Bert Denton's Diary 1931
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Jan. 1 Thurs. New Years Day. Beautiful weather. Helen Beckett arrived by car and we all went to Waitarere Beach for the day. Very enjoyable - two bathes. Got very sunburnt. Jan. 2 Fri. Commenced to mow hay. Evening bridge at Sid Halls. Jan. 3 Sat
Dull. Took Gwen (Hill), Lois and Anne to Fields train. Gwen went to meet her boy and girls to stay at "Allenville". John and I went to Gimbletts to inspect his mower but could not remedy our trouble. Bowls in afternoon. Jan. 4 Sun. Fine but windy. Finished mowing paddock about 9 am. Bill Fulton, Val Pedersen and I turned previously cut After lunch 2 Newall boys came to assist but as there was no sun we could not cart it. They went home about 2.30 pm. Jan. 7 Wed. Gwen and her young man, Jack Gilbey came up to tea. Played cards in the evening. Jan. 8 Thurs. Bridge at Donnellys. Jan. 11 Sun. Fine. Up late. Afternoon visitors Dr. Hector and Mrs Thompson. (Dr) Mrs Lavender and boy, Mr & Mrs Watson of Palm. Nth., friends of Shirleys. Evening Shirley and I had tea at Mrs H. McLeaveys. Took Dave and Mrs Todd down with us. Jan. 14 Wed. Fine in morning. Had another go at hay. Mr Pedersen, Becher, Bill Fulton, Ray Jones up to assist. Put in a few loads in morning but after dinner heavy rain stopped us. Rod McDonald's funeral. Jan. 17 Sat. I went to bowls. Beaten by Herrick in B grade. Jan. 18 Sun. Shirley went to Wellington with Mrs Dr Thompson. Started 7 am. Children and I loafed about all day. Jan. 19 Mon. Fine, Borrowed 2 sweeps from Cliff and took rest of hay. Val and worked sweeps. Mr Pedersen, Becher on stack - west end of paddock Bill Fulton and John pitching. After finishing stack, carted 3 loads of rakings to shed and finished job. Jan. 20 Tues. I went to town and met Shirley at 4 pm. train and brought her home. Jan. 21 Wed. I hurt my back when lifting a bucket of water so could not do much. Evening Mr & Mrs Watson of Palm Nth. Mrs Lavender and Eric (friends of Shirleys) arrived to spend holiday with us. Spent evening at Mrs Dr Thompsons at bridge. Shirley won. Jan. 22 Thurs. Dull in morning but fine in afternoon. Took visitors up river in morning and to Buller Lake in afternoon. Called at Bowling Green on way home. Visitors left 7.30 pm. Jan. 23 Fri I spent day at Race Course preparing for A & P show. Jan. 24 Sat Bowls in afternoon until topped by rain. Met Molly Denton at 4 pm. train. Jan. 25 Sun. Beautiful day. Mr & Mrs Sievers up for dinner and Charlie & Mrs Collins and Charlie Jnr arrived from south and stayed the night. Jan. 26 Mon. Collins left 9 am. for National Park en route for Auckland. Played bowls in evening. Fletcher and Allan easily beat McKay and Denton in pairs for Junior Ferns. Jan. 27 Tues. Fine. First day Levin Show. I was steward for fat sheep with Frank Kilsby. Shirley and Mrs Crisp in charge of stall. Fair crowd. Jan. 28 Wed. Fine with a few showers. Very cold in afternoon. "People's Day" Quite successful. Took children. Gwen rode 'Jacko' Jan. 31 Sat Afternoon went to Shannon with Jim Smith to play bowls against Shannon Club. Played in rink - Holdaway, Denton, Langeran, Suhan (skip) and we won by 7 points. Four other rinks playing. Evening started swimming races for local club. Good crowd and successful show. Feb. 1 Sun.
Fine. Mamie Hitchcock staying over weekend. About house all day. Molly returned to Wgtn. by evening train. Feb. 3 Tues Heavy earthquake occurred at 11 am. No damage in Levin but Hawkes Bay suffered severely. Napier and Hastings both wrecked with considerable loss of life. all communications cut off. Went to Levin Sale. Stayed in town a little while at bowls. Evening -annual meeting of choral society. Small attendance. Was elected to committee. Feb. 4 Wed. Tried to get some news from Laurie and Nell Sent wire with no result. News from Hawkes Bay very bad. Heavy hail storm. Feb. 5 Thurs. Wire from Daniell at Hastings saying all well. Feb. 6 Fri Shirley went to town to help rest room where the ladies are providing refreshments for Hawkes Bay Refugees. Afternoon I went to meeting called to consider means of relieving distress. Shirley and I both stayed in town and worked at Restroom relieving sufferers. Shut up at 2 am. and arrived home 'dead-beat.' Feb. 7 Sat.
