9 April 1873
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Wednesday April 9th 1873
Place – the same Present – the same
Meiha Keepa – applied for an adjournment for 2 days to permit of the arrival of certain Ngati Kahungunu people and for the preparation of a map.
Kaihuru (or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2)
Meiha Keepa said I object to the issue of a certificate on the application of Henare Te Herekau.
Henare Herekau said we have agreed to the names contained in the list handed in by us yesterday to ask for a tribal certificate.
Objectors challenged.
Natana Pipitoi – Ngati Kohatu said I object to the boundaries of the land for which a certificate has been asked by Henare Herekau.
Karanama Kapukai applied for an adjournment of the court until tomorrow.
Henare Herekau – the boundary referred to by Natana is a joint boundary between Ngati Kohuru and Ngati it was agreed upon in 1858. It was laid off in accordance with the Natural Features but if it is wrong I am agreeable to have it altered.
Tukumaru – said the statement of Natana is correct.
Court decided to order a certificate in pursuance of Henare Te Herekau’s application.
Ihakara Tukumaru – We are agreed in our application made yesterday for a certificate for this land.
Objectors challenged.
Hapi Te Rangitewhata – said I would like to confer with Ihakara relative to the boundaries.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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