Bert Denton's Diary 1920
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Jan. 5 Mon. Sledged boulders to cowshed to pave yard. Drove to meet children arrived from Wellington after staying with Rob & Carrie tor a fortnight. About 9.30 Enid called my
attention that Adkins sheep were being disturbed. Found sheep tearing around the paddock with dog close behind. gat a quick shot, must have hit him -for he gave sundry howls and disappeared.Jan. 6 Tues. Went to Levin sale. Saw yellow dog in Queen St, very lame, apparently the one I shot last night. Jan. 8 Thurs Helped Percy Prouse with his hay. In afternoon went to Wellington meeting Frank in Levin. Found mother fairly well. Jan. 9 Fri. Beautiful day. Frank and I took Edith over to Rona Bay where she is staying with Mrs Wardell for a holiday while a nurse is relieving with mother. Jan. 10 Sat. Frank and I did business in town. Had morning tea with Percy. Afternoon I spent with Robert discussing possibility of water power here. Jan. 11 Sun. Will and I went to Sydney St cemetery in morning. At home in afternoon. Went to tea at Roberts. Evening at Fernhill. Jan. 15 Thurs Showery. Took children to second day of Levin Show. Big crowd, successful turnout. Mr W.F.Massey present. Jan. 16 Fri. George and I put barbed wire on turnip fence. Jan. 17 Sat.
I made a small dam in creek for the children to bathe in. Jan. 22 Thurs Fine but threatening at times. Up at 5 a.m. George rode to Levin to secure Mr Dag. I met George at Prouses and brought home hay tedder and rake. Dag came about 8 & commenced turning hay with tedder - a good implement, making a good job. About 9.30 Percy Prouse, Cliff Adkin, George and Poad turned up and we made a start soon after 10 to cart. George worked on horse rake and did well. Later helped Adkins. Owed Dag 24 hours altogether at 2/- per hour. Jan. 28 Wed. Enid's 15th birthday - had a party so I amused myself with the nippers. Mrs Vickers up for the afternoon and evening. Jan. 29 Thurs ln evening concert in aid of Mardi Gras. Local politicians touting for their respective candidates for Queenship. Mangahao Quartet sang "Lovely Night" with indifferent success. Mottershead, Denton, Franklin and Gilbert. Jan. 31 Sat.
About 10.30 drove up the Ohau for a picnic with Mrs Vickers and family. Bathing and enjoyable day. Town in evening. Feb. 1 Sun.
Motored to Mangahao with quartette party. Sang several part songs. Feb. 4 Wed. Very hot. Carted some metal to cowshed. Alb Kellow rang in evening. Met him in town. He has news of a move to Feilding - good rise for him but sorry he is going away. Feb. 5 Thurs News that schools not reopening for another week an account of influenza. Feb. 7 Sat. Very hot. We all went up the Ohau for rest of the day and had an enjoyable time. Mrs Vickers and family Misses Beckett were also of the party. Feb. 10 Tues. Took 100 wether lambs to sale, sold them for 17/- best price of the yards today. Best woolly lambs sold for 18/4. Feb. 11 Wed. Beautiful day. Carnival day for the Mardi Gras. All went to Levin. Good procession in morning. Afternoon sports and competitions in Domain. I ran Kaiser sideshow and made gross profit of 12 pounds netting 9 pounds one shilling. Lot of money collected during the day. Feb. 13 Fri. Went to Levin to meet Vi Kellow and children who came over from Foxton to join us in a picnic up the Ohau. Mrs Vickers and family. Enjoyable day Alb K. motored over in evening. Feb. 16 Mon. Took Enid to Wanganui to go to College. Found Frank and family were away at beach. Enid & I stayed with Mr & Mrs Stanley Dixon. Feb. 17 Tues. Fine and very hot. Went to Wanganui racecourse to ram fair. Best Romney 4 1/2 - 5 guineas, southdowns 12 gns studs to 3 gns for inferior. In afternoon Enid & l went to College to see Miss Cruickshank who took particulars of Enid's schooling. Frank and family came back at dinnertime. Feb. 18 Wed. Went with Frank and Enid