Attended meeting of Manawatu Exec. RU. in morning. Exec. donated 25 pounds to Relief Fund. Afternoon played bowls. Feb. 8 Sun. At home all day. Church of England in evening. Called at Vickers. Feb. 12 Thurs. Went to Levin to see O'Connor re renewal of mortgage. Played Peter Clements at singles and was badly beaten. Feb. 14 Sat. Afternoon I went to meeting addressed by Mr P.J. Small of unemployment Board. Afterwards to bowls when I was beaten by W. Smaill 21 -30. Tea at Smaills. Home late. Feb. 15 Sun Beautiful day. Afternoon visitors Mr & Mrs Small and children. Mr & Mrs J. D. O'Connor and child. Evening went to see Amy Wilson but could not find her_ Afterwards to Mackenzies. Feb. 18 Wed. Fine. Went with team of bowlers to Wgtn. to play Kelburn Club. Drove down with Walter Bull. Played one game in morning and one in afternoon. The rink I was in was beaten both times Kelburn won 11 games to 3. Very enjoyable. Met Fred Pope and Widdop. Had tea at Fern Hill then went to Percys at 10 pm. and stayed all night Feb. 19 Thurs. Interviewed Manager Govt. Life Insurance Dept re reduction of rate of interest on mortgage to be renewed Sept 3 but found that the rate is a fixed one regardless of security. Also saw Murray Roberts and co. re wool Bannister values it at 6 pence to 6 and a half pence. Lunch with W.H. Denton. Home Auckland Express. Evening John Hodder and Beryl and George Wilson and Pat up for bridge. Feb. 21 Sat. Shirley and Mr J.A. Smith in charge of tea at Bowling Green. I played and did fairly well. Met Amy Wilson who was hurt in earthquake at Hastings. Feb. 23 Mon. Evening we went to public meeting re Relief. Put on committee. Feb. 24 Tues. Percy came up from Wellington to stay. Choral in evening. Shirley and Percy to pictures. Feb. 26 Thurs. Dinner time Wattie Booth and little Ann called in on their way to Wellington. Feb. 27 Fri.
Bert Prouse dipping ewes. John and I splitting posts and sledging. Bert visiting Ballingals. Feb. 28 Sat. Fine. Finished rimu posts and battens, cutting firewood. Bowls in afternoon. Party of girls for Lois' birthday. Shirley, Percy and to pictures. March 1 Sun. Afternoon we took Norman with us and went out to his farm. Percy, Norman and I walked right out to totara flat leaving Shirley and Children about halfway out and picked them up on the way back. Home 7 pm. March 2 Mon. Ricked my back so didn't go out again in the afternoon. Took Percy to 5 pm. train. He went down to Paraparaumu to stay with Harry. I went along to the bowling green and afterwards to tea at Hitchcocks. March 3 Tues. to 7 Sat.
Laid up with bad back On Saturday morning Frank and Ethel arrived from Wanganui on their way to Oamaru. Stayed to dinner and left for Wellington 3.30 pm. Amy Wilson came up to stay with us. March 8 Sun. Afternoon we took Amy for a run to Otaki Beach. Very pleasant. Home 7.15 pm. March 11 Wed. Played bowls in afternoon. Should have gone to Foxton. March 15 Sun. Fine, Shirley & I and two girls Lois and Anne went to Church of England. Afternoon we took Amy Wilson and Mamie Hitchcock with us for a run up Muhunoa East Road. March 17 Tues. Went to Levin Sale too late for sheep. Fair line of ewe lambs from Grays, Pukerua sold to Staples at 6/10. I bid on Simcox's steers but was beaten on last bid. March 21 Sat Beautiful day - up at 5 am.. Shirley and I took Maxwell with us to Wanganui where Levin bowling Club visited Wanganui Club in friendly game. Four rinks went I played in rink Lemmon, Denton, Sherwood and Bowater (skip). We played in 2 games and were beaten in each, the second only by 4 points. Had a splendid time. Maxwell stayed with Mrs Barron and Shirley and I with Doc. and Mrs Hedditch who made us very welcome. March 22 Sun. Afternoon we took Hedditch family for a run up the river. Very enjoyable. March 23 Mon. Left Does about 10.30 am. and spent two hours in Wanganui. Picked up Mrs Bowater who came back to Levin with us. Had a blow-out before we left Wanganui and had to buy a new tire (India) and tube from Murray Roberts. 3/151-, where Marjoring Bolton (Doe's step daughter) works. Had good run home leaving Wanganui 2.30 pm. Palm Nth. 4.30 pm. arrived Levin 6.30 pm. in heavy drizzle. March 25 Wed.
