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Saturday April 19th 1873


Place – the same Present – John Rogan Esquire – Judge Hemi Tautari – Assessor

Kooro Te One said – the claim objects to by me on behalf of Ngati Kauhata and Ngati Pare.

I apply that Ngati Kauwhata may be allowed to proceed and as it will take about an hour for us to arrange and wish it to be adjourned for an hour or so.

Adjourned accordingly


Henare Herekau’s application for a tribal certificate handed in and read – for 2 tribes.

Block near Aorangi.

Horomona Paro said – I have no survey of this block.



Kapita Te Tewe was informed that this application would be heard at Waikanae.


Hare Hemi – handed in a list of person interested in this block – list read – we are agreed to the subdivision shown on the plan.

Objectors challenged

Hema Te Ao said – I object and wish to know when my objection will be heard.

Hare Hemi said – Hema’s claim is in Roera’s piece.

Roera said – I admit his claim (Hema’s). If we have time we may arrange about the names.

Court adjourned until Tuesday at 10 am.


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