to Kai Iwi beach. Took girls out in afternoon. Later Mary and I went with Enid to College where we left her after a good took around. Enid seemed pretty cheerful. Tea in town with Frank and Ethel. Feb. 19 Thurs Went with Ethel to see Mr & Mrs Beavon. Left for home by Mail train. Met Sweet at Marton. Feb. 23 Mon. Went to Masterton by early train. Clare travelled with me. Met Laurie at Woodville. Afternoon tea at Mathon Lodge. Billy Wilson called for me at 7 p.m. Feb. 24 Tues. Fine. Back at Mathon Lodge by 10. Helped in sundry ways. Wedding at 1 o'clock Miss Daniell married Mr John Smith. Evening spent in games and dancing. Feb. 26 Wed. Helped dismantle marquee and tidy up. Went to sale with Len and Fred Daniell. Rang Mrs Jack Tatham - invited to go to Homewood. Collected by Mr Laing, interesting journey out, country very dry. Mrs Jack and Auntie Tatham met at Mr Laings. Met Mrs Tatham Snr and all Horner family. Feb. 28 Sat. Arrived in Masterton, saw Amy and then to Mathon Lodge till train time. Spent evening at Fernhill talking to mother who is only fairly well. Spent all next day with Mother. March 3 Wed. Wille and I went to Manakau in dray to Mr Houghton's place and bought 4 two-tooth rams at 5 1/4 gns, brought them home in the dray. Nice sheep, well grown & plenty of condition. March 6 Tues. Went over to Foxton to see Alb & Vi Kellow who are moving to Feilding. March 9 Tues. Went to Levin sale. Bought a 4 tooth Lincoln ram for 2 3/4 guineas to put with young ewes as an experiment. This is to make a comparison with its progeny that of the Romney rams.
March 15 Mon. Went to a farewell dance tor Jack Holdaway given by Mr & Mrs D.S.MacKenzie. Pleasant evening. March 17 Wed. School swimming sports in afternoon. George in a big lot of events and pulled off 3 firsts and 1 second. Beautiful day, big crowd of spectators & successful turn out. March 19 Fri. Evening telephone message from Levin to say R.G.Denton had arrived. Came by taxi to top of Queen St, I went along to meet him. March 20 Sat. Rob and l took lots of levels ex measurements for the proposed water power stunt. In afternoon went to see Willie Stewarts wheel, also Mr Tantrum's and Sid Butt's operations. Rob drew up sundry plans and will work out cost when he returned to town. March 21 Sun. Took boys to church. In afternoon went to hear Rob address the Sunday School. Tea at Cheslyn Rise. March 22 Mon.
Took Rob to early train. Wittaker and two men came to put in big window in dining room. Heavy rain about 4 but not much rain came in where Whittaker had taken wall down. Roly Denton walked in about 4 p.m. - had been to Auckland to soldiers warrant - his wire didn't reach me. March24 Wed. Methodist Garden Party at Mrs Owens. Went down to give a hand. Had fortune told by Mrs Wilson. March 26 Fri. In afternoon Aunt and I went to Levin to select wall paper for dining room. Whittaker has done most of the work on the window. March 27 Sat. Cut down and burnt two of the trees on the lawn that had grown too big. Afternoon we went up the river with Mrs Vickers and co. March 28 Sun. Harvest Festival at Methodist Church. All turned out and afterwards drove to Heatherlea to Mr Sorenson's for afternoon. March 29 Mon. At dinnertime received wire from Will to say that Mother had passed away this morning. Decided to go to Wellington tonight. Arrived in Wellington 7.30 and found some family there. March 30 Tues. Visited 'Nanny' Richards to tell her of Mother's passing. Sent lots of wires away. In afternoon Will and I walked up to 'hilltop'. Laurie and Frank arrived. March 31 Wed. Funeral at 2 p.m. Lots of friends present. Rev. Chapman took service. Rev. James Paterson assisted. Mother was buried in Sydney St. cemetery alongside father. April 1 Thurs Laurie and I returned to Levin. Auntie and Jack met us. Laurie lost his brief bag - taken by mistake by another passenger. Laurie stayed night. April 2 Fri.
