Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 July 1907
- Description
Present – Mayor B R Gardener & Councillors Douglas, Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Prouse, Ryder and Williams.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Correspondence – Amongst the letter received and the outward correspondence, no action was taken except with regard to a letter from the Education Board in which the Board pledged itself to lease the sections on the school reserve directly Chamberlain Street was formed. Moved by Cr. Hudson seconded by Cr. Mackenzie “That this Council take steps to form Chamberlain Street”. This was carried Cr. Williams dissenting.
A petition re storm water in Oxford Street north from Messrs Robinson and others was supported by Mr Kirby. Messrs Thompson & Palmer also wrote re storm water in Queen Street. Messrs T.L, Walker & T. Pester also waited on the Council re drainage and flood water in the Winchester and York Street East. On the motion of Cr. Williams seconded Cr. Hall it was resolved “That the matter of flood water etc. on the various sections in the Borough be left to the Road and Streets Committee to report”.
Reports from the Road Overseer, the Lamplighter and the Reserves Committee were laid before the Council.
The following resolutions were passed:- Cr. Hankins – Ryder. “That the Borough Ranger’s attention be drawn to the fact that stock are frequently grazing on the Roads of the Borough between the hours of 8p.m. and 6a.m. and that the Ranger be advised to take notice of this resolution”.
Crs. Hudson – Hankins – “That this Council expresses its regret at the accident to Mr F Banatt and wish him a speed recovery”.
Cr. Mackenzie – Ryder “That a lamp be erected at the corner of Queen St and Weraroa Road and one at the corner of Winchester and Bath Streets if practicable and that the lighting Committee be asked to report on this matter and any further general lighting.
Cr. Mackenzie – Levy “That that portion of the property on which the Levin Borough Council Chamber stand from the firebell tower south for 10 feet be let to the Levin Rifle Defence Club for the purpose of a miniature rifle range at a rent to be arranged between the parties concerned”.
Cr Williams – Hall “That the discussion regarding By-laws (notice of motion) be postponed until the next ordinary meeting”.
Crs. Hall – Williams “That a special meeting be called to discuss the proposal of the £3000 loan recommended by the Roads Committee such meeting to be held at 8p.m on Thursday the 4th inst”.
The Clerk intimated that for Accident Insurance for the ensuing year for the Councils employees he had received offers from the local agents from four Insurance Companies the rate being the same in every case viz workmen 25 shillings per £100, clerical staff 3 shillings.
Cr. Mackenzie moved and Cr. Williams seconded “that the Ocean Accident Insurance Company be given the Borough Insurance for this year”.
As an amendment the Mayor moved and Cr. Ryder seconded “That the name of the applicants be placed on the table and drawn for and the successful name be placed before the Council”.
On the amendment being put the voting was equal, viz
Ayes Noes
The Mayor Hall
Hudson Hankins
Ryder Levy
Douglas Mackenzie
Prouse Williams
The Mayor gave his casting note with the “Ayes” and declared the amendment carried. Cr. Hudson then moved and Cr. Douglas seconded “That the accident Insurance business of the Council be transacted with the South British Insurance Company for the ensuing year”. Cr. Mackenzie moved that as an amendment “That the Ocean Accident Company be given the Borough Insurance for this year”, Cr. Levy seconded but the amendment was lost by four votes to six and Cr. Hudson’s motion was then carried.
Cr. Hankins moved according to notice the following resolution “That the resolution passed at the meeting of the Council on 17th June 1907 in regard to the appointment of Borough Solicitors be rescinded. This was seconded pro forma by Cr. Levy and on being put was list in the following division:-
Ayes(2) Noes(8)
Cr. Hankins The Mayor
Cr. Williams Cr. Hall
Crs. Hudson, Levy
Prouse, Douglas
Mackenzie & Ryder
The following accounts were passed for payment:-
Horowhenua Publishing Co. £5,13.3
Kitsons Patent Light 2,11.11
Geo Milnes – C Aid accounts 14,2.6
P K Patton – Lamplights 6,1.4
A Musgrove – Sal 50/- loss on stock 9/6 2,19.6
Lands Dept. Rent Sec load a/c 1,16.10
I Hook – Firewood 1 load (2ft Matai) 10.0
I Hook – Wages 25 days c9/- 11,5.0
I Gregory Wages 25 days c8/- 10,0.0
Levin Express Co. Carting 3,2.0
Levin Express Freight on carbide 2,1.1
Winter & Close contractors 15,0.0
P W Goldsmith Clerk 8,0.0
W Nicholls – 2 chimneys repaired 16.6
Yerex & Co – office requisites 4.0
E Bourke – C aid – 5 wks to 4th July 3,0.0
E J Prendergast – Borough Solicitors a/c 9,7.0
E J Prendergast …. (Gravel Rerves) Loan a/c 8,7.4
W Palmer – c aid a/c 3.15.0
G Astridge – wages 18,0.0
July 15th 1907
Basil R. Gardner, Mayor
- Date
- 1907
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