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Wednesday 3rd February

Sat at 10 am.

Present – the same

Paretao – continued – case of crown

Mr. Buller opened his case and called Wereta Te Waha.

Wereta Te Waha – sworn

I belong to Ngati Teao hapu of Natiraukawa. I know Paretao.

I used to reside on the block after Haowhenua (1836). Those who lived there with me were Arapata Te Whioi, Hakopa. Parakaia’s occupation was before this. I knew of the Kuititanga fight (1839).

I and Arapata were occupying Paretao at that time in 1839. I did not see Parakaia on the land. Ihakara and Taikapurua at that time lived on the adjacent part. At that period, 1839, Kuru was in occupation. He left for Opiki. Kuru did not come back to Paretao. I also lived on the land of Te Koititanga until the sale of the land to Mr. Buller. Parakaia’s occupation was prior to Haowhenua. I had houses and a pa on the block and cultivations. I never saw a house of Parakaia’s on the block. He had no cultivation on it, nor did he ever get eels on it (no pond on the block). I don’t remember Parakaia living ten years on Paretao. I was at Taupo one year about the time of Haowhenua, on my return I lived at Rangitikei. Then came the Koititanga (1839). At this time 1839 I came and lived at Paretao.

I remember the sale of the Awahou block. I was then living on Paretao. I excluded Paretao from the sale. Parakaia joined with me in making the Reserve. He helped to ‘rohe’ any land. Mr. McLean offered me £100 for the Reserve. I refused it. The boundaries were fixed by me and Ihakara, Parakaia, Nepia, and others were ‘te kai kore”. I remember selling Paretao to Buller, I did not ask Parakaia’s consent.

Arapata Whioi, Hakopa Te Tihi had a claim. Te Roiri and Te Kuru claimed with Parakaia. I received £500 for the block. I wanted £1000. Parakaia made a boundary through the land after I agreed to sell it. I remember leasing the land to Cook. I did. I alone. Parakaia had no say in it. I received the rents from Cook. Parakaia got none. I never heard that he demanded any share of the rents. Parakaia asserted no claim to the land till the sale. Parakaia and I have talked about the land since the sale. Parakaia said "Kati te aruaru i o tana moni". Rina my wife said – "Ko wai au e kai i ena moni"?

Parakaia said he wanted to lease the land. I heard about a £3000. I was not present when Parakaia made a division of the block after the sale. I was at Motoa but I heard about it. Paretao was not made over to one by Ihakara, Nepia, and party. Kereopa was living on the adjoining land at the time Arapata shared the £500 also Hakopa. Parakaia’s wife Mitika also got some. I don’t know how much. Parakaia used to visit me at Paretao.

Xd by Parakaia

After Haowhenua when we ‘heked’ to Rangitikei , did you go to live on Paretao? No, Iwent to Taupo after Haowhenua.

After the Kuititanga did you live on Paretao? Yes in 1839

Did you build your own houses on Paretao after Kuititanga? Yes

Show the place on the tracing. (Shown).

Who lived with you after 1839? All, Arapata, Hakopa, and others.

Did you not live in one house? They were not, your houses were broken.

Did you not go there in 1852? Don’t know dates.

Who were you living with? Ngati Parewahawaha.

Was I not the monitor on Paretao after the Kuititanga? Don’t know.

Did I not tell you that if you could get £3000 for the land, I would agree to the sale? Kaore au e mohio.

Was there not a talk in a whare puni called Kei a te Kahu? Yes there was but it did not result in anything.

At the time of that committee had you taken the £500? Yes. Quite sure? I am not quite sure.

Did you not say to me – Me mahi ano koe? Yes, I said, e mahi, ki te tika i tau ka tika.

Die you not say if we could not get £1000 the land should be divided? Yes, I said that if I could not get the £1000. I should keep part.

Was it when you heard that I had divided Paretao that you came to the komiti? That komiti was a dispute.

What was the cause of the dispute? Your attempt to get my land.

