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Friday 12th February 1869

Court sat at 10 am.

Present – the same

Waerenga West – a5 – r2 – p21

Claim read, map produced.

Claimant Natauaheia Te Waro, stated his case.

Rina Pururu appeared as an objector.

Rina Pururu – sworn

I belong to Ngatituara. I recognize the land shown on the map before the court. I claim this piece. It belonged to Te Peiua of Te Matiawa, my husband Raharuhi and Te Kipihana bought it for him and gave three cows in payment. The boundaries were pointed out at the time. Te Kipihana is a cousin of mine. We did not occupy it. My husband and I went to the awa o te atua and we left Te Kipihana went to Rotorua and left Te Akau in charge (his sister) Raharuhi died at Te Awa o te Atua. When Natauahira heard that Raharuhi was dead, he attempted to claim the land. He was not related to Raharuhi, but is distantly related to Kipihana. Kipihana is at Rotorua now. Natanahira never gave anything in payment for this land.

When Raharuhi went to Te Awa o te Atua, Natanahira went with him. At Te Awa o te Atua Raharuhi gave Natanahira a horse and afterwards Natanahira gave Raharuhi one in exchange, not in payment for this land.

Xd by Natanahira

Did this land belong to Te Peina? Yes.

Did it not belong to Tonihi? It belonged to the Matiawa tribe.

Did it not belong to Te Rei? He was a Matiawa.

Did it not belong to Herekaua? He was a Matiawa.

Are you not my tuahine? He turanga Whanau.

Did not Raharuhi leave me in charge of the land? No.

Did he not give me Pahianui? No.

Te Akau – (affirmed)

I belong to Ngatituara. This land belongs to Raharuhi and Te Kipihana. They purchased it from the Matiawa tribe. Rina’s evidence is correct.

Natanahira sold this land secretly to Mr. Dodds. When the land was being surveyed then I knew of the sale, and stopped the survey. Matene te Whiwhi told the surveyor that the land did not belong to N.Huia. He after that offered it for sale to Dr. Hewson. I told the doctor not to buy it. The doctor paid some of the purchase money to Natanahira. He got it secretly. I applied for some openly and got some.

Xd by Natanahira

Did I offer the land to Dodds? Yes.

Was it not you who offered it? No.

Karanama corroborated foregoing evidence.

Natanahira Te Waro – sworn

I belong to Tuhourangi. This land belonged to Raharuhi, he purchased it when he went north. I went with him. Rahahuri left the land in my charge – ehara i te mea moku ake.

Mr. Hughes – sworn

I am etc. I made the survey of the land shown on the plan before the court. The angles were all correctly pegged and the lines distinctly marked on the ground. The survey agrees with the surrounding surveys. It adjoins surveyed land on the north and east. Rina pointed out the boundaries. I have a claim of £3 – 15 – 0 for survey.

Rina stated that she had plenty of land at Rotorua.

Certificate ordered in favor of Rina Purua, Te Akau, Te Kipihana without restrictions.

Surveyors charge £3 – 15 – 0

Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3

Section 71 & 73 – town of Otaki

Sketch map produced by Mr. Swainson.

Claim read.

Akara Ngahue – sworn

I belong to Ngatikikopiri a hapu of N.Raukawa. I recognize the section shown on the sketch plan before the court. These 2 sec belong to Aranga Ngahue, Te Koiti Taraia. Wish both sections to be included in one C. Grant. When the Otaki block was cut up into sections by the Ngatiraukawa as a township these sections were allotted to us. We have occupied it ever since up to the present date. We have fenced it, and our houses are on it now. Te Aranga is at Taupo.

Te Koeti Taraia corroborated Akara’s evidence. This land has been surveyed. Mr. Knight surveyed it. He is not present. It is properly pegged. Both sections are surrounded by a fence. Hura Ngahue is also an owner.

No opposition.

Certificate ordered in favor of Aranga Ngahue, Akara Ngahue, Te Koeti Taraia, Hura Ngahue.

