Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 1 April 1874.
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Wednesday 1st April 1874
Place – the same Present – the same
Ngakaroro (continued)
Hapi Te Rangitewhata said – We have arranged about Waopukatea. Matene objects we could not arrange or agree about the others.
Hapi for himself and Ngati Huia then addressed the court on the whole block.
Hoani Taipua and Ngati Pare.
Matene Te Whiwhi – Ngati Parekohatu (claimants)
Waopukatea No. 1 – 562 acres
Claim read – plan produced (Wyles and Buck)
Hapi Te Rangitewhata – sworn
I authorize the survey of this block.
It belongs to my brothers and my children to Matiu (who is dead) Te Karaha, Poniwahio, Pirimona, Te Hemara, Karepa, Akuhata, Karanama, Ahenata, Huia, Metera, Maikara, Ramari Matiu, Pia, Taia Rupuha, Weriti, Pia Whakaraki, Kapo and Mukaka and Ramari Hopihona. These are all. They belong to Ngati Huia.
Kohatuahumai is claimed by Hakaraia a Ngati Pare.
Kurukohatu is claimed by Ngati Huia.
Karuotewhenua is claimed by Ngati Turanga.
Objectors challenged
Hoani Taipua said – this land is within the boundary of our land. I object to Hapi taking Puratahi.
Tamehana Rauparaha said – I object to Ngati Huia on this block except their clearings.
Matene Te Whiwhi said – Here, my potato cultivations is within this.
Te Hutana said – this survey encroaches on my land – Kuruk-----.
Tamehana Te Rauparaha said – I claim this land through Rauparaha. I only admit Ngati Huia to those spots where they have cultivated - all the rest is mine.
Hoani Taipua said – I objected to Puratahi but Hapi and I have now agreed and I withdraw my objection because Hapi and the Ngati Huia admit me.
Matene Te Whiwhi said – I claim all the uncultivated portion of this block and admit Ngati Huia to the spots they have worked on only. My claim over this block rest over the ground of my claim to the whole Ngakaroro Block in which this is included.
The court said it would consider its decision on this matter and deliver judgment on this and on the whole of Ngakaroro Block at 2 pm.
At 2 pm the court resumed.
Waopukatea – (continued) – 562 acres
Judgment given in favor of Hapi Te Rangitewhata and his co claimants – the names of whom were given by him.
Waopukatea No. 1
Ordered that a memorial of ownership be issued in favor of
Hapi Te Rangitewhata, Te Karaha, Pouwahio Peta, Pirimona, Puhikaru, Te Hemara Te Tewe, Karepa, Karanama, Akuhata Karanama, Karanama Kapukai, Ahenata Hapi, Huia Karaha, Metera Karaha, Maikara Matiu, Ramari Matiu, Pia Wairau, Taia Rupuha, Wereti Ruinui, Pia Whakaraki, Kapo Te Toe, Mukakai, Ramari Hopihona, Hikamate Hape, Mihaka Karepa and Hohua, Ruinui and Ani Hopihona
The land claimed under this title is a portion of the block known as Manawatu which at the sitting of this court held at Foxton in March 1873 was found to be the property of the Ngati Raukawa tribe.
After hearing the evidence on either side, the court is of opinion, the claim of Matene Te Whiwhi and others to this whole block through right of conquest – be successfully opposed by members of the Ngati Pare and Ngati Huia hapu’s or sub tribes of Ngati Raukawa and therefore orders that a subdivision of the block be made in the following manner – viz
Ngakaroro No. 1
Containing by estimation 5320 acres bounded towards N.E by Te Wahaotemarangai Block towards the west by the government boundary on the Tararua Range towards the south by the Ngakaroro No. 2 Block and towards the N.W by the Ngakaroro No. 3 Block in favor of Ngati Pare.
Ngakaroro No. 2
Containing by estimation 12,212 acres bounded towards the north by the Ngakaroro No. 5 Block to the Ngakaroro No. 3 Block towards the No. 6 by the Ngakaroro No. 1 Block towards the west by the boundary on the Tararua Range towards the south by the Ngakarara Block the Ngawhakangutu and the Ngakaroro No. 4 Block and towards the west by the sea (excepting – across at Te Waka be ordered to Kipa Whatanui) in favor of Ngati Huia.
Ngakaroro No. 3
Containing by estimation --- acres bounded towards the north by the Otaki River towards tha north east of Waopukatea No. 1 Block towards the south east by the Ngakaroro No. 1 Block towards the south by the Ngakaroro No. – Bock and towards the west by the Ngakaroro No. 5 Block (Excepting - such portions thereof as been surveyed and which will yet have to come before the court) – also in favor of Ngati Huia.
Ngakaroro No. 4
Containing by estimation 894 acres bounded towards the north by the Ngakaroro No. 2 Block towards the --- by the said block towards the south by the Ngawhakangutu Block and towards the west by the sea – (Excepting – across at ---- to be awarded to Te Hamara) – in favor of Tamehana Te Rauparaha.
Ngakaroro No. 5
Containing by estimation ---- acres bounded towards the north by the Otaki River towards the east by the Pukerarahi Block to the Katihiku No. 3 Block the Katihiku No.2 Block and the Ngakaroro No. 3 Block towards the south by the Ngakaroro No. 2 Block and towars the west by the sea – (Excepting the Ferry Reserve and also such other portions there of as having been surveyed and which will yet have to come before the court) – in favor of Matene Te Whiwhi.
Waopukatea No. 2 – 62 ½ acres – Portion of Waopukatea Block
Ordered that Memorial of ownership be made in favor of Toemi Ranapiri and Riria Ranapiri
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