatre to see comedy. "I'll Show you the Town" Fair picture.
Aug. 12 Wed. Went to see parade of American sailors - march past at Parliament Buildings and march through the streets. Only fair turnout. Very mixed lot of men. Went up to see Carrie and afterwards caught evening train for home. Shirley met me.
Aug. 16 Sun. Just as I was going round the sheep a chap named Rose who went to Egypt with me in the 27th NZMR turned up to see me. He walked round hill with me and I invited him to spend Monday evening with us. Will Beckett up to dinner. Also we had Mr and Mrs Evans up in afternoon. Shirley, Enid and I went to Church of England in evening taking W.M.B. with us. Cold night. Benzine ran out lust as we reached Denton Road and George had to come along with a tin before I could get home.
Aug. 17 Mon. Evening Rose (father and son) spent evening with us.
Aug. 19 Tues. Had word from W.H.Denton of offer of 25,000 pounds for 58 Willis Street. I wired on behalf of Adkin and self consenting to sale. Evening took Enid to town. Shirley and I went to see Maxwell and Cyril Batholomew.
Aug. 22 Sat. George and I went by train to Palmerston Nth to see match NSW v. Manawatu/Horowhenua/Wellington. Very good -Football but NSW won 20-8.
Aug. 23 Sun. Maxwell and her mother Mrs Brown spent afternoon with us.
Aug. 24 Mon. Another rotten day. Shirley and I went to station to meet Alice and Molly who came up to stay with us.
Aug. 28 Fri. Evening Alice Shirley and I drove to Levin I went to A & P meeting, they met Percy and Johnny at train and we all came home together.
Aug. 29 Sat. Fine day after frost. Percy, Molly. Lois, John and I moved ewes without Iambs. Afternoon I took Percy and children to Levin and we had look round Town Hall buildings. Also Adkins, in company with W.G. and Mr Bennie. Shirley spent day in bed after having had bad night with Enid, Lois and herself sick. Lois still off colour but Shirley much improved in evening.
Aug. 30 Sun. Shirley took Percy Alice to Adkins in afternoon.
Aug. 31 Mon. Shirley and I took Percy, Alice and Molly to catch 5 pm. train to Wellington
Sept. 2 Wed.
Evening Shirley and I went to pictures "Vanity Fair" very good.
Sept. 5 Sat. Rough day with hail. Shirley and I went to Wellington to see Ranfurly Shield match. Hawkes Bay v. Wellington. Heavy shower about 10.30 but weather cleared and fine afternoon. Left Shirley in town to go visiting and I went to Athletic Park to see game. About 22,000 people present and it was very exciting game. Hawkes Bay were superior, particularly during the last 15 minutes and won by 20-9. Game worth seeing. Home by night train.
Sept. 7 Mon.
Afternoon I went with Willie Stewart to funeral of late Arthur Reeve.
Sept. 9 Wed. Evening we all went to the last of the Naumai assemblies and had a very enjoyable evening. Claire Adkin and J.C.G. (Jimmy Gardiner) looked after the house in our absence. Lois scalded her foot rather badly in the evening but settled down quietly before we went out and afterwards spent a fairly good night.
Sept. 10 Thurs. Evening Shirley and I went to hear Choral Society in 'The Lay of the Bell' Items in the first half by Barnes, Hunter, Mottershead. Not bad second half rather heavy. Lois very feverish so had to doctor her up when we came home.
Sept. 11 Fri. Wet. Feeling rather seedy so did not go out. George did all the sheep work. Lois a lot better but in bed all day.
Sept. 12 Sat. Fine. Round the ewes. Sawing etc. Went with Shirley to town in afternoon.
Sept. 13 Sun. Fine, did not go from home. Mr and Mrs Varnham here in afternoon.
Sept. 16 Wed. Fine. I spent all day at working bee at Racecourse for A. R. P. Assn. We knocked down the whole of the cattle yards and sorted up timber. Evening I took chair at Farmers Union meeting when Mr W.J. McCullock lectured on 'manure, topdressing' About 60 present and a very good lecture. I operated the lantern. Slides successful. Shirley went to pictures 'Thief of Bagdad'.
Sept. 18 Fri. Evening Shirley and I went to Mrs Matheson's where we had some jazzing.
Sept. 20 Sun. Showery with very cold wind. Mr and Mrs W.H. Beckett up to dinner and tea.
Sept. 21 Mon. Miss Hitchcock and Miss Biss up to tea and evening.