Certificate to be issued if within six months they produce a map to the satisfaction of the chief surveyor. Without restrictions.

Fees charged Order £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3

Otaki Section 75 & 77

Claim read

Sketch map produced.

Hokepera Tuhui – sworn

I belong to N.Tama of the Araroa. I recognize the land shown on the map before the court. It is two sections of the town of Otaki and belongs to me. It adjoins the two sections just passed the court 71 and 73. When the Otaki town was land off this piece was awarded to my father Tuhui, he is dead. I am his only child. I have occupied the two sections ever since the town was laid off, my houses are standing on the land and it is all fenced in. The land is surveyed. Mr. Knight surveyed it. He is not here. He pegged the section, the pegs are in still. I have plenty of land elsewhere.

Ururoa corroborated Hokepera’s evidence. No opposition.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of Hokepera Tuhui to sections 75 and 77 of the town of Otaki be made and issued to the governor if within six months she shall furnish a proper survey thereof.

Without restrictions.

Fees charged Invest £1 Order C Gt £1 Total £3

Maringiawai No. 2 – a6 – r0 – p30

Claim read.

Map produced.

Hemi Kuti – sworn

I belong to Ngatiraukawa. I recognize the land shown on the map before the court. I am the owner of this piece of land, it adjoins Maringiawa No. 1 heard at last court and a certificate for which was issued in my favor.

I acquired my title by purchase from Ropata te Ao. I gave Ropata two cows for it. This was about 10 years ago.

I have not occupied the land since I purchased it. Ani Kuti claims with me. She and I have plenty of land besides this.

Mr. J Hughes – sworn

I am a licensed surveyor. I made the survey of the land shown on the map before the court. It has been made in accordance with the rules, the lines are all distinctly marked on the ground and the angles pegged. There was no opposition to the survey.

The survey corresponds with the survey of the adjoining land. Hemi Kuti and Ropata pointed out the boundaries.

I have no charge for survey.

Ropata Te Ao corroborated Hemi Kuti’s evidence. No opposition.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of Hemi Kuti, Ani Kuti to a piece of land called Maringiawai No. 2 containing a6 – r0 – p30 be made and issued to the governor. Without restrictions. No survey charges.

Fees charged Invest£1 Cert £ C Gt £1 Total £3

Te Tahuna – a8 – r3 – p11

Map produced.

Ururoa Ripia (affirmed)

I belong to Ngatiraukawa and reside at Otaki. I claim the land shown on the map before the court. When the N.Raukawa came to Otaki from Kapiti after the migration from Taupo, I came with them and took possession of Te Tahuna.

I cultivated it and have been in possession ever since. I have not lived continuously on it. I have not cultivated it lately. I have cultivated on it for about 20 years. Pourahi was my father. He is dead. The other owners in this piece are Akara Ngahue, Arama Karaka, Te Poria, Tame Hurahia. These are all.

Akara Ngahue corroborated Ururoas evidence and stated that the claimants all had land elsewhere.

Mr. J. Hughes – sworn

I am etc. I made the survey of the land shown on the map before the court. It has been made in accordance with the rules, the lines are cut and angles pegged. It does not conflict with any other surveys. Ururoa pointed out the boundaries. There were others present whose names I do not know. I have no charge for survey.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of Ururoa Ripia, Akara Ngahue, Arama Karaka, Te Poria, Tame Hurahia to a piece of land called Te Tahuna containing a8 – r3 – p11 be made and issued to the governor without restriction. No survey charges.

Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3

Sections 37. 38. 45. 46. 45a and part of 39 and 47

Kiharoa Manariki – sworn

I belong to Ngatipare and reside at Otaki. I recognize the land shown on the map before the court. This land belongs to me. It is part of the town of Otaki. The two half sections and the four sections were allotted to me when the township was laid out.

The piece marked 45a, I purchased from Te Paina who owned it. I gave him £23 for it. He is at Oroua.

