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At a sitting of the Native Land Court at Otaki on Tuesday July 2nd 1867

Present – Thos H. Smith – judge Ihaia Whakamairu and Parakaia Te Pouepa – assessors.

The court opened at 12 noon.

Notice of sitting read with list of adjourned and new cases to be heard.

The judge explained the reason why Parakaia sat in court though a resident at Otaki and stated that the court would consider any objection made to his sitting by any objection made to his sitting by any of the claimants or counter claimants and if considered reasonable the court will postpone the hearing until another assessor could be found – that two Wairarapa assessors had been sent for. One only was present but a second would shortly arrive. Meanwhile in order to keep to the day fixed for holding the court Parakaia had been requested to sit and the court will proceed with any cases which the parties are agreeable to have gone into by the court so composed.


Adjourned from last sitting of this book.

Perenara Te Tewe – Sworn.

I am of Te Mateawa of Ngatiraukawa. I live at Otaki. The land has been survey red and the map sent to Auckland. I sent it in February. Mr. Knight surveyed it. The reason the plan was not sent before is that I did not understand that the maps were to be sent to Mr. Fenton until the time I sent them. There are several letters passed on the subject between myself and Mr. Fenton. My claim is disputed Rangiharuru is my opponent. Te Peina is on my side. He is a joint claimant. Eruera and Natanahira claim lands outside of mine. I wrote the letter read in court. (His letter to Mr. Fenton of February 7th 1867). The plan accompanied it.

Charles Knight – Sworn.

Am a licensed surveyor under act. I surveyed the land claimed by Perenara on the completion of the map it was given to Perenara in August 1866. I have not seen it since. I have been paid for the survey. I know that there are counter claimants. There was opposition to the survey at the time.

Rangihauru appeared and stated that she claims the land in opposition. Did not see the survey but knows that it takes in her land.

Witness was asked whether she wished to appear as a counter claimant and to obtain a grant for herself or merely to upset Perenara’s claim.

Hearing postponed for production of map.

Paremata – Oriuria Hurumutu and others

Adjourned case from last sitting.

Tamihana appeared and stated that he was interested in this case and objected to Parakaia sitting at the hearing.

Hearing adjourned for the arrival of another assessor.

Hurihangataitoko – Ururoa Ripia and others

Adjourned case from last sitting.

Ururoa appeared and stated that the land had not been surveyed.

Told that the case would be dismissed and that if he wished to bring it forward again a fresh application must be made.

Witness stated that the land was at Rangiuru – that he had measured it himself with a tape. It was about 2 acres.

Court adjourned at 1.30 pm for an hour.

Court resumed sitting at 3.30 pm.

Whakamaunga ariki – Horomona Teromi

Horomona appeared and stated that the land had not been surveyed and applied for an adjournment to a future sitting.

Te Moroati appeared as opponent but on its being explained where the land was which Horomona claimed he withdrew his objection.

Nerehana Te Paea – same. After explanation withdrew objection.

Horomona Toremi – Sworn.

The boundaries of the land claimed by me as Whakamaunga ariki commencing at Te Karetu going thence to this side of the lake Puketoa thence to Te Awa Awa roa between Rakauhamama and Waiuiri ‘ka puta ki tutahi’ – sea beach. It is not disputed as far as I know.

Further hearing adjourned to a future sitting of the court.

Te Rotowhakahokiriri – Horomona Toremi and others

Horomona Toremi appeared. Produced map signed by Mr. Knight. Map not prepared according to reules. Scale 10 chain. I am of Ngatiraukawa. Live at Otaki. I claim this as land occupied by my ‘matua’ on the coming from Manungatautari. Haerewharara and his ‘teina’ occupied it first. He was my mother’s ‘tungane’. Ngatitoa ‘pana’ them. The children of Te Hiko, a Te Hua, a Te Koto, a Tungia, these chiefs came and put a stop to the work of the children and confirmed the land to my fathers. My fathers cultivated it and I have done so to the present time. I ask for a grant to issue to myself and persons named (A).



Te Roto Whaka hoki riri

Grantees proposed by Horomona.

Adopted by the court – Horomona Toremi, Kerekeha Haere Wharara, Patihona Takai te marama.

I wish the land to be kept and not sold and am willing that the grant should contain a restriction to that effect. I recognize the land as shown on the map before the court.

No objection coming forward in challenge.

Nopera Te Ngiha will give evidence in support of the claim.

Nopera Te Ngiha – Sworn.

I am of Ngatitoa. I live at Porirua. I know the land called Te Toto Whaka hoki riri. I have seen Horomona cultivating it. I did not see the survey. I have seen the boundaries of that piece but cannot say whether they are correctly shown on the map. I could show them on the land. I believe it to be his because I have seen him clearing and cultivating there. His fathers cultivated it.

Charles Godfrey Knight – Licensed surveyor – Sworn.

I surveyed the land shown on the map at the instance of Horomona Toremi. The pegs were in the ground when I left Otaki last year. The survey was made about July of last year. I do not recollect that any opposition was made to the survey. The survey has been paid for. It is about ¾ of a mile from here.

The court adjourned at 5 pm till tomorrow.


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