Good Friday. Took Laurie to train. Cleaned up some of trees around house. April 4 Sun. Went to church in morning and to Church of England in the evening. Met Miss Rose Harvey - walked round to Keedwells with her and met Capt. and Mrs Harvey. April 8 Thurs Worked inside laying the linoleum and cleaning up house. April 9 Fri. In afternoon went to see Flo Gardner married to Mr Bennett. April 11 Sun. Did not go from home. Vivian and Agnes came to see us and stayed for tea. I walked home with them in evening. April 13 Tues. Went to sale - market only fair. Male choir in evening and farewell to Rev. J.H.Haslam. April 14 Wed. Rev. & Mrs Haslam called to say goodbye before leaving for Auckland. Carpenters almost finished. April 15 Thurs Did some asphalting around the house. April 16 Fri. Walker came an afternoon and finished oiling inside. In evening all the Cheslyn Rises came over also Mrs Vickers and her three boys and Miss Beckett, a very enjoyable evening. April 17 Sat. Meeting of parents in evening. Parents whose children travel by coach to school agreed to subscribe to make coachman's wage up to one pound a day. April 19 Mon. Painted bath with aluminium paint. April 21 Wed. Went to Levin gasworks. Bought 50 gallons of tar. Leak in tin so lost about 2 gals. on way home. Billy Wilson brought his brother George (from Sydney) to see us for the evening. They walked back home after an enjoyable evening. (Spread tar on paths next day) April 23 Fri. Cleaned path westside of house, gave it a coating of tar. Brought some sandstone from terrace to put on path as top dressing. April 25 Sun. ANZAC Memorial Service in Century Hall, big crowd and successful gathering. Evening Methodist church with Willie - unveiling of Honours Board by Rev. Frost (new minister) April 27 Tues. Paid a visit to D.S.MacKenzie and he re-stopped one tooth. April 28 Wed. Engine Drivers on Gov't Railways went on strike at midnight last night. All traffic held up. In evening Willie and I went to annual election of Levin School committee. I was nominated among others - came fourth on list. W. Thomson 68, W.G. Vickers 64, C. Short 59, H. Denton 58, F.G. Roe 53, J.W. Proctor 49, T. Hobson 47,. C.H. Bould 46, Rev. W.F. Grove being elected. Rev. Grove elected secretary. April 30 Fri. Went to funeral of Mrs Mrs Kilsby of Koputuroa. Appearances of a settlement of railway strike. May 2 Sun.
Went to C. of E. in evening May 3 Mon. Railway strike over. Trains running. Prince of Wales tour being carried through two days later than first intended. May 4 Tues. George and I went to Palmerston North to see Prince of Wales. All neighbouring schools represented. Teachers and school committee members looked after children. everyone well looked after by Palm. North authorities. Had goodview of Prince of Wales. Children well behaved. May 5 Wed. Jack and I went to Wellington. Travelled with Mr Adkin Clare and Viv. Rob and I visited Riley & Co. Electrical Engineers, also Turnbull & Janes to get estimates re dynamos etc. (Enid back for first term holidays) In evening we all went down town to see arrival of Prince of Wales.
Tremendous crowd & great enthusiasm. Splendid illuminations.
May 6 Thurs Mr Adkin, Jack and I went to Town Hall tor Civic Reception. Building packed. Had to wait about 2 hours. Prince spoke excellently and was received with great enthusiasm. Afternoon big review of territorials and returned men at Newtown Park. 40,000 people there. Prince shook hands with about 1500 returned men. Left Jack at Allenville all night. May 7 Fri Big childrens demonstration at Parliament brounds. Jack went with Roseneath children and saw all the sights. About 12,000 children paraded. Prince received great reception. Everything passed off splendidly. Afternoon all children visited the "Renown" the warship on which the Prince was travelling. I went to Athletic Park to see football match Wellington (winners of Ranturly Cup (Shield)1 v Digger team (winners of Kings Cup in England) Exciting match. Digger won 23-8. Prince of Wales present for about 20 minutes. In evening went down town to see illuminations and to bring Jack home. May 8 Sat.
