15 April 1873
- Description
Thursday April 15th 1873
Place – the same Present – John Rogan Esquire – Judge Hemi Tautari – Assessor
Mr. Cash said – he wished the order in this matter to be made under Section 17 Act 1867.
The court replied that this had already been done in accordance with the Act.
Henare Herekau applied for the completion of the orders in this matter.
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2 A
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Hoani Takerei and the nine other persons already named on page 67 be made and issued when proper plan is furnished without restrictions and that the estate best from this 15th day of April 1873
Fees Charged
Hearing £1 Certificate £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2 B
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Tangaroa Te Rauhihi and the other nine persons already named on page 67 be made and issued when proper plan is furnished without restrictions and that the estate best from today
Fees charged – Total £3.0.0
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2 C
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Henare Herekau and the nine others already named on page 68 be made and issued when proper plan is furnished without restrictions and that the estate best from today
Fees charged – Total £3.0.0
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2 D
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Neri Puratahi and the nine others already named on page 68 be made and issued when proper plan is furnished without restrictions and that the estate best from today
Fees charged
Hearing £1 Certificate £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2 E
Ordered that a certificate of the title of Huru Te Hiaro and the nine others already named on page 68 be made and issued when proper plan is furnished without restrictions and that the estate best from today
Fees charged - Total £3.0.0
Court explained that in the absence of judge Smith this claim could not be entertained until his business in Wellington has been finished.
Claim read – No plan
Hetariki Mataura said – this land is on the other side of Tararua, and was reserved from the sale of Ihuraua Block.
Huru Te Hiara – said this is a piece of land reserved from sale when all this surveyed land was disposed of. I saw the surveyor go to cut the lines. I am not familiar with the conditions of the sale.
As no sufficient information had been placed before the court relative to the nature of the reserve – the claimant was recommended to communicate with the government in this matter.
Case dismissed.
Claim read.
Application of Hemi Kuti for the adjournment of this claim to Otaki - Adjourned to be heard at Otaki accordingly.
Application from Tamihana Te Rauparaha for the adjournment of this court for two days read not acceded to.
Claim read – No plan
Ihaia Te Whakamairu said – he wished this case to be adjourned. Adjourned accordingly.
Ohau or Manawatu Kukutauaki No.
Claim read
Rawiri Rota said – I object to a certificate for this land to Reweti Te Kohua – the boundaries are disputed.
Court informed the applicant that the form of the application containing the names of 4 hapu’s could not be entertained as only one hapu or tribe can appear in the order of the court and that this must be arranged outside.
Iwi Te Kai
Claim read
Peeti Te Aweawe said – the land has been surveyed.
W. Alsdorf said – I know this land. It is on the east of Manawatu. It is a reserve in connection with Ahuaturanga Block. I forget the acreage. A plan will be up from Wellington by Thursdays mail.
Iwi Te Kai
Claim read
Peeti Te Aweawe – sworn
I am a chief of Rangitane and live at Awahou.
I know certain it is below Moutoa. It was reserved for our benefit from Ihakara’s sale. Reserved for me and others. I inherit this land from my ancestors.
This land was confirmed to me after the sale by Ihakara to Dr. Featherston. This land was given by my parents to Ngati Pare in olden time. We were living on friendly terms with Ngati Pare. When Mr McLean arrived Ihakara sold the Awahou Block. That is a place by my ancestors until this time by one and Te Warena. I heard this land was to be sold and I stood up in the presence of 700 Ngati Raukawa. I applied to McLean for the reserve of this land from Ihakara’s sale. He asked me if it was to be for a permanent settlement. I said yes.
Ihakara said a word about my interfering. Warena and I went to Ngati Pare and talk about the matter and it was agreed to by Hoani Taipua’s brother and mother. Our dispute was ended with Ngati Raukawa. They agreed that this land should be ours.
Dr. Featherston afterwards disputed with me over a period of six years. I disputed to survey. I destroyed the pegs. Dr. Featherston then said let us adjudicate this matter. I asked who the parties to adjudicate are. He said Mr. Buller. I nominated certain Ngati Raukawa chiefs – Ihakara, Parakaia and others came to that investigation. Dr. Featherston was present. We were on opposite sides of the table. I said I have disputed the land for seven years. I do not desire to take it by force. I want to get it peaceably. My houses and plantations are on it now. I then called Ngati Raukawa to establish my word. Ihakara said this land was reserved from his block with consent of Ngati Raukawa. Parakaia substantiated our statements. Dr. Featherston then said that he was defeated and the land should be for me.
