26 November 1874
- Description
Thursday November 26th
Court sat at 10 am.
Present – same
The judge announced the decision of the court in the case of the claim and counter claimant to Tutangatakino No. 4.
The counter claimant has failed to upset the claim o Ranapiri and the court finds that the land belongs to the Ransfield family and will order a memorial of ownership accordingly to be inscribed on the court rolls of the district.
The court also orders the payment of costs by counter claimant to claimant.
On being questioned by the judge Ransfield stated that he had not brought this claim before the court for the purpose of conveyint to Dr. Hewson.
Names of Ransfield and Erana’s children list – 6 in number – as in A
(A) Names of Ransfield family to be inserted in memorial of ownership of Tatangatakino No. 4 – James Ransfield, Robert Ransfield, Matthew Ransfield, Thomas Ransfield, Mary Ransfield, Ann Ransfield Bevan.
All adults.
Order for memorial of ownership made.
Fees, 2 days each party at £1 per diem £4 Memorial £1 Inspection of plan 1/- Total £5.10.0
Counter claimant to pay £3 costs.
Court rose at 10.30 am.
Adjourned sine die – November 26th 1874.
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