Came home by Napier Mail. Enid met us, looking very well and bonny. May 13 Wed. First dance of Nikau assemblies. I officiated as one of M.C.'s - good turn out(S.B.) May 14 Fri. Aunt went to Shannon to see Dora's baby christened. May 16 Sun. I took George and Enid to C. of E. in morning. Afternoon Enid Auntie and I drove to cemetery. May 17 Mon. Painters came to put second coat of paint. I went on with the harrowing of the far terrace paddock. George and Jack took over in the afternoon while I dug the rushes. May 21 Fri. Walker and men painted roof, finished at dinnertime. Dipped 62 new lambs (shorn hoggets bought at sale for 19/-) after heating up about 20 gals. dip. May 23 Sun. Took children to church and brought Mr and Mrs Sorenson and family home to dinner. May 25 Tues. Male choir. Tea at Cheslyn Rise, and children stayed for evening. May 26 Wed. Bridge party at Mrs W.M. Clark's. May 27 Thurs Crutching and drenching own iambs. George dosed them and I crutched. Not feeling very well, had to stop. George finished drenching and I went to bed after a hot bath. Aunt doctored me but temp. rose over 103F - she telephoned Dr. Gow - pronounced influenza and gave me some dope. During night I perspired tremendously. Aunt up and down several times during night. I could not sleep much. May 28 Fri. Feeling rather easier but aching all over. Dr. came again and told me to stay in bed until Tuesday. Enid went over to Cheslyn Rise to stay in order that she may not miss her schooling. May 29 Sat. Feeling better snow on hills. May 31 Mon. Enid missed train to Wanganui as permission to go arrived too late. June 1 Tues. Enid went to Wanganui, back to school. Clare took her down I was up about 2 hrs. sitting in chair in bedroom. Rather groggy so glad to get back to bed. Boys returned to school. June 2 Wed.
Got up about 9 a.m. sat around dining room. Aunt drove to Levin and brought back Kate, just arrived from Hastings. June3 Thurs Up at 9 a.m. Boys and I took load of hay to hoggets. Will Denton and Clare walked over in evening. Feeling fit. June 4 Fri. Will D. walked over from Cheslyn Rise and we had a stroll round. Afternoon I cut down willow tree. June 8 Tues. Went to Levin sale. Tea at Matheson's. Male choir. George came home from school feeling bad. June 10 Thurs Dance of Nikau assemblies - enjoyable evening - went with Clare and Clifford in car. June 11 Fri. Went with Willie to Ohau to see land to be sold by F.S. Easton, recently owned by John Kebbell. Place looking well, favourably impressed with what I saw. Took Willie's two girls in Willie's buggy. Clifford in bed with influenza. June 13 Sun. Took Auntie, Kate to church. Evening went to C. of E. walked home with Billy Vickers. June 15 Tues. Went to land sales F.S. Easton's at Ohau. Five of smaller sections sold - 88, 82, 69 pounds and 44/10/-, remainder passed in. Tremendous crowd. Alf McLeavy bought nice section at 44/10/-. June 16 Wed. Re-opening of Levin savage Club. Entertainment by Wellington team. Chas Blinkhorne Chief Savage. Enjoyable. June 17 Thurs Evening played bridge at Mrs Vickers. June 18 Fri. Men working on road reforming etc. June 19 Sat Went to see beorge play football in match - school and cadets which was drawn. June 20 Sun. Aunt and children went to church. Kate and I stayed home. June 21 Mon. Went to Levin on a visit to tne school with Rev. Grove. Went for a short jaunt to Koputuroa with Dr. Gow in his car, Tea with Mr and Mrs Grove. School committee meeting. Home in the rain. June 22 Tues.
Jack's 9th birthday. June 23 Wed. Wet day. Went to Palmerston North show with Mr and Mrs Stewart. Had good look round. Mainly interested in football match Wanganui v Te Aute. Te Aute won senior match 14-8. June 29 Tues.
Concert by male choir in evening. Crowded house. Took whole family also Miss Beckett. Public seemed to think well of performance. July 2 Fri. A man E. Russell came up looking for work - job cutting rata, 5 logs altogether at 16/- a cord. July 3 Sat. Went with George and school football team to Kuku. OurBoys were beaten by Manakau 9-0. Evening at MissBartholomews. July 5 Mon. Bridge party by Mrs W.S. Park in evening. July 6 Tues. Levin sale, much brisker F.S. Easton sold Kebbell's ewes in lamb to Lincoln 3b/10s, 36/3, Z,A/1. Good sheep. Meted said ewes in lamb 38/-, Simoox 38/b. Fat wethers over 2 pounds. Hoggets 25/6. School committee in evening. Indignation at Board turning down building of additions. (9 years since Jen went) July 7 Wed.