I attended meeting of Finance Committee Relief Fund. March 28 Sat Went to bowls in afternoon. Robertson and I played Fletcher and Joe Allen for the Kirk Ferns and were beaten by 20 - 18 after a good game. 4 Otaki rinks visited Levin and were beaten. March 29 Sun. Fine, but dull. Shirley & I took children also Maxwell and children to Hokio Beach. April 3 Fri.
Good Friday. Soaking rain. At home all day. Smaills in evening. April
April 4 Sat Went to bowls in afternoon. Willie Stewart turned up at dinner time and stayed to dinner. Big floods in Hutt, Wgtn. and Otaki. Mr & Mrs Smaill, Mr & Mrs Palmer and Cyril and Maxwell up in evening April 5 Sun. Easter Sunday. Fine but dull. Church of England at 8 am. Also took children to service at 10 am. At home rest of day. Evening Pat Turvey and her sister Doreen up to see us. George Wilson and Miller came up later. April 6 Mon. Easter Monday. Fine but dull. Bill and I spent an hour at bowling green afterwards went to Race Course where sports meeting was held by A. & P. Assn. Shirley and Maxwell in charge of stall. I ran children's races and nail driving competition. Evening Shirley, John and I went to dance by A. & P. Committee. April 7 Tues. Hossack came and took away 19 bales of wool to be offered by Murray Roberts & co. at next Wgtn. sale. April 9 Thurs. I went out canvassing with F. R. Wright on account of Levin Branch F.U. Did not meet with much success - collected only 3 pounds in cash. Went to bowling green and afterwards to tea with A. Hakes Esq. Evening spent at Mrs Sievers where we sampled the cake won by Mrs S. at garden party. April 11 Sat. I went to Levin to meeting of Exec. of Manawatu F. U. 3 delegates from Dairy Framers' Union there and offering to amalgamate with NZFU. Long meeting 3.30 pm. April 12 Sun. Mr & Mrs H.A. Robertson and family paid us a visit in afternoon. I took them home about 6 pm. April 14 Tues. Fine. Shirley & I took Maxwell and Cyril (Bartholomew) out to see Norman Vickers plowing with tractor on T.G. Vincent's property, Plow did excellent work. Went to Levin sale. Things rather better. April 16 Thurs. Katie over from 'Cheslyn Rise'. Shirley and Maxwell chaperoned John's dance. April 17 Fri. I went to town in afternoon to bank and afterwards to bowls. Wellington Wool Sales (last) on today. I offered 12 bales - last years fleece, also 19 bales this year's wool. Received wire 7 pm. saying hogget wool (4 bales) sold 4 pence. Ewe fleece passed six and three quarter pence. April 18 Sat.
Fine, bowls in afternoon. Shirley went to opening of Golf Season. Presented with 2 cups. April 19 Sun. Fine, afternoon Mr & Mrs Smaill and Mrs Hitchcock, Mamie and Misses Webb and Armstrong visited us. April 22 Wed. I went with bowling team to Foxton - Bill Clark, Dempsey, Denton, and Robertson trying to win Autahau Feathers but were easily beaten. Their skip Mattar very good. April 24 Fri.
Fine. John away at Feilding all day, Went up with Ray Brown to High School Agricultural Show. April 25 Sat Anzac Day. Attended Service in afternoon. April 26 Sun. Fine but cold. Mr & Mrs Frank Routley and Mrs Smith (Cheslyn Rise) up to see us in afternoon. In evening Mr & Mrs J.A. Smith and Ev. Jack up to see us. April 27 Mon Bill Fulton came over with plow and plowed up road to woolshed. Afterwards we straightened up edges and threw spoil in centre. Householders' meeting in evening - big crowd. Two ladies Maxwell and Mrs Hosie elected. April 30 Thurs. Evening bridge at Maxwells. Shirley at Smiths. May 1 Fri.