Why did you take £500? Because the land was mine.

Was it because I had cut off a part? Why did you give up the demand for the £1000? You put out your tongue when you heard I was going to sell the land, and I determined to sell it and took the £500.

Was the £500 for the part I divided off, or for the whole? For the whole.

Xd by Mr Buller.

You say the Parewahewahi were living with you after the Kuititanga? Yes.

Were they there long? No.

Do they assert a law to Paretao? Yes.

Do you know when Grey went to England? Yes – in 1852.

Where were you then?

Xd by the Assessor.

Had Parakaia no mana in Paretao? No.

Then did Parakaia live on the land first? After Haowhenua.

How long did he live there? Don’t know. I first lived on Paretao after the Kuititanga, and lived on it up to the time that the land was sold.

Kereopa Tukumaru – sworn

Xd by Mr. Buller

I belong to Ngati Raukawa.

I am brother of Ihakara. I came here when a lad. At the time of Haowhenua I was living at Otaki.

I first went to Manawatu after Haowhenua in 1836. My hapu Patu Kohuru lived at Himatangi. When the Patu Kohuru occupied Himatangi, there was no one on Paretao. No one.

Who first lived on Paretao? Parakaia and people. We lived half a mile from it. Those who were living on Paretao were Parakaia, Hakopa, Te Kuru, Arapata and others of Parakaia’s hapu the Ngati Rakau. I don’t know how long they lived there, one or two years.

They did not live permanently on it. They then left it and Te Kuru and Hakopa lived on it. I remember the Kuititanga. There were no occupants at that time on Paretao.

The Patu Kohuru had left Himatangi at the time of the Kuititanga. After the Kuititanga Parakaia did not go back to Paretao. After the Kuititanga I lived at the Awahou, adjoining land. Paretao was first occupied after the Kuititanga by Wereta, Hakopa, Arapata Whioi. Wereta remained in occupation till a late date, till the sale to McLean (1858). I was present at the meetings about the sale of Awahou. Paretao was excluded.

Hoeta – We wanted to sell the whole, Wereta would not consent. I took part in the sale. Parakaia was at the meetings. I did not hear him say anything. Parakaia was opposed to the sale of Awahou. He afterwards agreed. I did not hear that he was to have Paretao to himself. There was no other Parakaia at the meetings.

Xd by Parakaia

Did you see me when the deed of Awahou was signed? No I did not.

Was there not a great dispute about the sale? Yes.

Did not Ngati Toa and others object? Yes.

Were Hakopa and Wereta the upoko pupiri for Awahou? No but the Ngati Raukawa as a body.

Were not Nepia and I the Principal opposers of the sale? Yes of Te Awahou but not of Paretao.

Did you not know that the great holders were Hakopa and Wereta? Only the withholders of their own piece.

Did you not see me in Paretao after Te Kuititanga? Yes, I did but he noho haere.

Do you know when Hadfield came? Yes.

Did we not hold service on Paretao? No, at Tapuwaikotuku.

Is that on Awahou? Yes.

When did Mr. Hadfield come here? Don’t know the year.

When did he come to Otaki? In latter end of 1840.

Did you know of one Waerenga at Raumatangi on Awahou? Yes.

Do you remember our komiti about Wereta? No.

Do you remember the dispute with Paiti and others? No.

Do you not know that komiti was to give a piece of Paretao to Wereta? Yes – I know of that.

What year? Don’t know.

Do you know that I gave the Paretao up to Wereta? I don’t know about that.

Did Wereta build a house on Paretao? I saw him living in a house on the land.

(Place pointed out on tracing).

Had Wereta’s cultivations on the land sold to Mr. Buller? No he had none there. He cultivated on our part but dug the food and took it there to his kainga.

When did he commence to live there? Don’t know but think he lived there 20 years.

Did you see Wereta living there constantly? No sale of Awahou? There and at Awahou.

Did he as you say live in the houses you pointed out? Yes but sometimes went to Awahou.