Meeting of Levin Dairy Co. - some excitement re reserve fund part of which it was suggested should be capitalised. Motion carried. Meeting of Savage Club in evening. July 8 Thurs Russell who had 3 and 1/2 cords of rata declined to carry out his Job, so paid nim off 56/-, glad to be rid of him.
July 12 Mon. Paid Whittakers account 99 pounds etc. July 13 Tues. Male choir. Enjoyable dance to farewell two ladies from State Farm. George rather seedy.
July 18 Sun. Took toys to church in morning. In afternoon Dr. and Mrs Gow and children, Mr & Mrs Lancaster, Mrs Smith and Miss Groves drove up to see us - had quite a houseful.. Evening went to C. of E. July 19 Mon. Mrs Vickers rang to say their pony had died during the night. As Mr Vickers was away I offered to bury the pony. Rough digging for about 2 hours. July 20 Tues. Male choir in evening. Bad accident by Middlemiss' shop. Motorbike and side car ran into Horrobin's gig. Two girls badly hurt. July 21 Wed. Went to furniture sale of T. Jenman - bought chesterfield suite for 18/2/6. Good buying I think. Went down in dray. July 23 Fri. Went to Wellington by Napier Mail. July 24 Sat. Called on Cutfield in Bank of Australasia. Will and I went to Athletic Park in afternoon. Percy's to tea after calling on Mr & Mrs Kellow. Mr K. much better. Edith and Kate walked round after tea. July 26 Mon. Finished front drive. Evening Mr Lancaster, Mrs Emith, Miss Grove and Mrs L. Adkin over tor evening. July 27 Tues. Worked on road up hill most of day. July 30 Fri. Biked to town to see Fletcher re firewood for school. July 31 Sat. Went to see football. Rovers beat High School 6-0 very good game, best the boys have played. Spent evening at Mrs Cyril Bartholomews. August 2 Mon.
Rang up Mr Grove and Constable Bagrie re loss of my bike (from outside C. of E. night before.) - no knowledge of it. August 3 Tues. Went to Levin, motored with Mr Keys to Manakau - male choir giving some items at concert. August 5 Thurs Nikau dance in evening. Went down with Clifford. August 6 Fri. Mrs Dr. Gow brought up her father mother to see us. Mr & Mrs Collie from Newtown, Wellington. Went to Mrs Vickers in the evening. August 7 Sat.
Went to town and we walked to see Mrs Cyril Bartholomew. August 10 Tues. Beastly cold and bad throat. Male choir and afterwards to Mrs Percy's. August 11 Wed. Bachelors ball in evening. Good turn out. Went down with Cliff. August 13 Fri. Rode down to Mrs Vickers in evening. Took Shirley home. August 14 Sat. Went to town and went with Shirley to Mrs S. Mackenzie's tor tea. Afterwards Stuart and I went to Club to farewell Jesse Whyte going to Wellington. Lots of congratulations re engagement with Shirley. August 15 Sun. Aunt and boys went to C. of E. while I cooked dinner. Wrote to Frank, Edith and Enid. Shirley and I walked to Mrs Cyril Bartholomews to tea and to meet Mrs Cyril's mother Mrs Brown. In evening Cyril and wife, Shirley and I went to C. of E. at Weraroa. August 16 Mon. Nice letter from Enid. August 17 Tues. Afternoon tea with Shirley. Tea at Mrs Vincent's. Male choir. Afterwards School Committee met - as a result of unsatisfactory attitude of Educ. Dept. re additions to school, committee resigned in body. August 18 Wed. Evening, called to see S. afterwards went to Savage Club. Sang solo. George very bad cold, coughed all nignt. August 20 Fri. Went to Wellington with Shirley, both stayed at Fernhill took her to see London Pierrots in evening. State school holidays. George came top in sixth class. Jack 3rd in 2nd class. August 21 Sat. Shirley and I went to Littlejohns, saw Percy and I bought Shirley her engagement ring. In afternoon Edith Shirley and I went to see Carrie and Rob - introduced Shirley to them all. Later went to Allenville for tea and evening. August 22 Sun. Shirley, Edith and I went to Wesley church. Later Shirley and I walked to see friends in Thorndon Mr Mrs Thorpe.Evening Percy and Alice and family over for tea. August 23 Mon. Shirley and I intended to go to Newtown but trams did not run on account of coal strike. Took Shirley to ferry wharf, lett tor LyttIeton by Wahine. I walked to station. August 26 Thurs George and Jack drove to station to meet Norrie and Harry coming to stay tor holidays. Games in evening. August 27 Fri. I went to station in afternoon to meet Enid, home for holidays. She is looking splendid and is very jolly. Creeks are as high today as I have ever seen them. August 28 Sat. George and Norrie went to Foxton by motor. George playing in School team against Foxton. Boys beaten 17-0. August 29 Sun. Took chn. to Methodist church in morning. September 1 Wed. Billy Wilson took Will S. an me by car to Waikanae to look for property for sale. 209 acres freehold at 65 pounds and 564 acres leasehold at rental of 300 pounds p.a. with 4yrs to run. Had good look round, found a lot of work required on freehold and could not see much money in proposition. September 2 Thurs Billy Wilson, Will S. and I went to Palmerston Nth. with Sawtell to see Maxwell car - had a spin in it. Also saw secondhand Buick for 500 pounds and an Overland at 465 pounds September 5 Sun. Went for motor ride with Willie, Roberts instructing. September 6 Mon.