I had no paper from Dr. Featherston confirming his statement that the land was mine.
Hoani Taipua said – I have heard Peeti’s statement. It is true. We reserved this land for Peeti Te Warena and others.
Peeti said – I will prepare a list of the names of the owners and hand them in on Thursday.
Case adjourned.
Court adjourned for an hour.
At 2 pm the court resumed.
Claim read.
Native title said to be extinguished vide pp 66 N. L. with No. 6 of 1867 – Dismissed.
Kauhanga No. 2
Hoani Meihana said – that the paper put in by him was to show that all the persons interested were agreeable that ten names marked with a x as grantees should be the one put in the grant and that the order made by the court under the 17th section was not what they intended to apply for.
Court decided to amend the order in question.
Ordered that the certificate be made in the names of
Atenata Te Wharekiri, Hare Whaitiri, Heketa Te Aweawe, Hraka Porima, Taituha Taringa, Pane Ketunga, Rora Wharekiri, Nereaha Tamaki, Hopakuku Paewai and Ihepera Paewai without restrictions – estate to best from today
Fees charged
Hearing £1 Certificate £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0
Lower Aorangi No. 2
Hoani Meihana produced tracing of 10 acres in this block for which he asked for a certificate of title in his own name.
Walter Aldorf said – this piece of land is on the east of this judge. His house is not on this piece.
Court decided to order a certificate of title in favor of Hoani Meihana for 10 acres at Aorangi without restrictions – estate to best from today.
Ordered accordingly
Fees charged – Total £3.0.0
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2
Hoani Taipua put in list of names in whose favor be asked for a certificate of title.
Objectors challenged.
Te Waata Tohu said – I and others are jointly interested in this land with Hoani Taipua and asked leave to arrange the matter outside.
Huru Te Hiaro also objected – Patoronui and Hanatia Te Whare.
Hoani Tapua said – in reply these persons have been admitted in the other subdivision and this particular piece is Ngati Whakatere’s.
Henare Herekau said – that the portion reserved for Hoani Tupua was arranged by Huru and others among the people themselves. The outside boundaries were agreed to.
I consider the woman Hanatia Te Whare is the only person who has any right to object. The other persons are admitted in the other portions of the block. She has lived upon and cultivated the land.
Hoani Taipua said – Hanatia’s interest has been represented by her brother in one of the other subdivisions. I am willing to substitute her name for her brothers.
Hemi Warena said – I do not approve of my sister’s name being substituted for mine.
Ordered that a certificate of the title of
Hoani Taipua, Hiria Taipua, Te Moroati Kharoa, Hemi Warena, Ria Herekau, Matenga Te Moroati, Areta Te Uira, Hema Te Ao, Pitihira Kiharoa, Kipa Te Whatanui
Be made and issued when the paid parties shall furnish a proper survey thereof no restrictions – estate to best from today
Fees charged – Total £3.0.0
Pukehou or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 1
Claim read – boundaries described on large plan.
James Ransfield asked for a certificate of title in favor of persons of whom he handed in a list.
Objectors challenged.
Hema Te Ao said – I object also Ropata Te Ao and Ria.
James Ransfield said – I do not admit these objectors.
Hema Te Ao said – this is our land. It belongs to Ngati Whakatere and Ngati Pakati. I have a claim to other land besides this and shown on the large map.
Court directed the claimants and opponents to settle their differences outside.
Claim read – a reserve
Peeti Te Aweawe said – that this land had been surveyed by the government. It is in the Ahuaturanga Block. Stewart was the first surveyor. It is about 830 acres. It was reserved for me.
Dr. Featherston purchased the surrounding land. Mr. Searancke was the first who negotiated the purchase of this land. I asked for Stewart and Karkuk to survey this land. My parents showed them the boundaries.
Hoani Meihana said – I have heard Peeti’s statement. It is true.
Counsel decided that if the land is reserved as described, an order will be made in favor of Peeti Te Aweawe.
Koputoroa or Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 3
Ihakara Tukumaru said – we have agreed to the names we wish to have in the certificate for this land.
List of names handed in. No objections.
Court decided to order a certificate in favor of persons contained in list
Ordered that a certificate of the title of
Ihakara Tukumaru, Hairuha Te Hiwi, Kereopa Tukumaru, Tariuha Te Arawai, Ereni Hutana, Hohepa Te Hana, Renata Te Roherohe, Ropata Te Ahua, Natana Pipito, Patihona
Be made and issued without restrictions when a proper survey thereof is furnished by the parties and that the estate best from today.
Court adjourned until 10 am on Thursday.
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