Sept. 27 Sun. Up late. Shirley and I rode round ewes. Round house in afternoon. Shirley, Enid and George to Church of England in evening.
Sept. 29 Tues. Dr Marjory Barclay of Waimate came up and spent night with us. Spent evening talking before the fire.
Sept. 30 Wed. George and I went to Showgrounds, taking Shirley, Lois and Anne as far as Mrs Bartholomews. We spent the day cleaning up cattle pens for A & P Association.
Oct. 2 Fri. Evening Shirley and I spent at Stewarts. Met Mrs Cameron.
Oct. 3 Sat.
Afternoon Shirley, Lois and I went to Levin I presided my first meeting at Farmer's Union - small attendance (1.
Oct. 7 Wed.
Went with Willie Stewart to Weraroa Cultural Development Farm to see Dispersal sale of friesans and red polls. Good crowd and good prices. Friesan bulls up to 100 gns. Red poll bulls from 20 gns up to 70 gns.
Oct. 11 Sun. Showery in morning. Mr and Mrs Stewart and Mrs Cameron came over to see us in afternoon. We also brought Auntie Katie over from Adkins. Shirley and I took Mr S and Mrs C for a walk to far terrace.
Oct. 12 Man. Evening meetings of R.S.A. committee and W.H. Fields committee.
Oct. 13 Tues. I went down to sale. Evening took Mr and Mrs Cameron and Mr Raskin down to hear R. Semple - political address. Fair crowd and entertaining.
Oct. 14 Wed. Shirley and I took Beryl (Biss) to see pictures 'London' Fair.
Oct. 16 Fri. Field's meeting at Weraroa in evening.
Oct. 18 Sun. Afternoon we brought Edith over from Cheslyn Rise to see children.
Oct. 20 Tues. Shirley and Enid went with Dudley Brown and co. to Palmerston Nth to see 'Kid Boots'. Left me in charge.
Oct. 21 Wed. Evening lantern lecture by Mr W.J. McCullock on 'pastures'. About 35 present, excellent lecture. George ploughing.
Oct. 22 Thurs. Mr McCullock held field day. When there were about 20 present. We visited Gimbletts, W. Stewarts, Honores and W.G. Adkins in turn and gained some useful information. Evening Shirley and I took Enid and W. Stewart to political meeting by H. Holland. Big crowd and fair speech.
Oct. 23 Fri. Afternoon went to Wellington with W. Adkin to meeting of family. Informal meeting re disposal of Willis St property.
Oct. 24 Sat. At Fern Hill in morning. Afternoon Edith and I after lunching at 'Rialto' went to 'Allenville' and afterwards to Alec and Nolly in tram to Wadestown. Caught late train home. Shirley met me.
Oct. 25 Sun. Afternoon Mrs and Miss Hitchcock, Mr and Mrs Kibblewhite and Ken and Beryl Biss up to see us.
Nov. 3 Sun.
Mr and Mrs Evans up in afternoon. Church of England in evening.
Nov. 5 Tues. Evening Shirley and I went to Mrs Fletchers concert in which Enid was taking part. She performed well and the entertainment was very successful.
Nov. 6 Wed. Election Day. Government gained great victory. 55 seats going to Reform. Shirley and I went down town, first to pictures and afterwards to hear results.
Nov. 8 Sun.
Drove to town to see Mr Donnelly in morning. Mr and Mrs Hamilton and Miss Hammond up in afternoon.
Nov. 12 Thurs. Savage Club's ladies evening. Shirley did not go as children sick so Enid and I went late.George over to Stewart's assisting milking. Willie Stewart took Mrs Stewart to Wanganui. Lois hurt big toe. Cream can fell on it.
Nov. 13 Fri. Showery. George assisted Godfrey Read to mend boundary fence. I commenced rolling paddock - George carried on and we did two thirds of the paddock. Put in night pen.
Nov. 14 Sat. Fine but dull. Jim Rolston came and we continued to shear the ewes - hand pieces not running well. children all very off colour with colds. Lois' foot very bad.
Nov. 15 Sun. Took Lois down to see Mr Donnelly re sore toe but he was away.
Nov. 17 Tues. Shirley and I went to town and I went to see Dr Bryson who gave me tonic for Shirley.
Nov. 19 Thurs. Showery, up at 5 am. but could not start on account of the rain. However, I made a start about 9.30 with roller. 'Gyp' up lame after yesterdays harrowing so could not use her. George Blom-Field lent me his chesnut horse which worked well. Rolled bigger part of paddock before dark. Pictures in evening with Shirley.
Nov. 22 Sun. Shirley, Lois and I drove to town in morning. Visited Dr. Bryson and Mr Donnelly and afterwards went to Church of E. Willie s. and Peter and Katie over to dinner. Willie and walked round sheep.
