Meeting 77 - 7 September 1908
- Description
PRESENT: The Mayor (Mr B.R. Gardener) and Crs.Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Douglas, Levy, MacKenzie, Ryder, Prouse and Williams
The meeting which was duly summoned and constituted was called for the purpose of making a special order striking a special rate in connection with the gasworks loan of £10,000.
Special Order
The Mayor moved and Councillor Williams seconded the following resolution:-
“In pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf by “The Local Bodies Loans Act 1901” and the Acts amending the same respectively. The Levin Borough Council hereby resolves as follows:
“That for the purpose of providing interest and other charges on a loan of £10,000 authorised to be raised by the said Levin Borough Council under the abovementioned Acts, for purchasing gas plant, mains, material, site for gasworks and generally for erecting, constructing and establishing municipal coal-gasworks, the said Levin Borough Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of nine-fourteenths of a penny in the £1 upon the rateable capital value of all rateable property of the Borough of Levin comprising all that area in the Wellington Land District situated in Block I Waiopehu Survey District bounded towards the northeast by the south western side of Kawiu Road from Tiro Tiro Road to Bartholomew Road, thence towards the southeast by the north western side of the said Bartholomew Road and the north western side of the road produced to a south western boundary line of subdivision No. 10 Horowhenua Block, thence towards the south west by the south western boundary line of the said subdivision no 10 to the Wellington Manawatu Railway Reserve, thence by a right line across the said railway reserve and the main road to the north eastern side of the Horowhenua Beach Road; thence by the north eastern side of the Horowhenua Beach Road to a point in a line with the north western boundary line of allotment no. 107 Weraroa Township; thence towards the north west by a right line to the western most corner of the said allotment no. 107; thence by the north western boundary lines of allotment numbers 107, 106, 105 and 104 Weraroa Township aforesaid and the production of the last mentioned boundary line across the Makomako Road to the north eastern side of that road; thence again towards the south west by the north eastern side of the said Makomako Road to Tiro Tiro Road; and thence again towards the north west by the south eastern side of the said Tiro Tiro Road to its junction with the Kawiu Road aforesaid the place of commencement, and that such special rate shall be an annual recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and be payable yearly on the first day of October in each and every year during the currency of such loan being a period of 26 years or until the loan is fully paid off”. Carried
Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr. Hudson _ “That the foregoing “Special Order” making a special rate in connection with the gasworks loan of £10,000 be duly advertised and submitted for confirmation at the ordinary meeting of this Council be held on Monday the 5th October 1908 at 8 o’clock.
This concluded the business of the special meeting.
Basil Gardener – Mayor
Oct 5 1908
- Date
- 1908
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