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PRESENT : The Mayor (Mr B R Gardener) Councillors Hankins, Hudson, Douglas, Levy, Mackenzie, Prouse, Ryder and Williams. Cr Hall wired from Nelson for leave of absence which was granted. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed.


Correspondence was read from the Minister for Customs, District Health Officer and others, which called for no action being taken.

Roads report

The report of the Roads Committee was then taken and therewith an application from Watchorn and Stiles and others re asphalting their footpaths. The following recommendation from the Roads Committee was the adopted viz: “That Messrs W H Wilson, Watchorn and Stiles, F W Palmer and I W Thompson be allowed to asphalt the footpath in front of their business premises on the condition that the wok is done to the satisfaction of the Council and that the Council’s share of the cost be made good to the applicants when a general asphalting scheme takes place”.

Bath Street

The Roads Committee also recommended that Bath Street to the Railway Line a distance of about 2 ½ chains be formed and metalled. On the motion of the Mayor, seconded by Cr Ryder this recommendation was also adopted “subject to the road in question being the property of the Borough”. Councillor Williams dissenting.

Chamberlain Street to be formed

The Roads Committee further recommended that the offer of Messrs Winter and Close to form and grade Chamberlain Street a distance of 11 chains for the sum of £ 7.10.0. Some Councillors thought that public tenders should be called, but eventually on the motionof the Mayor, seconded by Cr Mackenzie the recommendation was adopted.

Report Reserves Committee

The Reserves Committee reported having met and decided to have a plan of the Cemetery made, also to peg off certain sections .

This Committee also reported that the matter of the gates for the Levin Park Domain was still under consideration. On the motion of Cr Hankins seconded by Cr Hudson, the report was adopted.


The following resolution was carried: The Mayor - Cr Hudson :

“That this Council hereby resolves to borrow from its Bankers, the Bank of Australasia, Levin the sum of one thousand and sixty-two pounds sterling ( £1062) or such portion thereof as may from time to time be required, by way of overdraft in anticipation of revenue receivable from the following sources : viz – General Rate for year period ending 31 March 1908 of 1 1/4d. in the £ on the Capital Value of £204,000”.

On the motion of the Mayor seconded by Cr Hudson the following resolution of condolence was carried in silence. “That this Council expresses its deepest sympathy with Councillor Hall and his family on the loss they have sustained by the death of the Mother”.

Manawatu Farmer reports

Cr Williams moved and Cr Levy seconded “That the ‘Manawatu Farmer’ be requested, if possible to give fuller reports of Borough Meetings and that all resolutions be correctly reported.”

Ayes(4) Noes (5)

Cr Williams Cr Douglas

Cr Levy Cr Prouse

Cr Hudson Cr Mackenzie

Cr Ryder Cr Hankins

The Mayor

Telephone connections recommended

Moved by Cr Willis seconded by Cr Hankins and carried “That the Justice Department, the Agricultural Department, and the Education Department respectively, be requested to connect the undermentioned places with the Levin Telephone Bureau – viz: Court House Levin, Experimental Farm and Boy’s Training Farm”.

Metalling Chamberlain Street

Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr Hudson, “That provided no delay arises through weather or otherwise the formation of Chamberlain Street tenders be called for metalling the same, the said tenders to be in by next meeting.” Carried.

Dog registration

Moved by Cr Hankins and seconded by Cr Ryder “That action be taken against all owners of dogs within the Borough that are at the present time not registered with the Borough Council”.

Accounts passed for payment

The following accounts were passed for payment –

Laing Bros – 2nd progress payment metalling contract £30. 0. 0

W S Charlsworth – report re roads. 8. 8. 0

£38. 8. 0

Confirmed : Basil Gardener MAYOR Sep. 2nd 1907



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Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907


first council minute book,
Community Tags

Report a problem

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Meeting 82 - 26 October 1908
Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
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Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
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Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
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Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907