Children went back to Wellington. Enid went with them to stay a few days at Fernhill. Shirley returned from South, met her. Looking splendid. Been to Fernhill to see Edith. September 10 Fri. In evening went to Mrs Vickers with children and Shirley. September 12 Sun. Took children to church and took Shirley home to dinner and weekend. September 13 Mon. Adkin family round in evening. Shirley also here. September 18 Sat. In evening Shirley and I went to tea at Mrs Cyril Bartholomews. September 19 Sun. Shirley and l spent day at her brother's place (Mr W.M. Beckett) Enjoyable time. Church in evening. September 22 Wed. Went with Shirley to visit Mrs Hitchcock. September23 Thurs Set fires going on terrace - burnt well. Went to meeting with Willie S. of N.Z. Farmers Distrib. Co. September 25 Sat. Sawtell took Shirley and me to Palm. Nth. to have another look at Maxwell car. Had a good run round and car went fairly well. Shirley drove some distance, got on well. September 26 Sun. George and I went to Church and brought Shirley back with us. September 27 Mon. Dora Law very seriously ill. September 29 Wed. Heavy thunderstorm in the afternoon. October 1 Fri.
Went to the State Farm evening tm euchre party by Social Club. Shirley and I drove down with Clifford. October 5 Tues. Levin sale. Stcok rather dull. Atkin sold 16 - 4 year old bullocks at 12 pounds ten shillings. Tea with ShirIey. School Committee and choir in evening. October 6 Wed. Drove to Te Horo in car with SawtelI with male choir. At Manakau car jibbed - had a lot of trouble - benzine pipe broke had to fix up a piece of tubing in its places Arrived at Te Horo three quarters of an hour late. Back at midnight after a hard struggle. October 7 Thurs In afternoon Sawtel brought Maxwell up and Auntie and I went to meet him, also picked up Shirley and Jack in Levin. I commenced to drive the car at the top of Queen street - got gn alright as far as Levin. Afterwards I drove up through the reserve to Koputuroa store where I got stuck on the hill. However, I made another start and made marvellous save in passing a flax wagon on a nasty corner. Drove from Koputuroa store home again in good style. Have acquired a little confidence. ln evening dance at Nikau Ass. presentation to Miss Cork. Shirley and I went with Clifford. October 8 Fri Evening Gecrge and I went to school social in town hall. Shirley and I went to Mrs Rockel's house while they went to social. October 10 Sun. Auntie and boys want to church. I cooked dinner. I went to tea at Beckett's with Shirley and took them to church. October 12 Tues. Had afternoon tea with Shirley, then fixed up with SawtelI for the car - 240 pounds cash. In evening Sawtell drove the Maxwell to Shannon taking Shirley and me and some of male choir. Home in good time. The Maxwell behaved very well and retrieved her reputation. Insured the car for 200 pounds today. October 13 Wed. Becher brought his sucessr Mr Port and introduced him to me. He is quite a young fellow. October 14 Thurs Went over to Bechers clearing sale, lots of buyers and big prices. Cows bought up to 43 pounds, bull 77gns, yearling heifers - 17 pounds, hoggets 26/4, drill 44/1/-. Went to see Shirley in evening. October 16 Sat. Auntie went to town. Shirley and I went to pictures on the invitation of Ken Biss and Miss Tully. Howver, Miss T. not very well so could not go. October 17 Sun. Auntie and boys went to church. C of E in evening with Shirley. October 18 Mon. Auntie using horse in the afternoon. Took Mrs Becher to her new house. October 19 Tues. Had tea with Shirley. Male choir and supper at Mrs MacKenzie's. October 20 Wed. Billy Wilson came up to stay. October 21 Thurs Went with Billy Wilson to Look at some property belonging to Bes & Park, part of McDonald Estate. Place looked well after the rain, we were rather favourable impressed. Price asked is 25 pounds an acre. October 22 Fri. Went to Levin in evening on Dolly. Shirley and I walked home, arriving about 10 pm. October 23 Sat. Finished ploughing 5 and a half acres. Shirley rendered great assistance by driving the horses while I guided the plough. October 24 Sun.
