Meeting 76 - 7 September 1908
- Description
Present: The Mayor (Mr. B.R. Gardener) and Councillors Douglas, Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, MacKenzie, Prouse, Ryder and Williams.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Streets Contract No. 8
Moved by Cr. MacKenzie, seconded by Cr. Hankins
“That Mr Baylis be paid the sum of £15 on Contract No.8 (footpath formation) – County Road. Carried.
“Tai Pau Roads
Moved by the Mayor, seconded by Cr. Hall “That the Road Overseer be authorised to inspect the formation of the roads in the Tai Pau Block and if in his opinion they are in accordance with the specifications sanctioned by the Council then to pass the same on the Council’s behalf”. Carried
Signing Agreements
Moved by Councillor Ryder, seconded by Councillor Levy “That Councillors Williams and MacKenzie be appointed to sign the agreements with J. Duthie and Co. Ltd re gas mains and pipes and with Prouse Bros Ltd re gasworks site, respectively”. Carried
Lease of Sec. 32
Moved by the Mayor, seconded by Cr. MacKenzie “That the matter of Mr Charles Williams lease of section 32, referred to the Reserves Committee to report to next meeting”. Carried
Clerk of Works
Moved by Cr. Hankins, seconded by the Mayor “That applications be called for the position of Clerk of Works for erection of gas works buildings at a salary of 10/- per day”. Carried by 8 votes to 2 votes
Ayes (8) Noes (2)
The Mayor Cr. MacKenzie
Cr. Hudson Cr. Williams
Cr. Douglas
Cr. Prouse
Cr. Levy
Cr. Ryder
Cr. Hall
Cr. Hankins
Widening Cambridge St
Moved by Cr. Hudson, seconded by Cr. Levy “That the Road Overseer be instructed to have the work in connection with contract 15 (widening Cambridge St South) carried out by day labour”. Carried
Streets Contract No. 7 Complete
Moved by Cr. Hankins, seconded by Cr. Ryder “That Mr Baylis’ contract for forming paving and sanding footpath on the east side of Oxford St be passed as complete”. Carried
The Report of the Lighting Committee which related the progress made in the gasworks scheme was adopted.
The Sanitation Committee recommended that Mr G. Astridge be granted in addition to his present salary, a commission of 7½% in the amount of sanitation fees etc. collected by him. On the motion of Cr. Hudson seconded by Cr. Hall the recommendation of the Committee was adopted.
To Confer with Waterworks Engineer
Mr Climie, engineer of the waterworks undertaking attended and presented plans and specifications of headworks etc. Cr. Hankins moved and Cr. Hall seconded “That a committee consisting of Councillors MacKenzie, Williams, Douglas, Prouse and the Mayor consult with Mr Climie in calling for tenders for water mains and other works with power to act. Carried
Cleaning Fees Gasworks Site
Tenders for various contracts for sheet making etc. were opened and considered in Committee. On resuming the Council passed the following resolutions: Crs Williams – Hall “That the tender of Mr, Finlayson (25/-) for cleaning fees in Cambridge Street be accepted”.
Contracts 12 & 13
Crs. Hall – Williams:
That Mr Baylis tender of £195 and £6 extra for each culvert be accepted for contract no. 13 and also that the tender of Mr. McCarthy of £207 for contract no. 12 be accepted”
No Tenders Received
No tenders were received for contract no. 14; one tender received for contract no. 15 was declined.
Accounts Passed
The following accounts were passed for payment
General Account
Wages: I. Hook £9.15/- T. Gregory 10/8/- £20.03.00 G. Astridge 19/16/8 S. Parsons 7/6/-
27.02.08 W.C. Astridge 2/8/- F. Masters 6/9/-
8.17.00 Levin Express Co – Accounts
1.19.00 D. Banks – Metalling
5.12.06 W. Close “
3.07.06 H. Knox “
5.01.06 Fire Brigade – Burt Ltd – 6/12/6 McTaggart £3 freight etc 4/11 +2/- 9.19.05 Charitable Aid accounts: Gapper £2.10/- Gibson 1/5/-
3.15.00 Palmer – account Hopa
3.15.00 R.J. Jones – sanitary pans
7.10.00 Swanson & Bevan – nettings
1.13.09 Alf Tomlinson – trees 1.18.00 P.K. Patten – lamps 9/18/8, clean office 13/-
10.11.08 P.W. Goldsmith
11.05.00 Petty Cash – (postage etc)
2.00.00 I. Middleton - 1 day cart.
12.00 Hudson & Marriott Ltd – office requirements 7.06 I.W. Gibson – shears 6.06 I.W. Thompson – prints 11.06 Government Printer – Consolidated Ads
6.06 Fenton – stationery 9/9 G. Milnes nails etc. 4/9 14.06 Gallachan 9/- Hook – firewood 9/-
18.00 R.W. Bradley – coach line
10.00 £128.17.11 Loan Account – Making Streets
R. Baylis – final payment contract no 7
22.13.02 W. S. Charlesworth – engineers fee
13.06.00 “Otaki Mail” – advertising contracts
1.08.00 I. Hook – Clerk of Works – contract no. 9
3.05.01 £40.12.02 Gas Loan – (in anticipation)
Prouse Bros Ltd – deposit on site
20.00.00 Martin & Atkinson – legal costs
1.01.00 Cemetery account
W.C. Astridge – work at fences etc. 4.08.00
B.R. Gardener – Mayor
Sep 21 1908
- Date
- 1908
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