Do you know when Mr. Williams came? Don’t know the year.

Would Wereta’s living there after the Kuititanga give him any mana over the land? I think that the man who lived longest on the land had most right.

Do you not know that the Paretao belonged to Wereta and us and that is why he lived there? I only know that he lived there up to the sale of the land.

Was there not a piece called the Hiwi divided for him? No.

Do you not know that Te Rei had a claim? No.

Do you not know that te Matiawa Te Rei’s hapu and I were concerned in laying off the boundary of the Reserve? I only saw the Matiawa not you.

Did you erect a pole? Yes at Tikorangi.

Did you not see our flags? I heard they were Hakopa’s.

Do you not know that Hakopa is te tino tika on te Paretao? Yes Hakopa lived continuously on the block. He did not move about up till the sale.

Do you not know that we lived on it together on and off from 1835 to 1852? I only know that after the Haowhenua, you and party lived there and we at Awahou.

Had not my Tuakana a mahinga at te Kauri, near Paretao? Yes.

Thomas Upperdine Cook – sworn

I am a sheep farmer at Manawatu. I have lived there about 25 years. Have lived near it 14 or 15 years.

I rented the land from Wereta some years ago. I paid him a year. I regularly paid the rent to Wereta. I never saw Parakaia in the matter. I never heard of him as a claimant. I was present at some of the Native meetings that preceded the cession of Awahou. Did not see Parakaia there. I remember the exclusion of Paretao. Wereta objected to cede it for the sum offered £100. I only know of Wereta’s objection. I recollect the sale of Paretao by Wereta – 1864. Did not hear till after the sale that Parakaia claimed any of it. After the sale he opposed it. When I came down here 14 years ago Wereta was in occupation. My children have a gift of land adjoining Paretao. It was given by Wereta years before the sale of the Awahou. Parakaia had nothing to do with the matter.

Xd by Parakaia

Do you know our Maori ritenga and why I left Wereta to lease the land? I only know that Wereta was the recognized owner.

Is it not a ritenga Maori to let one man lease the land? Yes, I know that.

Did Wereta ever build a house on Paretao? (Place pointed out). Yes Wereta had houses on that part.

Did you see any others? I don’t remember to have seen any others.

Did you ever hear that it was arranged that T. Cook should have a house at rear block? Yes, my brother got a piece of land to build a house on from Wereta and Parata’s not from you.

Did you never hear that I opposed the sale of Awahou? Yes I did.

Did you ever hear of a pakeha being seized for saying that Paretao was gone, included in Awahou? Yes.

Who seized him? I cannot exactly say whether it was you (Parakaia) or another.

Do you not know that I remonstrated with Mr. Buller against the sale of Paretao? You told me you had.

Did I not show the boundary I had marked off to you? Yes once as I was passing.

Ihakara Tukumaru – sworn – Xd by Mr. Buller.

I belong to the Ngati Raukawa and live at Manawatu. I know Parakaia. I know the Paretao. I lived on Awahou first at the time of Haowhenua (1836). I did not see Parakaia there then.

(Discrepancy in evidence).

Xd Mr. Buller.

After Haowhenua we lived at Himatangi. Parakaia and us, then we all came to Paretao and lived. We lived on Paretao one year and then divided. Parakaia came to Otaki, the others to Himatangi. I and my party lived on Awahou. Parakaia used to come to us as a visitor.

The first hapu that lived on Paretao was mine, the Patu Kohuru. Paora Pohitiraha was my opponent. We always quarreled about the eel ponds.

After the separation, Arapata was the first man to come back to Paretao, Wereta joined him. It was about the time of the Kuititanga.

Wereta, Arapata, and Hakopa continued to live permanently on the block till the time of the sale. Paretao was not reserved when we offered the Awahou. In consequence of Wereta’s opposition the reserve was made. I consented. When the money was being divided I stood on a table and said, here is £100 for Wereta for Paretao but Wereta refused it.