Evening at Mackenzies to meet Dr Mrs Davis from Manaia - wife school friend of Shirleys. May 2 Sat Went with Harold McLeavey to Palm Nth. Annual Meeting Manawatu Exec. F. U. Good attendance. O.P. Lynch elected president. I was appointed to Dominion Conference. May 3 Sun Gert (Sievers) and family came up in afternoon. May 8 Fri.
Annual meeting Levin Branch F. U. Fair attendance. Again elected president F.R. Wright resigned from Secretaryship after 13 years service. W.E. Kilsby elected to take place. May 16 Sat Bridge at Smaills.
May 17 Sun. Fine, at home all day. Wattie Booth came in to lunch on his way to Wgtn. Brought Ronnie and two Burrell children. 14 for lunch. May 18 Mon.
Spent all day travelling round district with Mr F.A. Nelson organizer for Farmers Union. Did Gladstone Rd, Queen St and along Arapaepae Rd. Masonic dance in Shannon. May 20 Wed.
Took Shirley, Harold, Molly McLeavey to Palm. Nth. to inter-provincial conference. T. Currie in chair. About 80 delegates. Shirley & I stayed with Bill and Peggy Watson. Evening I took Bill to 'Beano' May 21 Thurs. Conference all day. Finished about 4.30 pm. Home about 7 pm. May 22 Fri Put in another day with Nelson. Did Potts Rd and Ihakara. Only fair business. May 26 Tues. I spent another day with Mr Nelson. Kimberley Rd and Beach Rd. May 27 Wed. Commenced crutching ewes. Will Beckett visited us and stayed all night May 30 Sat Went to town. Saw football Hui Mai 11 Athletic 6. Played in pouring rain. May 31 Sun. Shirley & I took children to Church of England. Afternoon Shirley & I and Mrs Smith called to see Mr it Mrs Routley. Frank and I walked round farm. June 2 Tues. Took out driver's licence. June 3 Wed. King's Birthday. John and I took children down to see tractor's working on Bartholomew Bros. farm - tearing out toi-toi nigger head, etc. Tractors can climb anything and did great work. Shirley took children and Hitchcocks to beach. John and I mustered 4 tooth ewes for crutching. June 6 Sat.
Went to meeting of Manawatu Exec. F.U. Big meeting 18 delegates. Afternoon I went to see football Athletic 9 Otaki 1 Evening at Smaills. June 10 Wed. Gwen went to hunt at Simcox's Otaki June 13 Sat Afternoon meeting of Levin Branch F. U. About 50 present including Mr Monk and County Councillors. Good meeting. June 14 Sun. At home all day. Bill Jack and family, also Jim Smith and family up in afternoon. June 15 Mon. Evening at Donnellys. June 18 Thurs. Mrs Biss safely delivered of a daughter. June 20 Sat Took Lois to Mr Mackenzie to have 6 teeth drawn under gas. Came through alright Evening at Mrs G. Browns. Barrons from Wanganui there. June 21 Sun. Fine. Afternoon big party of visitors Barrons, Smiths, Browns, and Bartholomews. June 23 Tues. Tea at Hitchcocks and choral June 25 Thurs. Maddison and Blenkhorn looked at heifers. Pictures and Sid Halls afterwards. June 26 Fri. Wilkie brought about 150 ewes up for crutching. John and he did most of the crutching - I picked up and kept them going. Finished before dinner. Afternoon at drain. Mr & Mrs Vickers up in evening. 29 Sat. Afternoon to town. Took girls to football - Athletic 9 Paraparaumu 6. June 29 Mon. Went in car to see Mr Blenkhorn who had 4 heifer calves which he wanted to exchange for a cow. He came back with me and we bailed up and tried 2nd calver and he liked her and decided to take her in exchange for the four weaner heifers plus one pound to boot. John milked her until he took delivery. The heifer calves fair stuff - two rather small. June 30 Tues. John took Blenkhorn's cow and black and white heifer to Levin sale together with 2 cows of Bechers - Bill Fulton assisting. Left Blenkhorn's Cow at Prouses and Blenkhorn took deliver from there. Sold heifer for 5 pounds - only bid. (J.Laing) John then brought home the 4 weaner heifers from Blenkhorns. Shirley played bridge against Otaki Late, so stayed in town to tea at Maxwells. Choral, late home. July 1 Wed. I delivered to the station and truck 9 bullocks on way down to meet Vickers' car with Norman and Enid who had just come from ChCh after finishing at the Public Hospital. Evening Shirley went to Hawkes and Enid and I went to Vickers for evening July 4 Sat. Went to Palm. Nth with Harold and Molly McLeavey to meeting of Manawatu Provincial Exec. F.U. O.P. Lynch away sick J.A. McLeavey in chair. Unemployment scheme by Schriber. July 6 Mon. Caught 4 pm. train to Wellington to attend Dominion Conference. Called to see F.H. Hudson re County matters en route. Stayed at 'Fern Hill'. Percy over in evening. July 7 Tues. Opening of Conference. Speeches by His Excellency Lord Bledisloe. G.W. Forbes, Coates, Holland. Afterwards by Polson. July 8 Wed. to 10 Fri
