26 September 1871
- Description
At a sitting of the Native Land Court of New Zealand held at Otaki on Tuesday the 26th day of September 1871.
Present – Thos Hy Smith – judge Wi Tako Ngatata, Ropata Ngarongomate – assessors
E Woon – interpreter
Court sat at 11 am.
Notices read.
Ngawhakarangirangi – Mere Kaumatua
Claimant called – did not appear
Continued at pp 11 (pp 833 in this book).
Ouruwhero – Te Rauangaanga – Adjourned case
Case called – no appearance – passed.
Continued at pp 17 (854 in this book)
Te Ahitangutu – Naihi Pekeia and others
Te Naihi Pekeia – appeared.
No plan. Land had been surveyed by Mr. Swainson – deceased – dismissed.
Nga Toko – Te Rei Te Paehua and others
Adjourned case.
Certified plan S. O. W No. 197 – before court.
Tiemi Ranapiri – appeared – Sworn
Puts in letter signed by Kerekeha Paehua – states that Kerekeha does not know how to write but believes that the letter put in is Kerekeha’s – evidence (A).
Tiemi Ranapiri – Sworn
Kei Otaki taku kainga. E tu ana ahau ki te whakahaere i te Keremi o Te Rei te Paehua kua mate. E tuku atu ana ahau i te pukapuka (letter put in) o Kerekeha Te Paehua. Kia kaha ai ahau ki te whakaua i te whenua na. Kahore ahau e mohio ki te reta o Kerekeha, kahore ia i te tino mohio ki te tuhituhi. Engari e mohio ana ahau na Kerekeha tana puka puka e rite tonu ana ki tona reta. He mahainga ona pukapuka e tae mai ana ki ahau. E tama a Kerekeha na Te Rei. Ko tana whenua kua tonoa e ahau kia whakawakia. Ko Tetahi tamaiti o te Rei ko Hoana kua mate i noho tera ki ahau, Ko tona tungane he oi ano a te Rei ake. Kotahi tonu tenei e ona nei ko Kerekeha. Ko Karanama te mea i uru, ki Hipirini kahore i uru. He whakauru noa iho. Kei Otaki nei a Hipirini na te tuahine a Te Rei a Riria.
E tono ana ahau ki te Kooti kia whakaputauia te karaati kia Kerekeha raua ko Riria, taku hoa (wife).
E mea ana ahau kia taka a Karanama i runga i tenei tono aku. Kua kite ahau i te mapi o Ngatoko – na Hui i ruri Otira. Kahore ahau i kite i te ruritanga, kahore ahau i te mohio kei te mau nga pou o te ruritanga kua pou tetahi taha i te wai. Ko Te Naihi raua ko Karanama i kite i te ruritanga. E haere ana te rori i runga i tenei whenua. He mea taku kia whakaputaina te pukapuka tuturu. Kia Kerekeha – Riria.
Ki taku mohio ko te take o te Rei ki tana whenua. Ko tona noho ki runga ki taua whenua. Ma Karanama e korero i te nohoanga o te Rei i reira. Kahore ahau i kite.
Applies for certificate in favor of Kerekeha Te Paehua and Riria Ranapiri.
Karanama Te Whakaheke – Sworn
Evidence (B).
(A) Evidence.
Karanama Te Whakaheke – Sworn
Kei Pukekaraka toku kainga, e mohio ana ahau ki te whenua kua oti te whakaahua ki te mapi. Na te Tei Te Paehua, noku, i kite ahau i te ruritanga o tana whenua. Na Hue (Hughes) i ruri. Kua ngaro pea nga pou, he mea keri ki te whenua, nga pito o te ruritanga. Ko te taea e ahau te wakaatu ki tetahi kai ruri inaianei i nga pou i poua e te kai ruri. E uru ana ahau ki tena whenua e wakaae ana ahau kia Tiemi Ranapiri hei riwhi mo Te Rei. Ko ia a Kerekeha.
E mea ana ahau kia wakaurua toku ingoa hei tokotoru mo roto mo to karauna karaati. I kite ahau i a matou tahi ko te Tei, na maua tahi ko te Rei, na mana auake ta maua tohu he whare i tu ki reira. Kua riro i te waipuke he whare tona he whare toku i reira, he mahinga.
Objectors challenged.
Akapita Te Tewe – appeared as objector.
States that the land belonged to Matuharorua father of Riria and not to her mother Te Rei’s sister.
Hemi Ranapiri appeared – assented to Karanama.
Riria Ranapiri appeared – assented to Karanama.
Riria Ranapiri – Sworn
Evidence (C)
Riria Ranapiri- Sworn
Ko te wahine ahau o Tiemi Ranapiri e mohio ana ki te whenua kua wakaahuatea ki te mapi, ki taku mohio no taku whaea me ona tangane. He tuahine toku whaea no te Rei, toko toru matou nga tamariki o to matou whaea. E uru tahi ana matou toko toru ki runga ki te whenua o toku whaea. Ko Ruhia Rongorongo te tahi ko Haimona tetahi. E urutahi ana a Karanama ki runga ki taua whenua.
Certificate ordered in favor of Kerekeha Te Paehua and 4 others as in (D).
(B) – Kerekeha Te Paehua Riria Ranapiri Haimona Hiwhenua Ruhia Rongorongo Karanama Te Whakaheke
At Otaki T. H. S containin a1 – r1 – p34 - Ngatoko
Judge to report that it is not proper to restrict alienability.
Fees Cert £1 Cr. Grant £1 Total £2
Court adjourned at 1 pm for 1 hour.
Court resumed at 2 pm.
Totara No.1 – Hoani Taipua
Adjourned case.
Hoani Taipua – appeared.
Stated that he had not procured a survey of the land claimed. Had not received the £15 referred to in the document attached to the papers but it had been promised as an advance to defray cost of survey.
Claim dismissed.
Totara No. 2 – Roera Hukiki
Adjourned case.
Case called – no appearance
Hearing adjourned in consequence of illness of claimant.
Hoani Taipua informed court that Roera and Taia are ill and unable to attend.
Hearing adjourned to future sitting.
Rangihiwinui – Nerehana Te Paea
Adjourned case.
Case called – no appearance
Hearing adjourned to future sitting.
Claim to Succeed
Te Awahou – Te Teira – deceased
Adjourned case
Hare Rewiti Rongorongo – appeared
Asked for adjournment to future sitting on the ground that he was not prepared to produce grant or proof of death of Te Teira. Asks for adjournment to Rangitikei.
Hearing adjourned to future sitting.
Court adjourned at 3.30 pm till tomorrow when new claims will be called.
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