Nov. 23 Mon. I went in car as far as Prouse's to take drill pieces. Willie S. and Dick came down with me. Removed broken parts. Sawtell mended bracket and 1 sent sprocket wheel to Manson and Barr Palmerston Nth to get a duplicate. Afternoon George and I walked round house. W.G.Vickers came up to see me bringing Mrs W.6. with him. Nothing definite fixed regarding lambs but 25/- seems to be about his price.
Nov. 25 Wed. Wet day. George and I worked in stumping paddock in morning and I continued in afternoon while George swotted.
Nov. 29 Sun. Shirley had bad day. Very bad back.
Nov. 30 Mon. Shirley in bed.
Dec. 1 Tues. Evening I went to Flower Show. Took Shirley and Enid. Called at Sawtells.
Dec. 2 Wed.
P. N. Denton turned up at dinner time on his way back from Palmerston Nth. Had a very bad throat.
Dec. 3 Thurs. In the morning Mr W.J. McCullock and Mr Bates paid me a visit in connection with the dressing experiment. We walked over the ground but as the season has been so unfavourable there was not much improvement showing. However, the clovers are visible and with improvement in the weather, should be greatly increased.
Dec. 5 Sat.
Yarded all old ewes and lambs for Mr Vickers to look at He took 90 fat lambs at 24/- or more if they billed out well. He complimented me on the quality of the lambs.
Dec. 6 Sun.
Mr and Mrs Overton-Jones (Ray and Dorrie) drove up to s=== us in afternoon. Not long out from England.
Dec. 8 Tues. I went to Levin Sale and afterwards to funeral of Mrs Gilmour who died very suddenly. Very big funeral. Up at 4 am. and mustered old ewes to yards and drafted off 90 fat lambs marked by W.G. Vickers on Sat. 'Mort Ryder took delivery. Drafted out 86 ewes whose lambs were away.
Dec. 10 Thurs. Shirley and I caught first train to Wellington. Shirley went to Donnelly and son and had her hair cut off. Afterwards we had lunch with Will and Perc at G & C. Afternoon we went shopping and then to see cabin trunk for Enid.
Dec. 13 Sun. Enid went to Paraparaumu for the day. Mr and Mrs Jack and family up in afternoon.
Dec. 14 Mon. Mrs W.H. Beckett and Guy up to stay.
Dec. 17 Thurs. Showery in morning. Arranged to take Shirley, Enid Lois and Anne to Palmerston Nth to see Father Christmas. Weather cleared about 9 am. so decided to go. Started at 11 am. and had a good run into Palmerston Nth. 12.30 after lunch we did the shops and had lots of fun with the children and met Mr and Mrs Raper also G.H. Bennett. Left for home 4.30 home just after 6. Mrs Stewart and Mrs
Fulton kindly minded Buster for us while we were away.
Dec. 20 Sun. I went over to Cheslyn Rise to dinner to meet Will who was making a flying visit from Wellington in order to see us concerning some business re Willis Street. He motored up with Mr and Mrs Kuchman. He W.G. and I had a long talk.
Dec. 21 Mon. Mrs Barclay of Waimate staying here.
Dec. 22 Tues. Prouse shearing his ewes in my shed today. George assisted him. I sharpened up and set machines before 1 went out to work. Finished 'ploughing' headlands and then disced.
Dec. 23 Wed. Showery. Prause and George shearing. I put in day at Bechers taking in hay. Good stuff but not fit. Killed two lambs for Xmas. One weighed 38 lbs the other 33 lbs. Supplied Vickers (19) Stewart, Marsh, Ray Jones.
Dec. 24 Thurs. Showery, Prause and George finished shearing. I went to town with ladies in afternoon to shop. Mrs Barclay went to Wellington and Edith arrived to spend Christmas.
Dec. 25 Fri. Fine but dull. Christmas Day. Shirley, Enid, George went to 8 am. communion. Spent quiet day. Enid and George spent evening at Vickers.
Dec. 26 Sat. Dull after shower. George went to Otaki Motor Sports and John to beach with Mr Stewart. Rest of us stayed home. disced far end and harrowed near end. 1 stroke.
Dec. 27 Sun. Fine. Edith. Enid, George, Jack and Lois to church in morning. Went for a short run to Kimberley crossing. Church of E. in evening.
Dec. 28 Mon. Shirley and Paul went down to Miss Hitchcock's to stay for a few days.
Dec. 29 Tues. George worked at Stewarts at ensilage. Enid's foot giving her some trouble.
Dec. 31 Thurs. Went to town in Evening and brought Shirley and Paul home.