Shirley cookedt breakfast while Auntie rested. Had picnic lunch under pine trees on Hodge's boundary. Auntie rode Dolly. When we came back Mrs Dr Gow arrived with the children and stayed to tea. Later Mr and Mrs Port and their son came over for an hour or two. October 25 Mon. Labour Day. Wet. Shirley cooked bread and scones very successfully. Shirley and I walked round in the evening in rain. October 26 Tues. Shirley went back to school this morning. October 27 Wed. Dora making very slow progress. October 28 Thurs Shirley and I went to see Mr and Mrs Rockel. October 29 Fri. Sledged down some totora piles for motor shed. October 31 Sun. Went to church with Shirley in the evening. Nov. 2 Tues School committee in evening, afterwards taking Shirley home from Mrs Rockel's - very wet night and I got pretty wet.
Nov. 3 Wed. County roadman put two lorry loads of metal at front gate and the motor man also brought up another load for me (privately). Nov. 4 Thurs
Final dance of Nikau Assemblies. Shirley and I went. Plain and fancy dress. Good turn out. Nov. 7 Sun.
Auntie and boys went to church. I cooked. Shirley came back with them and stayed the night. Young Port over to dinner. Nov. 13 Sat.
Went to pictures with Shirley, Beryl ard Ken Biss. Nov. 15 Mon.
Williams, a shearer turned up and asked for a job, but wanted 32/6 and found that I declined offering 30/-. Spent evening at Mrs D S MacKenzie who went to see the "Diggers" while Shirley and I minded the house. Nov. 18 Thurs
YMCA gymnasium display in evening. Good house, fair show. Shirley and l went. Male choir sang. Nov. 20 Sat.
Wet day. The boys and I worked all day in the front. Moved the front gate down the drive, also the front fence. We all got pretty wet. Town in the evening and engaged Maori named Timu to come and shear and to bring Williams as mate. 35/- and fund himself. Nov. 29 Mon.
Went to Wellington by Nepier Mail. Mr Alec Sutherland of Featherston also at Fern Hill. Nov. 30 Tues.
Will, Sutherland I spent whole day at WelIington College as it was Old Boys Day. Good turn out, saw a lot of old faces. In evening we all went to the Town Hall to farewell to Mr J.P. Firth. Hall crowded and we gave J.P. a great reception. Speeches by Walter Bethune, J.P. Luke, W.F. Ward, Sir F.D.Bell and Mr Allpass. Reply by the boss and Mrs Firth who was presented with a large painting of the boss. Excellent musical programme. Dec. 1 Wed.
Round town most of the day. Measured for a suit at Wallace and Gibsons. Took Edith down town. Dinner with W.H.D. and Mr Sutherland. Home by Auckland Express. Shirley and Helen met me so took them home. Dec. 2 Thurs
Willie and l put in the whole day at the motorshed, filling up the floor and making the place ready for the car which is ready to come home. Dec. 3 Fri.
ln evening went canvassing along Gladstone Rd. for contributions to the shop day for the school. No refusals. Dec. 4 Sat.
Went out in car to have lessons in driving with Sawtell. Shirley went to Palmerston North and we met her at the New Plymouth mail and brought her home. Did fairly well driving, practising starting and changing gears. Dec. 5 Sun.
