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28 Jan. About 2am. we had first indication baby was coming so after I had roused Mrs Ward to sit with Jen I caught "Jack" & drove for Dr Kennedy & Mrs Smithson. Back about 5.30am. found Jen in great pain which she had had all the time and continued until Ban when our little daughter arrived. Jen had a very severe time owing to the great size of the child who according to the Dr. weight about 121bs. Jen had to take frequent doses of chloroform to deaden the pain. Jen seemed easier about 9 o'clock so after seeing her & the baby I drove the doctor to Levin. Sent wires to Mother & Frank. Jen is getting on well, seems jolly I stayed about the house all day, had a sleep towards evening.
2 Feb. I drove to town, went to the station to meet Mother -C Percy who are up on a visit & left them at Adkins. In afternoon Mother, Percy, Annie & Mr Adkin drove round to see Jen & the baby. Everyone delighted I went back to tea to Annie's. returned home at 9.30.
6 Feb. Watched Nurse bath the baby. She is a fine well built little girl.
8 Feb. Percy married Alice Roaa today in R.C. Church Wellington
10 Feb. Saw Houpa re bush section. He is willing to take £90 cash for his 105 acres bit I found I would need about another 25 acres adjoining to complete the block. This would be difficult to acquire owing several Maoris being interested. Houpa & I went to see Prendergast on subject but nothing satisfactory eventuated. The expenses of acquiring the same would amount to about £40. Mrs Smithson left us tonight. She has been most obliging during her stay. She left after tea having been here 2 weeks for which I paid her £3.
11 Feb. I drove to Levin to get young lady Miss Clara Widdows who is coming to do housework for 2 wks. Mrs Smithson very kind in procuring this help for us. Also sent Jen a present of a young rooster. Speculated in plums 121bs for 2/6 for perserving etc.
10 March
Registered baby!
7 April Took 2 shares in Levin Co-op Butchery.
17 April
In afternoon took Jen to town went to mill & ordered timber for addition to whare.
30 May
About dusk Harris came & enquired if I would sell property I promised to think it over & let him know on Friday.
Fri.2 June Russian fleet destroyed by Japanese. All England defeated Australia by 213 runs. Went to Harris re property. Named price of same £7000 cash down £2500.
4 June Snowed heavily during night. Tararuas covered. Ground covered up river.
Fri.30 June At 3.30 Annie W.G. Jen & self took the children Vivian, Clifford, and Enid to the Wesleyan Church to be christened. Rev. Wrigley performed the ceremony.
1 July Made new arrangement re work with Adkin, i.e. 1/- per hour ½ time if possible.
6 Aug. (Sun) Jen, baby & I drove to Shannon to see Mr & Mrs Tom Powles. "Jack" went well we reached there after exactly this drive. After dinner Tom & I took a walk round the farm which was looking v. well for time of year. We left about 4.15pm & got home at dark.

31 Aug. This completed my 4th year on this farm.
29 Oct.
Mowb. reported to be engaged to be married.
16 Dec. Wales beat NZ at Cardiff 3-0. First defeat of NZ Rugby team
30 Dec. Went to Advances to settlers office, filled in form asking for loan of £3000 for 10 yrs on "fixed loan" system at 4½%. Man in charge seemed rather doubtful as to whether I would get it.



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