Rain all the time. Attended Conference most of the time. Went to Govt House Thursday afternoon and spent enjoyable time. 10 Fri Met Mr & Mrs Lilburne, Mrs C.K. Wilson, Mr & Mrs S. Ziman. Returned home Friday evening Changed into dress clothes at Gran Hitchcocks and went to A. & P. Ball. Good function. Home 3 am. July 11 Sat Wet. Very tired, up late. Afternoon meeting of Levin Branch. Big attendance. Report of Conference. Pictures in evening. July 12 Sun. Shirley & I went with Enid & Norman, and Dr Thompson, Noel & Mrs Thomson and Eric Vickers for a ride to Norman's property at Holdo. Very enjoyable ride. Came back across Moutere and Kawiu. July 14 Tues. Very wet. John took 3 heifers to yards. Struck worst sale of the season. My first experience under new management. Live Stock Ltd. Sold our heifer (yellow) at 6 /10/-. Verity afterwards took another at 6/15 /- nett. John brought the other home. July 15 Wed. Afternoon I assisted to prepare stage for 'Bohemian Girl' which choral society put on in evening. Had a good audience and the affair went off well Supper afterwards. July 17 Fri Evening Shirley & I, Norman & Enid, George & Pat Wilson went to Te Horo to Farmer's Union Ball - very good function and made very welcome. July 18 Sat. Morning I attended meeting of Unemployment Committee to discuss planting of maffam on sand hills. Nothing definite done as No. 5 scheme not available. Mr P.J. Small present. Evening we received glad news that Enid had passed her nurse's final exams. July 19 Sun. Awful day. Did not go out until evening when we all went to Church of England. July 21 Tues. Evening spent at Dr Thompsons. Enjoyable time. Dancing. July 22 Wed. R.S.A. reunion in evening. July 25 Sat. I took Enid to football match. Wanderers 14 Hui Mai 9. July 26 Sun. Felt rather seedy - hurt my back I drove children to the beach. Shirley and Enid rode on horseback George and Pat up to tea and evening. July 27 Mon. Wet. Did not get up on account of lumbago. John went round ewes and took out hay. July 28 Tues. Fine. In bed most of the day - up in afternoon. Miss Pat O'Connor, a friend of Enids arrived to stay with us. John went to Feilding to attend Old Pupil's Day at FeiMing Agricultural High School. July 29 Wed. Fine. Took family to Mr Simcox's place to see hunt. Big crowd there and very good run. Mr Hutchinson of Murray Roberts & Co. there and he came home to tea with us. Afterwards we all went to Otaki in Mr H's car when the Choral Society put on the 'Bohemian Girl' to a poor audience. July 31 Fri
John's friend Trevor Allen arrived to stay with us. August 1 Sat. Went to meeting of Manawatu Exec. F.U. O.P. Lynch still away sick so I took chair. Gave details of Dominion Conf. Afternoon Anne who is spending weekend with Mrs Sievers, fell on bitumen and dislocated elbow and also broke bone. Dr Hunter attended her. X-rayed the arm and set it. August 2 Sun.
Rotten day. Enid, Pat and Norman left for Napier 11 am. in Ray Brown's car. Shirley & I left for Wgtn. by car 3.15 pm. taking Anne and Trevor Allen with us. Good trip down. Arrived at Becketts Island Bay 6 pm. August 3 Mon. Took Anne to Dr Robertsons at Kelvin Buildings. He examined the arm and then took her to the radiologist Dr Cameron and together they set the arm. Anne came through it well but a bit upset. Took her back to Island Bay and put her to bed. Evening I went with Rex and Maurice to see wrestling McDougal v. Alley - latter won 2 falls to 1. Interesting spectacle. August 4 Tues to 7 Fri Had to call on Dr every day for treatment Anne's arm improving - swelling going down. Went to Karitane Hospital - beautiful view. Saw Helen Stewart. Also visited zoo. August 8 Sat. Fine but cold. Took Will and Rex to Athletic Park to see rugby final. Hutt 9 Marist 3. Good game. Hutt champions 1931. Tea at Dentons. Savage Club in evening. Shirley took Edith and Kate for drive in afternoon. August 9 Sun.