The whole of the price has been fenced in by me, and I am now in undisturbed occupation my houses are on it. I have been in occupation ever since the township was laid off. No one disputed my title. I have plenty of land elsewhere. The land to the north of this has passed through the court and a certificate ordered in my favor.

The north boundary of this piece should run straight through sections 39 and 47 from east to west.

Mr. George Swainson – sworn

I am a etc. I made the survey of the land shown on the plan before the court. The lines are all marked on the ground, and the angles pegged. The land is now all fenced in. The boundaries were pointed out by Kiharoa. He is the acknowledged owner of this land.

The north boundary as at present shown does not correspond with the boundary of the adjoining land as ordered by the court. It should be a straight line all through. No opposition.

Ordered that the north boundary be altered to correspond with south boundary of the adjoining land.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of Kiharoa Manariki to a piece of land in the town of Otaki known as Sections 37. 38. 45. 46. 45a and part of Section 39 and 47 be made and issued to the governor without restrictions.

Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3

Hurihangataitoko No. 4 – a1 – r0 – p21

Claim read. Map produced.

Pene Te Ruapuia – sworn

I belong to Ngatituara and N.Tama. I know the land called Hurihangataitoko. It belongs to me. When the N.Raukawa came from Taupo they went to Kapiti, from Kapiti they came to this district and took possession of the land Rauparaha having conquered it previously. I and my matuas came from Kapiti and took possession of Rangiuru and Hurihangataitoko, and at once commenced to cultivate it and clear waerengas.

The grantees I propose are Pene and Piripi. We have land elsewhere.

Natanahira Te Waro appeared as a counter claimant.

Natanahira Te Waro – sworn

I belong to N.Tuara and N.Tama. I have a claim on this land before the court. Te Huira (Pene’s father) was the first to take possession of this piece of land. I am the son of Te Huira by another wife. I have never worked on this piece or occupied it myself. I was born at Motutawa, Rotorua and came to the district in 1842 and when I came I lived at Rangiuru. Pene and I were both born at Rotorua.

Mr. George Swainson – sworn

I am etc. I made the survey of the land now before the court. The lines are all cut on the ground and the angles pegged. There was no opposition. The land does not interfere with any granted land. The boundaries agree with corresponding surveys. They were pointed out by Natanahira and Tamati Te Rahu.

I have a claim of £2 – 5 – 0.

Te Aku stated that she did not claim.

Claim of Natanahira admitted by the court.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of Pene Te Ruapuia, Piripi Te Rangiatuahua, Natanahira Te Waro to a piece of land called Hurihangataitoko No. 4 containing a1 – r0 – p21 be made and issued to the governor. Without restrictions. Surveyors charges £2 – 5 -0.

Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3

Ngawhakarangirangi – adjourned

Rekereke No. 1 – a38 – r2 – p26

Claim read. Map produced.

Rakapa Kahoki – sworn

I belong to the N.Raukawa. I know the land shown on the map before the court. It belongs to Matine and me. It is part of the land conquered by Rauparaha. Rangihaeata Matene te Whiwhi, my mother and one or two others were the first to occupy this land after N.Raukawa took possession of it. My mother is dead. Matine te Whiwhi is my brother. We have been in occupation ever since over 30 years. Our houses and cultivations are on it now, and it is fenced in. No one disputed our title.

We have plenty of land elsewhere. There are no other owners save Matine and I.

Mr. J. Hughes – sworn

I am a licensed etc. I made a survey of the land shown on the plan before the court. It has been made in accordance with the rules. The lines are all marked on the ground and the angles pegged. The land is for the most part fenced. The boundaries were pointed out by Rakapa and Matene te Whiwhi. There was no opposition to the survey.

The land on the west is surveyed and we claim on the east. I have no claim for survey. No opposition.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of Matene Te Whiwhi and Rakapa Kahoki to a piece of land called Rekereke No. 1 containing a38 – r2 – p26 be made and issued to the governor without restrictions. No surveyors charges.

Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3

Court adjourned till tomorrow.


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