16 May 1873
- Description
163 - 169
Friday May 16th 1873
Place – the same Present – the same
Parata applied for the calling of this claim on Monday and further requested that some idea be given when the court would finally adjourn because the natives are generally anxious to hear and see more about the Waikato business and the serious nature of matters there and suggested that beyond the business already brought before it he thought it would not be advisable for the court to entertain anything new.
Moroati Kiharoa endorsed the views expressed by Wi Parata.
Karanama Whakaheke said – Wi Parata has expressed the views of the Ngati Raukawa. I object to the adjournment and wish the court to go on.
Karanama Te Kapukaiotu said – I endorsed the views of Wi Parata and joined in his application for the adjournment of the court at an early date on account of the raruraru at Waikato and Horowhenu as to Wi Parata’s application for Ngarara. It would be advisable to adjourn it with the others for which he had made applied at Foxton as the boundary is disputed by Rauparaha who is ill.
Wi Parata replied and Karanama withdrew his objection to the calling on of Ngarara on Monday next.
Court decided to call it on Monday.
Ihakara Pukumaru renews his application for the adjournment of the court.
Henare Herekau approves of the application of Wi Parata. The court has taken up a very long time --- 6 months in hearing all the Ngatiraukawa claims.
Hare Wirikake said – I have come from a very great distance because of the death of my parents Para—and Aperahama. I object to Wi Parata’s application. They have obtained orders for their pieces and the majority of those present have been waiting.
My applications were nearly being heard at Foxton and they were adjourned to this place because I understood they would be heard here. My mind is dark in consequence of this application for an adjournment. Matene and Rakapa are here and quite able to protect their interests.
Had this word come spontaneously from the court, I would have submitted but it comes from the people who have been heard.
Court decided that taking all the circumstances of the case into consideration that it would hear the Ohau and Muhunoa cases and then adjourn to a future day.
Pukehou – continued
Rota said – I object to a part of the line. I appear as against James Ransfield. Te Rei will join with me and my father Rawiri Wanu.
Rawiri paid fee of £1.0.0 as counter claimant.
Parawhanaki – sworn
I am a Ngati Raukawa and live at Otaki.
I claim the portion within the dotted line at Waimangu and Waitawa. I
I have a cultivation at Waitawa called Otarari. It is outside of the land for which I hold a certificate. This extends to the Takapu along the boundary of my crown grant. These are old cultivations and continue now. Nobody interfered with them.
We have no cultivations at Taikai.
My reason for not having this included in the grant for the adjoining line is that the bush commences here and when it was surveyed I was afraid of the cost – had no money to pay for it. We have had peacable occupation of this land since 1842 – ever since I remember.
I claim also at Waimangu swamp. The adjoining land is known as Pukerarauhe. I put in a list of persons. Some of whom are Ngati Kapu – as the owners of this land. This land.
Who laid down the boundary from Taikai to Takapu? 20 of us. Eru Tahitangata was present.
Why did you leave this out of the portion for which you hold a grant? Because of the ex---- of surveying the bush.
Why did you not include the cultivation which are so close to the line? Because it was necessary to cut the lines. The surveyor took an object across the lake. It was easier to survey.
Could you not have taken the line further up had you chosen? I chose to take it where the line is.
Are you not aware that this is fenced land of mine? I don’t know anything about that fence. I never heard that you had received money from the bishop.
Have you houses there? A wooden house is there occupied by Bishop Hadfield Shepherd for which I gave consent.
Fee of £1 returned to Rawiri and he was told that he had failed to make out any ground for the further hearing of his claim and dismissed it.
Hoani Taipua then addressed the court for the counter claimants
Hemi Ransfield addressed the court for the claimants
The court adjourned until 2 pm.
At 2 pm the court resumed
Peeti Te Aweawe made application for the certificate of title for this block and produced a tracing of the Reserve out of the Ahuaturanga Block.
The claim was partly heard at Foxton. I claim with others – list handed in and read – estimated area, 830 acres.
Objectors challenged – none appeared.
It is on the plan in the possession of Mr. Stewart. 100 acres is disputed and should be excepted – exception pointed out.
Fees charged
Hearing 1.0.0 Certificate 1.0.0 Total 2.0.0
Kairanga – 730 acres
Ordered that a certificate of the title under Section 17 Act 1867 of
Peeti Te Aweawe, Hoani Meihana, Rata Moea, Hemi Warena, Hanita Te Aweawe, Kararama Mahuri, Tutere Te Weta, Hanatia Rangahau, Wi Mahuri, Emiri Mahuri
Be made and issued to the parties when a proper survey thereof is furnished. Estate to best from today May 16th 1873 and that the names of the following persons be registered in the court under the 17th section of the Native Lands Act 1867 being the names of the persons found by the court to be interested in the said land.
Peeti Te Aweawe, Hoani Meihana, Rota Moea, Hemi Warena, Hanita Te Aweawe, Kararaina Mahuri, Tutere Te Weta, Hanatia Rangahau, Wi Mahuri, Emiri Mahuri, Ereni Te Aweawe, Rakiwhata Te Aweawe, Poitete Torina, Ema Te Aweawe, Harerakena Te Aweawe, Wereta Moea, Kerei Moea, Kerei Te Panau, Karanama Paehora, Horima Mutuahi, Matiu Rawea, Hekanaiaha Paeroa, Ihaka Te Rangimauriora, Takana Te Rangimauriora, Hemara Te Whetu, Ahenata Tamaru, Hanatia Te Whare, Heremaia Mahuri, Wikitoria Turanga, Rahira Waiata, Rauira Te Aweawe, Tamihana Te Aweawe, Hutana Kaihinu, Hori Pauroa, Huhana Matai, Hariata Tarahe and Meiha Keepa
Before John Rogan Esquire – Judge Hemi Tautari and Mitai Penetaru – Assessors
Ohau No.2
Hemi – applied for a certificate in the names of persons – a list of whom had been handed in and read.
Objectors challenged
Taratoa – said I object to my sister’s name being inserted instead of mine.
Hemi said – his sister is older than he.
Akapita Te Tewe Winara also objected.
Hera Hukiki said – I wish Hema to prove his claim in court as I do not admit him in my portion.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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