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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening the 17th June 1907.

Present: The Mayor (Mr B R Gardener), Councillors Hall, Hudson, Levy, Prouse, Mackenzie and Ryder. Councillor Williams was excused from attendance on account of sickness in his family. Councillor Hall apologised for the absence of Cr Hankins who had been called out of town.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Accident Insurance

Amongst the correspondence an intimation from the Ocean Accident Insurance Company intimating that the Councils Compensation Policy would expire on the 17 proximo. It was dealt with by the carrying of the following resolution on the motion of Cr Hudson seconded by Cr Mackenzie “That tenders be called for Accident Insurance as from 17 July 1907”

Borough Solicitors appointed

A letter was read from Mr E J Prendergast resigning his position of Borough Solicitor and asking the Council to appoint Messrs Harper and Harper who had purchased his practice to the position. On the motion of Cr Hudson, seconded by Cr Mackenzie it was resolved “That Messrs Harper and Harper be appointed Borough Solicitors in place of Mr E J Prendergast resigned”.


REPORTS - The Sanitary Inspector’s report was read, also a letter from the District Health Officer thereon. The report of the Sanitation

Committee contained the following recommendations:

1) That the Committee having again considered the case of Mr William’s shop occupied by E North, are of opinion that the recommendations of the Public Health Department as set forth in the District Health Officers letter of the 11th June should be given effect to.

2) That public notice be given of the intention of the Council to enforce the By-law relating to permission to buy night soil within the Borough. On the motion of Cr Prouse seconded by Cr Ryder the report of the Sanitation Committee was adopted.

Tenders accepted by Roads Committee

The Roads Committee reported that the tender of Winter and Close at £15 had been accepted for removing knob by school and that of Laing Bros for metalling at 1/11 1/2d per cu .yd.

£3,000 loan recommended

The Committee also recommended that a street and footpath loan for £3,000 be promoted extending over 2 years. After considerable discussion the recommendation was held over until next meeting.

Petition re slaughterhouses

A petition was received from 12 ratepayers requesting the removal of the slaughterhouses and piggeries from Section 71 Queen Street. On the motion of the Mayor, seconded by Cr Hall it was resolved “That the petition re slaughterhouses be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consideration together with a request that they report as to the prospects of erecting Municipal abattoirs.

Deserted house

Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr Mackenzie and carried “That the owners of the house situated at the corner of Oxford Street and Devon Street be requested to show cause why such building should not be pulled down in accordance with clause 353 of “The Municipal Corporations Act 1900.”

Kitson Lamp

The discussion on Cr Hudson’s motion to remove the Kitson Lamp from the post in the centre of the town and replace the same by acetylene was resumed. Cr Prouse moved and Cr Mackenzie seconded “That the lamp post in the middle of the town be removed and two lamps be erected in place thereof” This was lost and the original motion of Cr Hudson was carried.

Cycle traffic

Moved by Cr Mackenzie seconded by Cr Hall “That until further notice and so long as the road from Levin to the Railway Station is in an impassible condition for cycle traffic owing to repairs, section 24 Part IV of the By-laws be suspended in regard to that footpath from Bath Street to Mako Mako Road between the hours of 7.00am and 5.00pm.”.


Motion held over

Moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Hall and carried “That Cr Williams notice of motion, re By-laws be held over until next meeting of the Council”.

Accounts passed for payment –

H C Gapper – Paid a/c Mrs Watson C. Aid £2. 0. 0

Edmond Burke 2. 8. 0

National Insurance Co Ltd. Premium on office 3. 7. 6

Harper and Harper – Law costs 1. 3. 0

C H Williams – new lamps etc 49. 5. 9

Swanson and Bevan - Lights/lamps 2. 0. 0


60. 4. 3


Confirmed: B R Gardener July 1, 1907



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first council minute book,
Community Tags

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