Community Contributed
Horowhenua Arts Trail 2012
Kete Horowhenua2020-03-23T16:57:18+00:00Date | May 2012 |
Location | Horowhenua |
How the Horowhenu Arts trail came about.
During 2012 two local artist Mrs Joan Keogh and Mrs Rosalie Blake decided it would be great if Horowhenua could have its own Art Trail. So they got together and after much hard work, organized our very first and very successful Arts Trail.
More than forty Artists took part in thirty sites on the Arts Trail.
Sites ranged from Manakau in the south, rural sites around Levin, Levin township, Waitarere Beach, and Foxton.
Check out some of the sites >>>>>>>>>
This article taken from the Horowhenua Mail Thursday April 19th 2012:
Artist on hand for trail
By Kelvin Teixeira. Artists often like to let their art speak for its self, but so at next month's Horowhenua Arts Trail.Based at 25 sites between Manakau and Foxton Beach about fifty local artists and crafts people will be on hand to talk about their work on display and for sale during the May 12 and 13 weekend event.
Organized by Arts Horowhenua, the arts trail offers free entry entry to all the sites, a combination of artist home studios, community exhibition spaces spaces and local cafes.
Artworks will include paintings, pottery, drawing, type setting, prints, photography, hats, garden ornaments, sculpture,wood carving and crafts, multi-media, wearable art Maori weaving, glass art, as well as Foxton's new murals.
As a fundraiser for Te Takere Horowhenua Culture and Community Centre, a $2 raffle ticket will be held.
Three winners will receive either a framed watercolour painting by Manakau's Pauline Hailwood, a pottery vase by Rosalie Blake, also of Manakau, or a lampshade by Levin's Henry Phillips.
Co-organiser Joan Keogh said with Mother's Day on the Sunday it is an ideal outing for families.
She hopes the event will attract plenty of young people and inspire them to become artists.
"Often people don't take up art until after they retire," she said. "We'd love to see more youngsters involved."
- Arts Trail maps are available from Horowhenua's public libraries, the i-Site information centre in Levin and online at and The 25 sites, which will be signposted and marked by green and mauve balloons, will be open from 10am to 4pm on Saturday
May 12 and Sunday, May 13.
This is an extract published in the Horowhenua Community Connection on Saturday 16 June 2012. ( one month after the Arts Trail. )
Horowhenua Art Trail Impresses
A successful weekend showcasing more than 30 of the districts talented artists and craftspeople helped to raise more the $1200 from raffle ticket sales for Te Takere last month.
The Horowhenua Arts trail attracted more than 700 visitors over the two days, and organizer Rosalie Blake says everone appeared " favourably impressed" with the quality
or art.
" Someartist who have studios open all year round had more people through that weekend than they get in an ordinary month, and were delighted with the publicity.It was also a fantastic opportunity for comparatively unknown artists to show their work with some selling significant numbers of works."
Rosalie saysthere is keen interest to organize a similar event next year.
Congratulations to the following winners who got to choose from the three stunning artworks donated by local artist.
1st Prize -- Helen Hewitson from Waikawa Beach who chose the pottery bottle by Rosalie Blake.
2nd Prize -- Judy Webby from Manakau who chose the watercolour painting by Pauline Hailwood.
3rd Prize -- Julie Bell from Levin who won a Stained glass table lamp by Henry Phillips.
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