If you should be CUMMING up from WELLINGTON you will notice that Levin is one of the BEST LITTLE Towns in the Horowhenua District. If you are a NEWMAN here YOU’LLE think that the people are a pretty SMART lot for they have generally got a big RUSSELL on. Just at present the Beautifying Society an FULLER HITCHINGS to make Levin a PATTON city. With this AIM in view they have a Queen Carnival in progress and the excitement grows DALY. Each candidate has an organiser who is SHAW to BECHER for something if he meets you so you should BOULTON seeing him approach. He is so KEEN that he will go a LONG way to HUNT you up and HARRIS you and eventually COLLIER. Whatever you may give he ADSETT to his list which is already LEYDON with gifts and tho you try to LUCAS if you're pleased altho you could HOWELL with rage. No doubt there will be a very CLOSE contest and when the final DAY arrives there should be a RICH harvest for the Society.

One might suggst to the Committee that our part could be greatly improved by a GROVE of PALMERS or a BROADBELT of OAK. A ROSE GARDINER who could also look very BRIGHT and a ROE of PINKS could make an effective BORDER. If there should be a BARRON CORNER it could be utilised to build a SHADY BOWER which one could HUGHES for READING as long as ones EYES were not AITKEN.

HOWE nice it WOOD be to have an AVERY where we could keep a BIRD or two such as the TOUHY the CROWE. Close by there could be a PONA filled with CHRYSTALL water with PYKE and SALMON swimming round.

When all these improvements are BROUGHTON Levin will soon make it's MARK as the thriving place. There are so many KIRKS here that we have to keep many PARSONS and CLARKS and then we have a DEAN who is said to be quite DIVINE.

Others who are numbered among the SAINTS consist of a POPE, a MONK and a BISHOP. Our Mayor is Stillwell in the lead in public affairs BUTT is well out of fashion on account of his old STYLES in MILNE(RY) but is in fact no LEMMON.

Our BUTCHER is a very WHILEY young man. He is so SHARPE that he can TURNBULL into very CUNNINGHAM but he will not keep OLDHAM for fear it should become SMELLIE. He likes STOCKWELL finished and will buy any DUCKWORTH KILLING and he generally supplies the PARSONA with meat each of whom HASLAM and GREEN PIES every Sunday.

It is SEDCOLE will be a great PRICE this WINTER so if you come afFORD it you will have to take your AXUP to the HILL and chop a HEAP of WOOD which BURNS well. If you are in HASTE a SAWTELLS MOORS if you FAWCETT. The LAW does not permit us to HUGHES the LONG paddock for grazing our STOCK and the ranger pages WATSON the RHODES and so is always in COURT SUBAU somebody. A COWELL do a lot of damage in a

KNIGHT and a BULL might HOOK you on his HORN. If, with a loud BLAIR, he RAWSON seeing you he is SHAW to be in a TAUTRUM so you should CLIMB one of the TELEGRAPH POWLES out of his way. If he will not be driven into an OLDFIELD you should get the ranger to SHUTE him and for he will probably be a good POTTER.

Any FARMER keeping a HOGG especially if it should be a WILD boar should not RISKE allowing it to WALLER in the FEILD but should keep it in a WHITEHOUSE with a WOODROOFE. YOU'LL GRANT me that. It is a well known fact that the PENN is

greater than the (S)WARD. The BAYLIS........................................... .............................. Some


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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938


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Related items

Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938