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Present: Cr. Hudson (presiding), Crs. Hall, Douglas, Hankins, Levy, Prouse, MacKenzie, Ryder & Williams. The Mayor was excused from attendance owing to sickness in his family.

Minutes Confirmed

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Captain of Fire Brigade Appointed

Information was received from the Secretary of the Fire Brigade that Mr R.J. Jones had been elected Captain and R. Johnson as Lieutenant. Moved by Cr. Hankins, seconded by Cr. Hall “that the action of the Fire Brigade in electing R.J. Jones, Captain of the Brigade be confirmed”. Carried

Damage to Footpath

Mover: Cr. MacKenzie – Seconder: Cr. Hall “that the Meat Export Co. be informed that damage has been done to their property by their cattle”. Carried

Mover: Cr. Hankins – Seconder: Cr. Ryder “that the matter referred to (damage to footpath) in Mr Baylis’ letter of the 6th July be left in the hands of the Streets Committee with power to act”. Carried

Extension of time

Mover: Cr. Hankins – Seconder: Cr. Williams “that Mr Baylis be granted a further extension for 14 days to complete his contract”. Carried

Accident Insurance

Mover: Cr. Ryder – Seconder” Cr. Douglas “that the local agents of the different insurance companies be requested to send in applications to this Council together with terms, for accident insurance re Borough employees from 21st July 1908 to 21 July 1909”. Carried

Manawatu County Council

Mover: Cr. Prouse – Seconder: Cr. Levy “that the Manawatu County Council be informed that this Council will be pleased to join in a deputation to the Government to urge the extension of the scope of “The Loans to Local Bodies Act 1901”.

Exempted from rates

Mover: Cr. Ryder – Seconder: Cr. Prouse “that the Levin Methodist Church Trustees be exempt from rates on Section 3 Block XVII in accordance with the Rating Act of 1894”. Carried.

Re Queen St footpaths

Mover: Cr. Levy – Seconder: Cr. Douglas “that Messrs Middlemiss and others be informed that it is the intention of the Council to include Queen Street in their next kerbing and metalling contract”. Carried

Report of Streets Com

The report of the Streets Committee contained the following recommendations:

1. That the proposed roading of the Tai Pare block be approved provided the footpaths are left firmly rolled.

2. That Mr Charlesworth be instructed to prepare specifications for widening formation and forming footpaths in the following streets

(1) Cambridge Street

(2) Salisbury Street

(3) Kent Street

(4) Bath Street (east)

(5) Weraroa Road (Queen St to Mako Mako Rd)

(6) Mako Mako Rd (west)

3. That the Road Overseer’s wages be increased from 9/- to 10/- per day.

Report Adopted with additions

The report was adopted with the addition of the following words to recommendation No. 1 “and that the metalling be done before the sections are offered for sale”.

Bar Typewriter

The Report of the Finance Committee recommended the purchase of a Barber typewriter at a cost of ₤10.

On the motion of Cr. MacKenzie seconded by Cr. Ryder the report of this committee was adopted.

Setters Block

Mover: Cr. Ryder – Seconder: Cr. Douglas “that the agents for Setters Block be requested to complete the streets through the Block immediately”. Carried

Foreman of Works

Mover: Cr. MacKenzie – Seconder: Cr. Williams “that applications be called for a foreman of works at 10/- a day in the matter of Contract No. 9”. Carried

Tenders for Works Accepted

Tenders for Contract Nos. 8,9 and 11 were considered in Committee. On resuming the acceptance of the following tenders were confirmed:

No. 8 - Footpath Formation – Henderson & Coady
No. 9 - Kerbs and channels – A.W. Jones
No.11 - Street formation – T.M. Joll
₤ 30.00.00

For Contract No. 8 there were seven tenders, for Contract No. 9 there were ten tenders and for Contract No. 11 there were two tenders.

The lowest tender in each instance was accepted.

Future Fire Insurance

Mover: Cr. Hankins – Seconder: Cr. Ryder “that in future no fire insurance policies be renewed as they fall due, but that all fire insurances be taken to the 31st March 1909 and after that date insurances shall be renewed by ballot amongst the various fire insurance companies”. Carried

Accounts passed for payment

Loan Account

I. Craig – deposit on Section 3E No.5B
R. Baylis – progress payment No. 2 Contract No. 7

General Account

Horowhenua County Council – balance adjustment
₤ 185.09.10
Receive Land Rev. rent 1/16/10, Municipal Ass. Sub 2/2/6
C. Aid Board 2nd levy 6/12/9, Hospital Board “ 23/13/1 30.05.10
I.W. Gibson – C, Aid 1/5/-, Hudson & Marriott Ltd 2/10/-
Ed. Burke C. Aid 3/-/- National Fire Ins 3/7/6, South British 10/5 6.17.11
Fire Brigade Supply Co 2/12/6, H Ansliee fire brigade a/c 4/12/6
J McTaggart “ 7/6 7.12.06
W.S. Charlesworth – engineering charges
A. Musgrove - Sal 2/10/- loss in pound sale 5/- 2.15.00
R.G. Knight – flag 2/2/-, Levin Express Co. cart 18/12/6 20.14.06
D. Banks – using grader 3/12/-,H Knox 7/7/-,Bird? Streetwork10/6
I. Hook wages 9/18/-, T. Gregory wages 10/3/-
E. Curtis 6/10/-, S Parsons 2/2/-, A McGurkin 1/4/- 10.02.00
G. Astridge 19/16/8 F. Plaster 7/4/-, P. Patton lamps 9/18/8
P.W. Goldsmith – Sal. 11/5/- travelling 10/6 11.15.06
Hook firewood 9/-, Fenton stationery 2/9,– Ansliee picks 3/-
R. Bradley – coach line – streets committee
Chapman & Walker – 4 rolls paper


T A B Hudson




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Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
Minutes of Council Meeting - 27 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 3 June 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907


first council minute book,
Community Tags

Report a problem

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Meeting 82 - 26 October 1908
Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
Minutes of Council Meeting - 27 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 3 June 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907