Meeting 62 - 16 March 1908
- Description
Present : The Mayor (Mr. B.R. Gardener) Crs. Douglas, Hall, Hawkins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, and Prouse. Leave of absence was granted to Crs. Williams and Ryder.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Correspondence was read from the Valuers General, Charitable Aid Board, R. Clement (King? Not readable), I.W. Blackman, T.F. Martin and Co. also from Smart and Thorne asking provisional approval to sub-division of Mr. Setter’s property.
Sub-division of Setters property
With regard to the latter is (it) was moved by Cr. Hudson seconded by Cr. Hall and carried ‘That specifications of Roads and footpaths work through sections4 and 7D as submitted be approved by this Council, subject to Princes Street being continued to section 3 Levin Suburban.’
Roads committee
The report of the Roads Committee was received and on the Committee’s recommendation the following resolution on the motion of the mayor seconded by Cr. Hudson was passed: -
Metalling Durham, & Stuckey Streets
‘That tenders be called for metalling Durham and Stuckey Streets according to specifications drawn up by the Town Clerk.’
Special Order Striking rate re Gas Loan confirmed
Special Order confirmed: – The Mayor moved and Councillor Hudson seconded, ‘That the special order made at the special meeting held on the 17th Feb. 1908, striking a special rate of nine-sixteenths of a penny in the ₤1 on the capital value of the whole of the rateable property of the Borough of Levin, as security for, and to provide interest etc., on a loan of ₤10,000 for Gasworks, be now confirmed.’
This resolution was carried and the minutes of the special meeting of the 17th Feb. 1908 were duly confirmed.
Price of Plans
The following resolutions were passed: - Mover – Cr. Mackenzie – seconded Cr. Hawkins, ‘That the price to be charged to purchases of the ? plans of the Borough be five shillings.’
Exit Dairy School
Moved the Mayor – seconder Cr. Levy, ‘That this council place on record its sincere regret that the Government has not seen its way clear to establish theDairy School at Levin, and records its emphatic conviction that the reason advanced by the Minister for passing the Levin site, are neither weighty – nor convincing, it having been stated in several occasions that the necessary accommodation for students would be provided for by private speculators at Levin, should necessity arise.’
Meeting 25th Incl.
Mover The Mayor – Seconder Cr. Hall, ‘That general business including the passing of accounts be taken at the Statutory to be held on Wednesday evening the 25th March 1908.’
Picnic on Levin Park
Mover Cr. Hawkins – seconder Cr. Hall, ‘That the use of the Levin Park Domain be granted to the Levin Co-operative Dairy Coy. Ltd., for the purpose of their annual picnic on Easter Monday, 20th April 1908.’
Mayor’s Honorarium
At this stage the Mayor vacated the chair which was taken by Senior Councillor Hudson. Cr. Hawkins then moved and Cr. Hall seconded, ‘That the sum of ₤50 be granted to the Mayor for services rendered during his term of office and that the Council desires to express thanks to the Mayor for the extra amount of time that he has devoted to the affairs of the Borough.’
Carried unanimously.
Accounts passed
The following accounts were passed for payment: -
Horowhenua Publisher Co. Ltd. - advertising ₤-5/-7/-6 Chat. Baines - advertising ₤-3/--/- A. Musgrove - Caretakers wages
₤-1/--/-- ₤-9/-7/-6 Confirmed
B.R. Gardener
March 25 1908. Mayor.
- Date
- 1908
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