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Present: Mayor B.R. Gardener and Councillors Douglas, Hall, Hankins, Hudson, MacKenzie, Prouse, Ryder and Williams.

Previous Minutes

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Re “Welcome Flag”

A memo was received from the Premier Sir J. Ward, asking the Council to supply a flag of welcome to be used in Auckland during the visit of the American Fleet. The Mayor moved and Cr. Ryder seconded “That the request of the Government to provide a flag of welcome to the American fleet be granted – cost not to exceed ₤5-5/-“.

This was carried on the following division

Ayes (5) Noes (4)

The Mayor Cr. Hall

Cr. MacKenzie Cr. Douglas

Cr. Prouse Cr. Hudson

Cr. Ryder Cr. Hankins

Cr. Williams

Moved by Cr. Hankins, seconded by Cr. Hudson “That a telegram of welcome be sent to the Secretary at Auckland on the arrival of the American Fleet, such message to be sent from the Mayor on behalf of the citizens of Levin”. Carried

Extension of time to Contractor

Mr Baylis contractor for footpath formation wrote asking for an extension of time

The Mayor moved and Cr. Williams seconded “That Mr R. Baylis be granted an extension of his contract for 14 days”.


Re Purchase of Mrs Ostler’s interests in the Gravel Reserve

The Borough Solicitors wrote stating that the transfer of the Gravel Reserve from Mrs E.B. Ostler had been prepared and a cheque for ₤438.19.3 was required for settlement.

Cr. MacKenzie moved and Cr. Prouse seconded “That the account of Mrs E.B. Ostler for the surrender of her interests in the Gravel Reserves Lease as submitted by the Borough Solicitors and amounting to ₤438.19.3 be passed for payment”.

Report adopted

The report of the Roads Committee recommending the formation of certain streets was adopted.

Engineering Costs

The following resolutions were passed: Mover – Cr. Hankins, seconder Cr. Hudson “That the return showing that Mr Charlesworth has received from this Council ₤168.17.6, from this Council for a period dating from 18th March 1907, to 18th May 1908 be received”.

Delegate to Municipal Asst. Conference for 1908

Mover – Cr. Hudson, seconder Cr. Hankins “That His Worship the Mayor be appointed the Delegate from this Council to attend the forthcoming conference of the N.Z. Municipal Association”.

Referred to the Streets Com

Mover – The Mayor, seconder Cr. MacKenzie “That the application of Messrs Harris & Sussex to road sections 9 & 10 Levin Suburban be referred to the Streets Committee to report to next meeting”. Carried

Levin Court House

Mover Cr. Williams, seconder Cr. MacKenzie “That owing to the increase in business that has taken place in the Levin Court within the last few years, that the time has arrived when a separate Clerk of the Court should be appointed apart from the person doing Police duty, and that the Minister of Justice be written to with that object in view”.

Crossings needing attention

Mover Cr. Williams, seconder Cr. MacKenzie “That the crossing in Mabel Street and Mako Mako Road be attended to at once”.

General Rates for 1908-09 duly struck

Mover The Mayor, seconder Cr. MacKenzie “That due notice having been given in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Rating Act 1894, this Council do now strike a general rate in all the rateable property in the Borough of Levin, of the sum of six farthings in the ₤1 on the capital value for the period from the 1st April 1908 to the 31st March 1909, the same to become due and payable in one instalment at the Borough Council Offices in Oxford Street, on and after the 1st day of July 1908, and that the Rate Book is open for inspection as by law provided during office hours”.

Overdraft at Bank

Mover Cr. Hankins, seconder Cr. Ryder “That this Council hereby resolves to borrow from its Bankers, the Bank of Australasia Levin, the sum of thirteen hundred pounds sterling or such portion thereof as may from time to time be required by way of overdraft in anticipation of revenue receivable from the following source – Viz: General Rate for yearly period ending 31st March 1909 of 1½d in the £1 on the capital value of £224,000”.

Passed for Payment

The following accounts were passed for payment:-

G. Milnes – Fire Brigade a/c goods
Griffiths & Co “ cart
Hudson & Marriott Ltd – C. aid a/c Watson
I.W. Gibson – Mrs Smiths “
Hammer 3.06
T. Broome – C.Aid a/c Bignall
“ - iron etc for pound
W. Pringle – ballot boxes
W.T. Charlesworth – a/c re gravel path

Cemetery a/c

W.S Charlesworth

Confirmed 6/7/08

TAB Hudson




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Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
Minutes of Council Meeting - 27 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 3 June 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907


first council minute book,
Community Tags

Report a problem

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Meeting 82 - 26 October 1908
Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
Minutes of Council Meeting - 27 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 3 June 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907