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Wednesday April 23rd 1873


Place – the same Present – John Rogan Esquire – Judge Hemi Taurari, Hare Wirikake – Assessors

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4 B – 3800 acres

James Ransfield said – We have agreed to the names to appear in the certificates.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Henare Te Hatete, Wiriharai Angiangi, Ture Te Ngaroawatea, Naera Te Angiangi, Mokohiti Piripi Te Ari, Kima Ngatawa, Reihana Horu, Hoani Te Puke and Erina Te Kooro

Be made and issued when a proper survey is made – No restrictions – estate to best from today

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Cert £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4 F

James Ransfield handed in list of names for a certificate for this block.

Objectors challenged

Winia Kiharoa objected.

Hare Hemi said – I approve of this piece for Merania. She is Ransfield’s mother. She cultivated here. I gave up a portion on my boundary to admit of Merania’s claim.

Manahi Paora objects to Hare Hemi’s statement and said it was false. Henare Hatete’s claim is right.

Adjourned until tomorrow

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 A

Te Rangitewhata applied for a certificate of title for this block for persons a list of whose names he put in and read. We are agreed about the names for this and also for B. C.

Keranama objected to the names of his children and asked to have his own name inserted instead.

Court decided to order three certificates for Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 A, B, C without restrictions.

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 A

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Te Ati Kerei Te Hoia, Hohua Te Riunui, Henare Korouaputa, Tamihana Te Hoia, Manahi Huia, Te Popo Hoia, Nepia Te Rau, Pia Te Whakaraki, Kita Hamene and Moihi Te Humu

Be made and issued when a proper survey is made without restrictions – estate to best from today.

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Cert £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 B

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Hapi Te Rangitewhata, Te Karaka, Hakeria Te Wera, Te Metera Te Karaka, Karepa Te Kapukai, Maikara Taia, Poni Wahio Hakaria, Poni Wahio Te Rakumia, Karanama Te Kapukai and Witarihana Rupuha

Be made and issued without restrictions when a proper survey thereof is made – estate to best from today April 23rd 1873.

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Cert £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 C

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Pouawha Te Manea, Kiriona Tuhera, Kereama Pita, Hohaia Te Pahau, Te Hamara, Ngatio, Mihipeka, Tamara Te Hape, Hare Teimana h. c and Puhiwahine

Be made and issued without restrictions when a proper survey thereof is made – estate to best from today April 23rd 1873.

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Cert £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Porotawhao or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 D

Hapi Rangitewhata, Taipua ---- to the boundary.

Application for a certificate under section 17 of Act 1867 giving names read.

Court decided to order a certificate in favor of Ngati Huia members whose names had been handed in.

Porotawhao or Manawatu Kukutauaki No.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Hapi Te Rangitewhata, Hohua Te Ririnui, Te Karaka, Te Oti Kerei Te Hoia, Hohaia Te Pahau, Nepia Te Rau, Poni Wahio Hakaria, Tuhera, Pia Te Rau, Wiroehana Rupuha

Be made and issued to the parties when a proper survey thereof is made and the following names be registered in the court under the 17th section of the Act of 1867 being the names of persons found to be interested therein viz – Amended vide 192

Hapi Te Rangitewhata, Hohua Te Riunui, Te Karaka, Te Oti Kerei Te Hoia, Hohua Te Pahau, Nepia Te Rau, Poni Wahio Hakaria, Tuhera, Pia Te Rau, Witarihana Rupuha, Te Kooro Taharakau, Te Kereama Kaiaho, Himia Matenga, Te Hape Wairau, Moihi Te Humu, Akuhata Te Kapukai, Apera Te Tewe, Ngatio Te Ngaru, Matiu Manumoewaka, Pahiwahine Menehira, Tamara Te Hape, Ngahorihori, Miriama Ngapuke, Irihapete Matiu, Areta Te Popo, Makarini Popo, Hakiaha Pakitini, Hare Teimana, Parekawau Monehira, Pia Hakeria, Rangiwhata Matenga, Te Kapa Te Keraha, Maikara Taia, Kireona Wamaro, Ahenata Hapi, Te Metera Te Karaha, Taia Rupuha, Kita Hamene, Hinere Korouaputa, Te Honiana Ngapuke, Te Hemara Te Tewe, Manahi Huia, Hakaria Te Weraamahuta, Menehira Te Pouawha, Te Popo Hoia, Tamihana Te Hoia, Karepa Te Kapukai, Karanama Te Hapukai, Nikorima Te Haenga, Poni Wahi Te Rakumia, Kapo

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Certificate £1 Total £2.0.0

Kapahaka or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 E

Henare Te Herekau’s application for a certificate read.

Ihakara Tukumaru produced plan and showing adjoining claim conflicting.


Makomakonui or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 F

Akapita Te Tewe’s application for a certificate read names agreed upon. We want the land to be unrestricted. No objectors.

Certificate ordered.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Pania Tahipara, Akapita Te Tewe, Terepata Te Roihe, Hiwi Piahana, Paranapa Te Kanohi, Paramena Te Tewe, Winara Pariarua, Wereta Te Kiniate, Keramana Whakaheke and Rawiri Te Napu

Be made and issued when a proper survey has been made thereof without restrictions – estate to best from today April 23rd 1873

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Cert £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Kapahaka or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 E

Henare Herekau’s application read for a certificate – restrictions – that is that it be inalienable by sale but not by lease.

No objectors when challenged.