Parakaia was opposed to the sale of the Raukawa land. There was only one Parakaia that I know of.

Xd by Parakaia

Do you know the year when the Awahou was sold to McLean? No.

Did you see the deed of sale of Awahou? Yes (produced) this is it.

Did you see me there? You may have been there.

Did all Raukawa consent at once to sell Awahou? They did.

When we had the great meeting before Mr. McLean, did we consent to the sale? You did not, but afterwards you consented.

Was it a year after the meeting? Yes, one year.

Was there not another large hui to whakahe you? Yes, when the money was taken in Governor Brown’s time, when you consented to the sale.

Was not I a chief there? No, you were a tangata of Nepia, he was the chief.

Who lived at Paretao? Hakopa, Arapata and Wereta, these were all.

Had Arapata a house on the block? Yes, he also lived in Kuha’s house.

Had Kuha, Arapata, Te More, and self houses there? Yes, those are the houses of those who lived there at the first.

You said I only lived there one year is that true? Yes you then returned to Himatangi.

Did I not cultivate at Awahou? Yes in that one year.

Did I not fill a clearing at Raumatangi? Yes in that one year.

Where were Wereta’s cultivation at that time? He was at Rangitikei, Arapata was in occupation of Paretao.

Where was Arapata’s cultivations? At the same place as yours.

After the Ngati Raukawa came from Taupo, how long was it before they came to Manawatu? In 1828 you came here in 1830. There was a fight between them and Ngati Awa, in 1831. You and we lived at Himatangi in 1832. You and we came to Te Awahou and part of us lived at Himatangi and part at Awahou, until 1840.

Who lived at Awahou, you, or you and us? We lived at Awahou, you at Himatangi.

Did you and we karakia at Paretao? Yes, but the kainga was Himatangi. We moved about from one place to another, you lived at Otaki and visited teMaire and Himatangi. I lived at Awahou and visited Awahou.

When we had karakia at Paretao did you wee Wereta there? Yes he was there.

Did you and Mr. Buller not write to me about arbitration? I forget.

Xd by Mr. Buller

When were the four houses mentioned put up? They were put up after Haowhenua, and were standing at the time of the Kuititanga.

When Parakaia was holding service who was in occupation? Wereta.

Mirika Hinewahi – sworn

I belong to Ngati Teau a hapu of Ngati Raukawa. After Haowhenua Parakaia Te Kuru (my father) and us came to Manawatu. We went to Oroua, staid there, and made a clearing at Te Kirikiri near Himatangi. When the clearing was made Parakaia and Ihakara’s father came back to Otaki. After we had planted our clearing, Parakaia, Te Kuru Hakopa, Kuha came and lived on Paretao. This was after Haowhenua but before the Kuititanga. At Raumatangi we made a clearing near Paretao, burnt and planted it. The food grew and was dug. We planted a second year on the clearing.

The Patukohuru were at the time at Awahou. Arapata had not begun to live at Paretao at this time and Wereta was at Taupo, in the third year of our occupation Wereta came back from Taupo and planted at Rangitikei. The whole of us were in the habit of moving about cultivating a little in one place and a little in another. Parakaia and we left before the Kuitianga. We were living at Paretao when Mr. Hadfield came.

Am not quite sure whether he came before or after te Kuititanga.

The houses on the land were built by Parakaia, by Te Kuru, my father, by Kuhu and Hakopa and Te More.

After Christianity was introduced we commenced to move about and Te Kuru was the one who staid on Paretao and cultivated at Hurihangataitoko. We did not see when Wereta came from Rangitikei. He first lived at Paikawau and Kutikutirau. Wereta came to Te Paretao to be near Ihakara – hei kai karakia and lived in the houses we had made. Wereta is a near relative of mine. When land purchasing commenced, Ihakara offered Awahou for sale. Nepia, Parakaia and others objected to the sale.

Xd by Mr. Buller.

Parakaia is my husband. Pitihira was a son of Kuru’s.

Adjourned till tomorrow


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