Drizzling. Shirley & I and Anne went to Eastbourne to visit Mr Ae Mrs Walker. Afterwards tea and evening at Allenville. August 10 Mon. Visited Dr Robertson for final treatment. I called on Dr Graham Robertson re irritation of skin. Gave me prescription for treatment. Lunch with W.M. Beckett at D.I.C. then left for home. Shirley drove all the way arriving Levin 2 and a half hours. Left W.M. Beckett at Paekakariki August 15 Sat Went to town. Horowhenua beat Manawatu 5. August 16 Sun. Went to Levin to meet Billy Wilson but he came by private car and I missed him. August 20 Thurs. Evening Billy, Shirley & I went to see Amateur Operatic Society put on 'Belle of New York'. John performing. Very good turn out August 21 Fri.
Fine. Billy returned to Hastings. All day among sheep. August 30 Sun. Afternoon Harold McLeavey and I drove to Paekakariki in our car to see Mr O.P. Lynch our Provincial President F. U. who is seriously ill. Spent about an hour with him and found him bright and cheerful, although doctors hold little hope of his recovery. Sept. 3 Thurs. Had to get Dr Hunter for Dick - bad with whooping cough. Sept. 5 Sat.
Wet. Harold and I went to Palm. Nth. to Provincial Exec. F. U. Not very much business. Afternoon in to football Wgtn 15 beat Australia 9.
Sept. 9 Wed. Showery. Ground soaking wet so went to Palm. Nth. to see Maoris 3 v Australia 14. Good game on wet ground. Big crowd. Rode up with Harold McLeavey in his car. He also took Cardston and Baxter. Met Wattle Booth and his father. Sept. 12 Sat. I went to monthly meeting Levin Branch F. U. Fair attendance. Discussed reduction of interest. Dick still in bed, but improving. Bill came with me to meeting. Sept. 13 Sun. Shirley, John and I went to early communion Church of England. Molly returned to Wellington by evening train. Sept. 15 Tues. John went to Palm Nth. with 'Belle of New York' company. Sept. 19 Sat Afternoon I went to town and saw Athletic beat Paraparaumu for final 6 - 5. Tea at Gran Hitchcocks and pictures - 'Old English'. Sept. 20 Sun. Shirley & I took girls to church. Afternoon Mrs Sievers came up with children. Sept. 22 Tues. Unemployment Committee met in evening Sept. 23 Wed. Enid turned up unexpectedly from Napier having 4 days leave. Shirley brought her and Norman home. Sept. 24 Thurs. Beautiful day. We all drove to Hokio to Norman's farm, Mr & Mrs Frances Pyke, Eric & Chrissy (Vickers) also there. Had a walk round. Evening same party also met at 'Denaby' with addition of George & Pat (Wilson) Sept. 25 Fri Evening at Vickers. Sept. 26 Sat
Enid returned to Napier by rail. Sept. 27 Sun. Fine. Shirley and girls went to church. Afternoon we drove to Vincents to practice quartette. Afterwards to Hitchcocks. Sept. 30 Wed. Fine, mixed concrete for slab over soak pit (for septic tank) but did not have enough sand so only did half cover. Afternoon dug garden. Oct. 1 Thurs. Sang at Lodge - two quartettes. Oct. 2 Fri
Wet day. Cut down macracarpoa in orchard cut out strainer and lot of firewood. Rotten weather. Completed concreting lid of soak pit. Oct. 3 Sat. Went to meeting Manawatu Provincial Exec. F.U. at Levin. Afternoon went with Walker, Foss, Bowater to Otald also Smaill, G. Brown, Bagrie to opening of bowling season. Green rather heavy and both rinks were beaten mostly on the long heads. Will Beckett came home with us. Oct. 4 Sun.