Certificate Ordered.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Henare Te Herekau, Takerei Te Nawe, Neri Puratahi, Hori Kerei Te Waharoa, Watihi Turongo, Apere Tukuwhare, Hoani Te Nawe, Nerehana Te Whare, Epiha Te Rineunui, Watikena Te Purangi

Be made and issued when a proper survey thereof has been made to be inalienable by sale – estate to best from today April 23rd 1873.

Court adjourned for an hour.

At 2 pm the court resumed.

Otawhiwhi or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 G

Hoani Taipua claims for a certificate of title for himself and others read.

Objectors challenged – none appeared.

Certificate ordered.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Hoani Taipua, Ria Haukoraki, Merekai Parekaiuru, Hiria Taipua, Karaitiana Te Tupe, Wereat Te Wahi, Pitiera Hoani, Hakopa Wahine, Piniaha Mahauariki

Be made and issued when a proper survey thereof has been made – estate to be inalienableby sale or by lease for a longer period than 21 years – estate to best from today April 23rd 1873

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Cert £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Wairarawa or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 H

Roera Te Hukiki handed in a list of grantees for this block and pointed out boundaries.

Objectors challenged – none appeared.

Certificate ordered.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Roera Hukiki, Rutu Roera, Hemare Roera, Hoani Kuiti

Be made and issued when a proper survey thereof has been made – estate to be inalienable and to best from today April 23rd 1873.

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Cert £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Totara or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7 I

Roera Hukiki’s application for a certificate in the name of himself and others read.

Objectors challenged.

John Simmons – h. c – sworn

Applied to be a co – claimant.

I know this piece of land called Totara. It is on the south side of the Manawatu river about 9 miles from the mouth.

I know the Oturoa block. It is a little inland of Totara. I live on the Manawatu river about a mile from here. I was born on Totara. The land was given to me by Te Puke. I do not know the nature of my claim exactly. I believe it is from relationship. I do not know what relation I hear to Te Puki. My father and Te Puke told me I had an interest in this land. My mother’s name was Te Rangiomanoa. She is dead. It is not at present under cultivation.

I call Te Karanama to support my claim also Te Puke.

Te Puke – sworn

I know the land under investigation. I have a claim to a part of the land. The boundaries described on the map are within that portion claimed by Kerehana and it is outside of Totara. The claim of the co-claimant is within that portion which was give to Hare Simmons by Rukiki – Roera’s father.

I know that Hukiki put Charlie Simmons in possession of that land Simmons gave Hukiki cattle and also money. I did not see the giving of these cows by Simmons but I heard of it. I was annoyed about this matter and that is the reason for the division. A part is claimed by Nerehama.

I heard that these cows were given in payment for the land. The claimant has no ancestral on this land but one by purchase.

According to European custom the claimant claim is good but according to Maori custom it is for the court to decide to these but of my knowledge and belief the claimants for this lived more than five years on this land. I cannot tell when he ceased to live there.

Claimant has applied for time to obtain and produce his fathers’ receipts for the cows and money he had paid for the land.

Case adjourned until tomorrow.


Atereta Taratoa’s claim read. Adjourned until tomorrow.

Ohau or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 6

Hare Hami’s claim for 2 certificates for himself and others read.

Objectors challenged.

Kararaina Whawha said her name should be in the certificate for the lower portion.

Hare Hemi said – I do not admit Kararama’s claim.

Kararaina said – I claim this land through my parents – Aporohama Te Ruru and Tauaenuku. This place bears two names – Kotikouateuru and Pukiatua. We did not cultivate there. I worked there – snared birds there. This land has been subject of dispute between Hare Hemi and me for a long time.

I lived at Muhunoa for my childhood upwards. My relatives died and were buried there. My brothers and some of my relatives are still in possession.

Hare Hemi is not in possession together with us. His cultivations are at Ohau. If I had no claim Hare Hemi would not have come to me and asked me to surrender it in his favor.

I do not understand a map. Roera does. The boundaries are natural ones.

Xed by Hare Hemi

Have you a house there? Yes. I have no food cultivations there but places where we snare birds. I have no house there at the present time.

Roera Hukiki

I know the piece of land called Pukeatua. It is where the portion claimed by Hare Hemi. I do not know the boundaries. Pukeatua is shown on the map. Kararama’s statement relative to Hukiki and Aperahama is correct.

This was a matter of dispute the end of it was that it was given to us. 1860 a piece called Tarare was returned. Pukeatua was returned to Hare Hemi therefore I left this out of my boundary. This land was returned to Hare Hemi by Aperahama Te Ruru in 1860. It was after a committee.

By Hare Hemi – Is not this our boundary? Yes.

Was not this boundary so laid to include Pukeatua in my land? It was not any doing it was Aperahama’s.


I live at Muhunoa and Horowhenua. I know Pukeatua. That land belonged to our parents. I did not cultivate potatoes then but I have caught birds there. I know that there is a stream between two hills and that is the boundary.

I was ill at the time of the meeting in 1861. Aperahama was there. I heard that Tarare was returned to Mataawa Kirikiu also. I did not hear that Pukeatua was returned. Aperahama’s children would have known had it been returned.

Xed by Hare Hemi

Where were you sick? At Horowhenua.

Were you not at Ohau? I was brought from Horowhenua to Ohau. I snare birds at Pukeatua from year to year.

Did you see me there? No. I have not seen you before.

Do not you know that Hare Hemi’s claim extends right up the river? I have not seen.

Atereta Taratoa.

Cout adjourned until 10 am tomorrow


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