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Present: Cr. Mackenzie (presiding in the absence of the Mayor), Crs. Douglas, Hall, Hankins, Levy, Ryder and Williams. An apology was received from Cr. Prouse absent from indisposition. The Mayor attended at a later stage of the proceedings, also Cr. Hudson.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.


Correspondence was read from the Premier re Dominion Day functions, from Mrs Ferris, Mrs Crombie, Department of Justice, Secretary Public Library. It was decided to leave matters relating to Dominion Day in the hands of the Mayor. In reference to Mrs Crombie’s claim for exemption from lodging house fees, Cr. Hankins moved and Cr. Williams seconded “That no proof being shown that Mrs Crombie’s place is a common lodging house within the meaning of such, that no further action be taken in the matter.” On being put the motion was declared lost, the mover and seconder only voting in its favour.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report (amongst other things) intimated that the Audit Inspector advised the closing of the Domain Board account at the Bank and opening the same at the Post Office. Moved by Cr. Hall seconded by Cr. Hankins and carried “That the Domain Board’s account be transferred from the Bank of Australasia to Post Office Savings Bank, in the names of the Mayor B.R. Gardener, Mr Goldsmith and Cr. MacKenzie”.

Re Mr Swanwick’s water-race

Cr. Williams and Ryder reported having visited Mr Swanwick’s section and having agreed with that gentleman to leave the water-race in its present position.

Mako Mako Road

The committee went into Committee to consider tenders for widening Mako Mako Road and also considering an application for Charitable Aid. On resuming it was reported that one tender had been received and the following resolution as passed.

Moved by Cr. Williams, seconded by Cr. Hall “That the tender of Winter and Close be accepted for widening and forming Mako Mako Road according to specifications submitted.”

Charitable Aid

It was decided to leave the application for Charitable Aid (from Mrs Ferris) to the Charitable Aid Committee.

The following resolutions were also passed:

Laing Bros settlement

Mover, Cr. MacKenzie, seconded Cr. Williams “That the Mayor and Councillor Hall be authorised to arrange for the payment of the balance due to Laing Bros on their metalling contract when the same shall become due”.

Chamberlain Street

Crs. Hall - Hankins: “That the roads Committee visit Chamberlain Street to see if it would not be advisable to remove the lumps about half way along the road before the metalling takes place”.

Overseer’s estimate of work

Crs. Hankins - Levy “That the Overseer be requested to forward to the Council an estimate of the cost of any work that the Council may call tenders for. Such estimates to be submitted to the Council prior to the opening of any tenders”.

Small maps

The Mayor - Cr. MacKenzie “That the question of obtaining maps be left in the hands of the Mayor and Town Clerk to arrange and report to next meeting of the Council – cost not to exceed £15”.

Accounts passed

The following accounts were passed for payment:

West Coast Sawmillers’ Assn
£ 5. 1.9
Winter and Close – 209 yards Metal c2/3
Petty Cash £2 – I.W. Gibson sundries 14/8
A. Musgrove )- 2 ??? sal. Caretaker
2. 0.0
Per L.A. Bowan )-
H.C. Gapper - C.Aid a/c Mrs Watson 3. 2.6
Geo. & Milnes “ a/c 2.15.0
“ a/c Mrs A.J.Smith
4. 2.6
“ a/c Mrs Bignall
3. 0.0
I. Giles – Sharpen picks
£46. 7.8




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Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907


first council minute book,
Community Tags

Report a problem

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Meeting 82 - 26 October 1908
Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
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Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 3 June 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
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Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907