Beautiful day. Round stock Afternoon we took Will & Mamie with us for drive to Norman's farm. Left Will at Pykes. Oct. 6 Tues. Sale in afternoon and dance by Choral Society in evening. Poor turn-out Took car down for new starter. Oct. 7 Wed. Opening bowling season Levin Club. Big crowd of visitors - could not accommodate all on green. Bridge at Smaills. Oct. 10 Sat Afternoon I took 4 children with me to bowls. John went to Foxton with football team and won final match. Athletic 12 Foxton 8. Oct. 11 Sun. Afternoon I took Mr J. and Harold McLeavey and H.J. Richards to Otald to attend funeral of Mr O.P. Lynch our late Provincial President F.U. who died on Friday. Big crowd there - rain stopped during burial. Executive members acted as bearers. J. & Harold McLeavey, H.J. Richards, Kent, Jensen and myself. Oct. 13 Tues. Afternoon went to sale, bought yearling jersey bull 3 gns. bred by Arthur Hudson of Heatherlea. Had blow-out of tyre and Von Hartitch put me on a new one and is to apply for rebate on old one as unserviceable. Oct. 14 Wed. Rode to Mr Sorraghans and brought home bull purchased yesterday. Also another jersey yearling bull bred by Mr Sorraghan which cost 3 pounds. Evening lecture on 'Sterility' etc. by Mr Barry, Govt. Vet, to members of F.U. About 70 there and instructive lecture. Discovered that Mr Barry had been one of the vets in Palestine campaign. Supper at Mrs Kilsbys. Oct. 17 Sat. Afternoon went to bowls. Oct. 18 Sun. Fine. At home. Mrs Sievers and family up in afternoon. Oct. 20 Tues. John took 2 bulls (shorthorn and red poll) and we sold them at 2 pounds each. Too many entries. Also delivered bullock (6/10/-) and I empty heifer 3/10/- at Tom Devine's slaughter house. Bowls. Tea at Vickers. Meeting of Choral Committee and Unemployment Committee. Oct. 23 Fri. Lois and Anne went to Fancy Dress Ball (Catholic) Oct. 24 Sat. Fine. Round stock Worked around house mowing lawns, etc. Afternoon went to bowls. Shirley went to Otald to golf. Trix Denton and Doris Beckett arrived to stay with us over holiday. Oct. 25 Sun. Fine but very cold after rough night with heavy snow. We all drove to Holdo after dinner. New traffic bridge officially opened by Mayor & Mayoress. We drove over and up beach. Home via Waitarere. Oct. 26 Mon. Beautiful day. Labour Day. I spent whole day on bowling green. Progressive pairs tournament. Did no good only one win out of five games. Lunch at Hitchcocks. Tea at George Browns. Evening pictures with family. 'The middle Watch' - very good. Trix and Doris returned to Wellington at 9.4_5 pm. Left pictures early to catch train. Oct. 27 Tues. Showery. Went to Levin Cattle Fair. Big entry but prices poor. Sid Jackson's 4 yr. polled angus bullocks (good stuff) passed at 6 pounds. (6/5/- wanted.) I bought 16 polled angus yearling steers (Simcox) at 2 17/6 nice stuff also 8 shorthorn steers rough but good colours at 2 pounds. Cheap enough. Evening I went to meeting at Ihakara Hall to consider proposal to use unemployed for spraying ragwort. About a dozen present Committee appointed to canvas settlers. Oct. 28 Wed Bridge party in evening Oct. 29 Thurs. Bridge at O'Connors at night Oct. 30 Sat. Bowls in afternoon. Herrick and I challenged Allen and Robertson for Ferns and were beaten 24 - 16. At tea time score was 22 - 3. School fete in afternoon. Lois in drill. Nov. 1 Sun Afternoon Mr & Mrs Smaill and Dorothy and Mr & Mrs 1.D. O'Connor came up to see us. Evening Shirley & I went to Church of England. Bishop Sprott preached. Nov. 2 Mon. Very wet day. Shirley went with MI Mrs Sid Sievers to Palm Nth, for the day. I went round stock and got wet through. Rain continued so stayed inside and did income returns. Nov. 6 Fri
Went to town in afternoon to bank and afterwards to bowls. Evening Shirley & I spent at Hitchcocks. Nov. 7 Sat. Went to Palm Nth. to Provincial Exec. F.U. Mrs & Mamie Hitchcock and Mr Emms here also Jim & Bess Smith who came to see us and bring Anne a present for her birthday. Nov. 13 Fri.
