13 February 1869
- Description
Saturday 13th February 1869
Court sat at 10 am.
Present – the same.
Maungapouri or Makirikiri No. 3 – a1 – r3 – p0
Claim read. Map produced.
Tame Ranapiri – sworn
I belong to Ngatiraukawa and reside at Otaki. I recognize the land shown on the map produced. I am the owner of this piece of land. It was given to me by my uncle Keremata to whom it belonged. He is dead. There are no other owners. My title is not disputed. I have a house on the land and am living on it. It is also fenced in. I have been living in it for two years. The land was surveyed by Mr. C. Knight. I saw him survey it and put in the pegs. I have claims on other lands which belonged to my mother.
I wish no restrictions placed on this.
Mr. Knight is not in the district.
Tiemi Ranapiri corroborated Tame’s evidence. No opposition.
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Tame Ranapiri to a piece of land called Maungapouri containing a1 – r3 – p0 be made and issued to the governor without restrictions. No survey charges.
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Makuratawhiti - a0 – r1 – p29
Claim read. Sketch map produced.
Sec: 79 and 78. Town of Otaki
Akara Ngahue- sworn
I belong to N.Raukawa and reside at Otaki. I know the land shown on the plan before the court, this piece belongs to me. When the township of Otaki was laid off and allotted, these two sections were allotted to me. I fenced them in, built a house upon the lots and have lived there ever since. No one disputed my title. The lots were surveyed by Mr. Knight. I have not been able to procure his attendance. He has been paid for the survey.
Those who claim with me are Te Aranga Ngahue, Hura Ngahue, and Te Koeti Taraia. These are all. No opposition.
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Akara Ngahue, Aranga Ngahue, Hura Ngahue, Te Koeti Taraia to a piece of land known as Makuratawhiti containing a0 – r1 – p29 if within six months a map is produced to the satisfaction of the chief judge without restrictions. No survey charges.
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Sections 177. 178. 179. 186. 187 of the town of Otaki
Claim read. Map produced.
Te Rei Paehua – called – did not appear.
Mr. George Swainson – sworn
I am a licensed surveyor. I made the survey of the land shown on the plan before the court. It has been made in accordance with the rules issued by the chief judge. The lines are distinctly marked on the ground and the angles pegged.
Te Rei Paehua pointed out the boundaries.
There was no opposition to the survey. I have a claim of £1 for survey.
Adjourned until next sitting of the court.
Sections 95 and 96 Makuratawhiti – Town of Otaki
Claim read. Map produced.
Taumanu Te Uruti (affirmed)
I belong to N.Raukawa. I claim the two sections shown on the map before the court. They were allotted to me when the township was laid off. I have had the lots fenced in. I used to have a house on it.
Rawiri Te Wanui
This land belonged to Taumanu formerly. This land was allotted to her brother and her and he has gone to the Hauhaus – not to fight. He is at Rangitikei. Wiremu te Rangiauaki is the brothers name. They have both land elsewhere. No opposition.
Mr. J. Hughes - sworn
I am a licensed surveyor. I made the survey of the land shown on the map before the court. It is according to the rules. The lines are marked on the ground and the angles pegged.
Taumanu employed me to make the survy, she pointed out the boundaries.
I have a charge for £2 – 15 – 0 for survey.
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Taumanu Te Uruti and Wiremu Te Rangiauaki to a piece of land known as Sections 95 and 96 of the town of Otaki containing a0 – r1 – p28 without restrictions. Survey charges £2 – 15 - 0.
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Sections 97. 98. 99. 100 – town of Otaki
Claim read. Sketch map produced.
Tiemi Ranapiri – sworn
I belong to N.Raukawa. The land shown on the map before the court belongs to my brother and me. We acquired these lots by purchase. We bought them from Ngapu a Hauhau. The purchase has not been completed.
Ngapu appeared and stated that he did not intend to sell the land to Ranapiri, nor did he wish to have his title investigated.
Section 85 – town of Otaki – a0 – r0 – p33
Claim read. Map produced.
Hape Te Horohau (affirmed)
I belong to N.Raukawa. I know the land shown on the map before the court. This land belongs to Rangihoua Maihi Te Ngaru and to me. Pahau Te Manuka is dead. He was my cousin. He left no children. This land was allotted to us when the Otaki township was laid off. Our title is not disputed. This section has not been disposed of to government.
Mr. George Swainson – sworn
I am a licensed surveyor. I made the survey of the land shown on the plan before the court. It is in accordance with the rules. The lines are distinctly marked on the ground and the angles pegged. There was no opposition to the survey.
I have a claim of £2 – 5 – 0 for survey. No opposition.
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Rangihoua Maehe Te Ngaru and Hape Te Horohau to a piece of land known as Section 85 the town of Otaki containing 33 perches be made and issued to the governor without restrictions. Survey charges £2 – 5 - 0.
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Waerenga No. 3
Harurunui – No map – adjourned.
No map – adjourned.
Claimant did not appear – adjourned.
Mr. Swainson on behalf of claimants applied for an adjournment till next court on account of the absence of principal witness.
Tutangatakino No. 1 – a2 – r2 – p8
Claim read. Map produced.
Maikara Te Whena – sworn
Stated that her husband Matene Te Whena was sick and unable to attend the court, that she appeared for him at his request (corroborated by others present). I know the land shown on the plan. It properly belongs to my brother and me. My husband only claims through me. It was given by Rauparaha to my fathers father. My father is dead.
I have been in possession of this land. We had a house and cultivations on it ever since the Kuititanga 1839. No one disputes our title.
