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Present: The Mayor (Mr. B.R. Gardener) Crs. Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Ryder and Williams. Apology received from Cr. Prouse.

Minutes Confirmed

The Minutes of the previous ordinary meeting also those of the Special Meeting held on the 25th February 1908, were in each case read and confirmed.


Mr. Grant’s request

Correspondence was read from the Electoral Department, the Paymaster- General, and N.A. Grant. Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr. Mackenzie ‘That Mr. Grant’s letter and the drainage of the low lying part of the town be referred to the roads Committee to report to next meeting.’ Carried.

Water races

A report from the Surfaceman showed that the water was being diverted from the water-races and lost in various ways before reaching the Borough boundary. The Mayor moved and Cr. Mackenzie seconded ‘That the County council be requested to take action against any person or persons diverting the water from the races above the Borough boundary’. Carried.

Moved by Cr. Hall seconded by Cr. Williams ‘That all the water-races within the Borough be put in good order immediately’. Carried.

Fire Brigade matters

The Fire Brigade Committee recommended that the scale of fees etc to be charged for attendance’s of the Brigade at places outside the Borough should be as follows:

For every mile or part of a mile ₤2
Use of Manual

All expenses in connection with the fire to be borne by the owner or occupier of property.

Cr. Hall moved and Cr. Hankins seconded ‘That the scale of charges for attending fires outside of the Borough boundaries (as suggested by the Fire Brigade Committee) be adopted’.

As an amendment Cr. Hudson moved and Cr. Williams seconded ‘That the Report of the Fire Brigade Committee be referred back to the Committee with a recommendation that the question of the legality of making the suggested charges be considered.’ On being put the amendment was lost, and Cr. Hall’s motion was then carried.

Lighting Committees report re Gas Engineer and site for Gasworks

The Lighting Committee reported that 13 applications were received for the positions of Gas Engineer and that three sites had been offered for Gasworks.

The committee recommended that the Council appoint one of two applicant’s selected by the committee as the most suitable, viz., Mr. Jas. W. Blackman of Masterton and Mr. Albert Ford of Wellington. The Committee further recommended that the offer of Prouse Bus Ltd. for 1 acre in Cambridge Street for the sum of ₤100 and certain conditions as to siding be accepted.

Selecting a Gas Engineer

Council(or) Hankins moved and Cr. Ryder seconded ‘That the council in Committee select and Engineer for the Gasworks out of the 13 applications sent in to the council.’

As an amendment Cr. Levy moved and Cr. Williams seconded ‘That the Committees report be adopted.’

Ayes (4) The Mayor Noes (4) Cr. Hankins

Cr. Hudson Cr. Hall

Cr. Williams Cr. Mackenzie

Cr. Levy Cr. Ryder

The Mayor gave his casting vote with the ‘Ayes’ and Crs Hankins and Ryder retired from the Council Chamber.

Mr. Blackman appointed

The Council then went into Committee to consider the applications of Messrs. Ford and Blackman and on resuming business in open Council Cr. Hall moved and Cr. Levy seconded ‘That Mr. Blackman be appointed Engineer for the Borough Gasworks.’ Carried.

Sanitation Committee’s report

The Sanitation Committee reported they in answer to a circular letter six offers were received from Engineers prepared to give a Drainage Report for the Borough. It was decided to recommend that the joint applications of Messrs. Charlesworth and Merreth to make a Report on the lines suggested in the circular letter for the fee of ₤45 be approved.

Report adopted

Cr. Levy moved and Cr. Ryder (who had returned to the Council Chamber) seconded ‘That the report of the Sanitation Committee be adopted’. Cr. Mackenzie moved and the Mayor seconded ‘That Messrs. Charlesworth and Merreth be appointed Sanitary Engineers to the Borough of Levin.’ Carried.

Roads Committee

Polluting races

The Roads Committee recommended that notices in the Maori language be sent to native inhabitants warning them against polluting the water-races.

First expenditure out of Streets Loan

The Committee further recommended that plans and specifications be prepared for the first and most necessary work to be done out of the streets loan; which was metalling in Durham and Stuckey Street, curbing and channelling opposite railway station, and in Oxford St. curbing channelling and asphalting footpath from Bath St. past the School to Makomako Road. The report and recommendations with slight alterations were on the motion of the Mayor seconded by Cr. Hall. Adopted.

Exception to an account

In the Accounts for payment presented to the Council, Cr. Hudson took exception to one item and moved ‘That the charges of 7/6 for coach hire to convey Councillors to Mr. Beechers property be referred to those Councillors for payment.’ This was seconded by Cr. Hall and on being put from the chair was declared lost the mover and seconder alone supporting the motion.

Re appointments

Cr. Hankins moved and Cr. Ryder seconded ‘That in every instance where applications are made for appointments under the council all applications shall be considered by the council in committee.’

This was carried on the following vote: -

Ayes (5) Noes (3)

The Mayor Cr. Hudson

Cr. Mackenzie Cr. Hall

Cr. Williams Cr. Levy

Cr. Ryder

Cr. Hankins

Valuation Dept. to be asked to explain account

Moved by Cr. Williams seconded by Cr. Levy and carried ‘That the Government Valuation Department be written to asking for details in connection with the fee charged for valuation of Borough.’

Re Grazing on roads

Cr. Hudson moved and Cr. Mackenzie seconded ‘That the Ranger be instruted to impound stock straying on the roads within the Borough after 9th March 1908.’

Cr. Williams moved an amendment which was seconded by Cr. Hankins as follows: ‘That the matter of closing the Borough roads for stock be deferred until the 28th March in order to give sufficient notice to the residents of the Borough’. Amendment carried.

Accounts Passed for Payment


C. Williams and Co. – C.Aid a/c Bignall ₤ 3/--/--
E. Burke C.Aid a/c
₤ 2/-8/--
Harris and Sussex C.Aid a/c Ferris ₤ 2/-4/--
Harris and Sussex C.Aid a/c Ferris
₤ 2/18/-6
Geo. Milnes C.Aid a/c Houpa ₤ 1/15/--
I.W. Gibson C.Aid a/c Mrs Smith ₤ 1/10/--
H.C. Sapper & Co. C.Aid a/c Watson ₤ 5/12/-6
Public Trustee Interest and Debenture
Valuation Dept. Valuation Borough ₤30/--/--
Wages I. Hook
T. Gregory ₤10/--/--
G. Astridge
Levin Express Company Cartage
P.K. Patton Lamplighter ₤-7/14/-8
Fire Brigade Accounts
Griffiths, carters 2/3, Middlemiss shops 11/6
W/Fire Brigade Assocn. Certificate 2/6
I.W. Thompson – Printer 150 rule books 35/- ₤-2/11/-3
Grant towards delegates expenses
Griffiths & Co. Carting 2/--
I.W. Thompson Printers receipt forms
R.W. Bradley – Coach hire 7/-6
I.W. Gibson – pick handle
Le Grove Company – ribbon
G. Milne – iron for Wash house
Chapman & Walker – Glass & paint
H. Antice – Drag hoe 10/--
P.W. Goldsmith. Salary for February ₤11/-5/--



T.S.B. Hudson


For Mayor.



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Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907


first council minute book,
Community Tags

Report a problem

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Meeting 82 - 26 October 1908
Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
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Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 3 June 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907