Minutes of Council Meeting - 15 July 1907
- Description
PRESENT: The Mayor (Mr B.R. Gardener) Crs Hall, Hankins, Douglas, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Prouse, Ryder and Williams.
The minutes of the previous meeting and also minutes of Special Meeting held on the 5th July 1907 were in each case read and confirmed.
Amongst the correspondence dealt with was a letter from Mr McIntyre, Head Master of Levin School asking the assistance of the Council towards Agricultural Chemistry and other classes recently established at the school.
Grant to school for chemistry class
Moved by Cr Levy and seconded by Cr Ryder “That a grant of
£2.2.0 be made to the District High School for the purpose of assisting the Chemistry Classes”.
The division list in this motion was as under:
Ayes (5) Noes (5)
The Mayor Cr Hall
Cr Ryder Cr Hankins
Cr Levy Cr Hudson
Cr Douglas Cr Mackenzie
Cr Prouse Cr Williams
The Mayor gave his casting vote with the “Ayes” and declared the motion carried.
Salvation Army Band
The Salvation Army Captain wrote asking for a small grant towards instruments for the Army’s band. Cr Hankins seconded Cr Levy’s motion “That a Grant of £ 2.2.0 be made to the Salvation Army Band to provide for additions to their Instrument Fund” The motion on being put was lost by 2 for 8 against – the mover and seconder only voting for the motion”.
Report Sanitation Committee
Then report of the Sanitation Committee which recommended that:-
(1) The Butchers at present conducting business in Levin will be informed that no slaughtering will be allowed in the Borough after 30th June 1908.
W & M Railway Company
(2) That the W.& M. Railway Company be written to asking that proper sanitary arrangements be made for their “flying squad”,
Sanitary pans
(3) That an additional 50 sanitary pans be ordered.
Cr Hankins moved and Cr Mackenzie seconded “That the report of the Sanitation Committee be adopted.”
As an amendment Cr Levy moved and Cr Hudson seconded “That Section 1 of the Sanitation Committee’s report be struck out”
For the Amendment (4) Against (6)
Cr Levy The Mayor
Cr Prouse Cr Douglas
Cr Hudson Cr Hall
Cr Ryder Cr Hankins
Cr Mackenzie
Cr Williams
Report adopted
Then report was then adopted.
Finance Committee’s report
The Finance Committee brought down estimates for the year and also reported re Engineers Report re High Pressure water supply as follows:
Mr Climie’s appointment
That the Council be recommended to appoint Mr W H Climie of Hawera to report on high pressure water service for Levin according to specifications for the sum of 35 guineas such appointment to be subject to the references given being satisfactory.
Cr Hall moved and Cr Mackenzie seconded “That Mr Climie’s application to report on Water Scheme be accepted “
Cr Williams moved as an amendment and Cr Levy seconded “That as Mr Charlsworth being as local man and equally competent as any other applicants be accepted”. The amendment was lost and Cr Hall’s motion was then carried.
Estimates 1907-8
Moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Mackenzie “That the estimates for the year 1907 – 8 as now presented showing Income £1946.15.11 and the Expenditure of £1945.7.0 be now approved by this Council”. Carried.
Notice to strike rate
Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr Mackenzie “That public notice be given in accordance with the Statutory provisions under
‘The Rating Act 1894’ and ‘The Municipal Corporations Act 1900’ that it is the intention of this Council at the ordinary meeting to be
held on the 5th day of August 1907, to strike a general rate of 1¼d. in the £ on the Capital Value of all the ratable properties in the Borough and that the Rate Book will be open for inspection as by law provided during Office Hours” Carried.
Town Clerk’s salary
Moved by the Mayor, seconded by Cr Mackenzie and carried “That the Town Clerk’s salary be increased from the 31 March from £104 to £135 per year”.
Re Settlers petition to the Minister of Lands
Moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Mackenzie “That after reading the petition of the Settlers of the Levin Village Homestead Special Settlement (which is to be presented to the Hon. The Minister of Lands) that this Council heartily supports the same and trusts that it will received full consideration from the Minister; this Council fully recognize Leases of this kind are unsuitable in the heart if the Borough and retard the progress of the Town; and further that a copy of this motion be forwarded to the Minister of Lands.” Carried.
Rugby Union
Moved by Cr Hankins, seconded by Cr Hudson “That the Action of the Mayor in granting permission to the Horowhenua Rugby Union to make a charge at the gates of the Park Domain on Saturday 20th July 1907 be confirmed”. Carried.
Re amending By-laws
Councillor Williams moved a motion of which he had given notice re By-laws as recorded on page 131 if this Book. The motion was seconded by Cr Hankins.
As an amendment Cr Hudson moved and Cr Levy seconded “That Cr Williams be a committee to revise By-laws and report to a future meeting”.
The amendment on being put was declared lost. Cr William’s motion was also lost on the following division:
Ayes Noes
Cr Williams The Mayor
Cr Hankins Cr Douglas
Cr Ryder Cr Hall
Cr Hudson
Cr Levy
Cr Mackenzie
Cr Prouse
Tenders Chamberlain Street
Tenders (6) for grubbing trees in Chamberlain Street were opened and considered in committee. On resuming it was moved by Cr Hall seconded by Cr Mackenzie “that J Moon’s Tender be accepted”
Moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Hall “That a telephonic installation be applied for, for the use of the Council Offices and that the Horowhenua County Council be asked to furnish half the cost of installation and annual charge.”
Accounts Passed
Accounts for Payment. Passed.
West Coast Sawmillers Association £ 9. 13.10
R Jones, (Plumber) 1. 11. 8
H Channings (posts) 1. 2.11
Municipal Assn. of NZ. (Subs) 2. 2. 6
W S Charlsworth – survey - reserves 29..11. 0
H C Gapper C.aid a/cs 3. 13. 0
Chapman and Walker (Paints) etc. 8. 2. 0
I W Gibson (Tools ec) 1. 4. 3
Laing Bros (Progress payment Metal Contract (No1) 30. 0. 0
£ 87.1. 2
Confirmed: “ Basil Gardener” Mayor
August 5, 1907
- Date
- 1907
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