Auntie and boys went to church while Shirley and I cooked dinner. Afternoon Cliff came over and we all went for a drive in car as far as Manakau. Car jumping a bit but we did fairly well. Called at Cheslyn Rise on our way home to see Dora. Cliff came home with us to put the car in the shed. Shirley and I also had a try with only fair success.
Dec. 7 Tues. Went to Levin sale, pretty slack. Stayed in town and went to tea with Shirley. School Committee meeting in evening. Shirley’s resignation accepted with regret. Dec. 11 Sat. Sawtell gave me another lesson in the car, went out to Porotawhao and back. Had some practise at the shed and did no damage. Put down some extra flooring. Shirley up for weekend. Dec. 12 Sun. Shirley and the children and I drove to C of E, managed all right. Dec. 13 Mon. Took Shirley to Mrs Percy’s where she spent the evening with Mr and Mrs Vickers, Ken Bliss and the Tully’s and Helen also there. Congratulatory speeches etc. Dec. 15 Thurs School broke up today. George was presented with Gold Medal for being Dux of the School. Shirley received a presentation from the teaching staff. I went down to see her at Mrs Vickers in evening. Dec. 17 Fri. Up early. George drove me to Vickers’ where we picked up Shirley and then on to the station. Went to Wellington by 8.45 train. Took Shirley to dinner at Kirkaldies, afterwards was fitted for the suit. Made several purchases, also took out boat tickets for Lyttleton for 21st January. Edith and Kate away so Shirley cooked light tea for Will, Percy and me. Took Shirley to the ferry boat 7.30 and saw her aboard. Afterwards Will, Percy and I went to Opera House to see “The Man From Toronto.” Very ordinary. Dec. 18 Sat. Came home by Napier Mail. Norman Vickers met me with car and wanted me to go up river where Denton and Vickers were picnicking. I decided to go home and go on with harrowing. Endi arrived home yesterday from school. Won a prize for music, also a medal for life saving. Looking bright and bonny. Dec. 19 Sun. I took children to Methodist church per car. In afternoon we drove to Cheslyn Rise and I went to Levin with Mr Adkin to funeral of Mr B.R. Gardiner. Very big crowd at church and graveside. Dec. 21 Tues. I went to school committee meeting to look at proposed asphalting of school yard. Dec. 22 Wed. My birthday today – children gave me presents. Also wires from Shirley and Frank. Dec. 23 Thurs In afternoon drove in dray to Levin and picked up Shirley’s boxes from Mrs Gattins place. Auntie went shopping in Palmerston Nth. She went with Willie Stewart. George mowed front lawns, made a good job of it. Dec. 24 Fri. Cleared all round house. Killed lamb for Christmas. Took family to town to see the shops. Big crowd out. Farewell to Cyril Day at Club. Went there for a little while - sang two songs. Front tyre blowout on way home - put on spare wheel. Home 11 pm, tired out. Dec. 25 Sat. Christmas Day. Up late. In afternoon we all motored down to Ohau to see Tom Powles. Had tea there, arrived home at 7.30 pm. Dec. 26 Sun. Fine. Up late. Drove to the cemetery an evening Afterwards went to Church of England. Carol singing. Dec. 27 Mon. Rain in morning, beautiful day later. Mr and Mrs Port and family joined us in a picnic up the river. Keedwell and family and Captain and Mrs Harvey, Matheson and family also joined us. Enjoyable day. Home early. Dec. 29 Wed.
The boys and I put in the morning picking up stones for Mr Adkin in his ploughed paddock. Used black mare. Billy Wilson and family turned up in afternoon, having come over to Levin to take over their farm. Their house not being ready and they spent the night here. Dec. 30 Thurs Beautiful day. Enid. Auntie and I went over to Cheslyn Rise to be present at Marjory's wedding – she was married to George Broomfield. Everything went off very nicely and they left by Napier Mail. Later on George and Jack came over and we all stayed there for the rest of the day. I took Edith, Kate, Agnes and Amy and Ivy for a ride in the car to Levin in the afternoon. Dec. 31 Fri. Fine after drizzly rain in morn. Enid and George went to Hokio riding with the Vickers boys and Tui Dyer. Auntie and I did some gardening in morn. Afternoon Jack and I put up netting across the rape paddock.
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