George Wilson and Jim Rolston commenced to shear hoggets. Had fairly successful day. Very tired. Nov. 15 Sun. Mustered young ewes and put them in night pen. Afternoon Jack family and Mr & Mrs Hawke were up to see us. Nov. 20 Fri. Finished shearing at dinnertime. Had a good run with only minor stoppages. Nov. 22 Sat. I went to bowls in afternoon - felt pretty tired. Nov. 23 Mon. Evening went to bowling green and played match with Kerslake - B grade and beat him by 20 - 16 after a good game. Led by 15 - 3 half way but he crept up. Nov. 24 Tues. Went to Levin. Car greased - bought spare tyre and rim. Heavy thunderstorm. Nov. 25 Wed. Cleaned car and did odd jobs. Evening played Joe Allen for B grade Championships and was beaten 22 - 17. Nov. 26 Thurs. Fine. Shirley, Norman V. and I left by car 8 am. for Hastings. Good run up without mishap. Arrived Lauries just after 2 pm. after having lunch at Waipukurau. Nov. 27 Fri. to 4 Dec. Went to Hastings bowling green on several occasions with Billy Wilson and also Laurie. Billy eventually became member Hastings Club. Went twice to Napier and saw result of earthquake. Took Enid, Pat and Tait out to tea. Also went to Waimarama for Sunday. Visited Caleb Pyke and saw his orchard and got some cherries. Evening at Mr & Mrs Palmers. Caught slight chill and felt rather stiff in the back when I reached home - went to bed. Found everything alright. Dec. 2 Wed. Election day in Hastings. Dec. 5 Sat
Felt seedy with lumbago". so stayed in bed - bark bad. Shirley spring cleaning. Dec. 6 Sun.
Fine. Also in bed. Dec. 7 Mon. Wet after heavy shower in night so did not get up till afternoon, when I hung round house. Dec. 8 Tues. Up after breakfast feeling a lot better. Rode round stock Mustered old ewes to yards and dagged lambs. Tried to do a little (lagging myself but could not stand up to it so John had to finish. Back bad as ever and went to bed early. Dec. 9 Wed. Back rotten so stayed in bed. Shin l still spring cleaning. John fixed in 3 panes of glass. Dec. 10 Thurs. Up for breakfast and helped Shirley all day round house. Feeling better. Dec. 11 Fri ine. Went to Levin to final of Calf Club Champs. Very good lot of calves judged by Mr Green. Young Speedy champion and Cockrell best type. Dec. 12 Sat I went to bowls in afternoon but felt rather seedy. Dec. 13 Sun. Evelyn and Millie left for Wellington about 9 am. Went down to bowls in evening and played and lost 2 handicap matches, one to Jim Challies and one to Frank Routley. Dec. 15 Tues. Up at 5 am. and drafted fat lambs and Tom Read took delivery. Went to bowls and was beaten by Langelen in handicap singles. Tea at Arthur Hawkes and meeting of Unemployment Committee. Shirley and Mrs Sievers had card party at Mrs Sievers. Dec. 16 Wed. Evening Masonic Christmas Party. Took kids. Hodder was Father Christmas. Self - telegraph boy. Dec. 19 Sat
Bowls in afternoon. Dec. 20 Sun. Met first train from Wellington and brought Mary Beckett home to stay for the day_ She returned by evening train after which Shirley & I visited Hitchcocks. Dec. 24 Thurs. John & I worked on ensilage at Pedersens all day. Knocked off at 3 pm - and took family to town. Christmas Eve. Dec. 25 Fri. Christmas Day. Communion at 8 am. - Shirley, John and I. Afternoon Browns, Bartholomews, Smaills, Wards and Smiths families up to 'beano'. Enid arrived home at 10 pm. Dec. 26 Sat
Boxing Day. Vickers, Sievers and Dentons went to Waitarere Beach. Very nice day. Dec. 27 Sun. Fine but windy. Afternoon Dentons, Sievers went to Otaki Beach. Picked up Edith and Kate and had afternoon tea at beach. Dec. 28 Mon. Fred Bartholomew died suddenly - heart failure. Dec. 31 Thurs. Fine. Val Pedersen, Mr Pedersen and Wills (Becher's relief man) John and I ensilage. I had to leave after dinner to attend funeral of Fred Bartholomew. Wattle Booth came down from Feilding bringing his mother and Miss Nash who stayed here - Wattie and I were pall-bearers with Peter B, Cyril B, Ivo B, and John. Big crowd of people. Town in evening.
- Date
- 1931
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