My husband and I are the only owners. It would be right for Pohe and Paora Pohotiraha to be in the grant.
Erana Tiporo has now ceased to oppose me.
Mr. J. Hughes – sworn
I am a licensed surveyor. I made the survey of the piece ofland shown on the map before the court. It is in accordance with the rules. The lines are distinctly marked on the ground and the angles pegged. It does not interfere with any granted land. Matene Te Whena pointed out the boundaries.
The error noted by the inspector has been corrected. I have no charge for survey. Letter received from Erana Tuporo stating that she did not claim.
Wiremu Parata – sworn
I saw Erana Tuporo sign the letter produced.
Ordered that the certificate of the title of Te Matene Te Whena, Maikara Te Whena, Pohe, Paora Pohotiraha without restriction. No survey charges.
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Rekereke – a33 – r0 – p24
Matene Te Whiwhi – claimant
T. Rauparaha – counter claimant and Mangahauene.
Adjourned until next court in consequence of the illness of T. Rauparaha – counter claimant.
Section 61 – Town of Otaki – a0 – r1 – p2
Claim read. Map produced.
Mauahi Te Humu – sworn
Tamihana Te Hoia is not present, he is at Porotawhao. I am a co-claimant. I know the section show n on the map before the court. It belongs to Te Hoia and me. This section was allotted to us when the township of Otaki was laid off. Our house is standing upon it now, and it is all fenced in. Tamihana Te Hoia and I and Hirawanu Mauahi are the only owners. We have land elsewhere.
Mr. George Swainson – sworn
I am a licensed surveyor. I made the survey of the piece of the land now before the court. It is fenced in on three sides, two angles are properly pegged, the others 2 have not been pegged. I will put them in.
This is a section of the town of Otaki.
I have a claim for survey of £2 – 5 – 0. No opposition.
Ordered that the certificate of the title of Tamehana Te Hoia, Manahi te Hunu and Hiriwanu Manahi to a piece of land known as Section 61 of the town of Otaki be made and issued to the governor without restrictions.
Surveyors charges £2 – 5 – 0.
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Sections 101 to 102 – town of Otaki.
Claim read. Map produced.
Taia Rupuha stated that the sections had better be heard separately as they were owned by different individuals. The owner Te Wiriti claimant of No. 101 was at Rotorua.
Karanama – sworn
I belong to Ngatihuia. Sec 101 to 107 belongs to me. These pieces were allotted to me, when the town of Otaki was laid off. My name was written on the map. The map has been lost. I had the four sections fenced in and a house built on No. 103.
When Epiha (Wiriti’s brother) came I gave him Sec 101 retaining the other 3. Hura of N.Huia got 109. Different persons of the Ngatihuia got all the sections shown on the map.
The Ngatihuai fenced in the whole block and occupied it.
The four sections I claim were given to me alone, and at first, I alone occupied them. My papa Hura and I fenced the lots. Hura is dead. Taia now disputes my title. His father came from Rotorua and staid in my house. He lived with me 8 years. He left with us, and the land has since been unoccupied.
TaiaRupuha – sworn
Acknowledged that Karanama’s statement was correct.
Matiu Putangitangi – sworn
The land was given to N.Huia. Karanama was our teacher, and the land was given to the tribe. I have worked on this land, I took no part in making the fences or houses. When I first came on to this land the houses and fences had been put up by Karanama.
Arranged that there should be one grant for the four sections and that the undermentioned names should be in the grant.
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Karanama Te Kapukaiotu, Ahemata Tumahue, Karepa Karanama, Taia Rupuha, Hapi Te Hotoke, Matiu Putangitangi, Ramari Rangikorapa and Wiriti to a piece of land known as Sections 101. 105. 107 containing to be inalienable etc.
Surveyors charges £1.
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Sections 108. 109. 110. 111. 112.
Nataua Tawariro – sworn
I belong to N.Tapapa N.kawa. I know the land shown on the map. These 5 sections belong to me and some of my relations whose names I will give. This land was allotted to us when the Otaki town was laid off. We made houses on it and fences and cultivated. We have lived on it ever since 1840.
The owners are – 108 to 112 - Nataua, Peka Te Puia, Peni Te Papatu, Hira Te Rapa, Amarama Pipito. No opposition.
Mr. George. Swainson – sworn
I am a licensed surveyor. I made the survey of the land shown on the map before the court. The outer boundaries only have been shown on the ground and pegged. The natives opposed the subdivision. Taia Rupuha and Nataua employed me to make the survey. I claim £3 for survey, that is £1 for each piece.
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Nataua Tawaroro, Peka Te Puia, Peni Te Papatu, HiraTe Rapa, Amarama Pipito to a piece of land known as sections 108. 109. 110. 111. 112 containing be made and issued to the governor without restriction.
Surveyors charges £1
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Sections 102. 104. 106
Tamati Putiwaero and Nuna Te Hira. There were no others.
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Wiremu Hopihaua, Ihikiera Te Wharewhiti, Tamati Puhiwaero and Nuna Te Hira to a piece of land known as sections 102. 104. 106 town of Otaki containing be made and issued to the governor. To be made inalienable. Surveyors charges £1.
Fees charged Invest £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3
Court adjourned sine die.
Transcribed by Matilda Mauheni no Ngati Porou.
Read over with original Minutes of H. A. Munro Esquire, late judge of the Native Land Court and found correct.
Edward Buckle – Clerk, Native Land Court E. Miles – Cadet Native Land Court.
Wellinton 27th April 1891
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