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May 9th 1873


Place – the same Present – John Rogan Esquire

Hemi Tautari, Hare Wirikake and Mitai – Assessors

The court announced that in consequence of the misconduct of the government agent Mr. Swindell on Friday last and which had been reported to the government, he would not appear in that capacity here again during this session – also that Mitai Penetaui had been sent for and was now present as assessor in consequence of the ill health of Hemi Tautari.

Ihakara Tu Kumaru said

I wish to stay the proceeding of the court because of the trouble in Waikato. I wish to see Waikato to Maungatautari to prevent Ngati Raukawa meddling. I have taken this action because of the telegram which Matene Te Whiwhi had received from the Native Minister – relative to that question.

The court replied that having just left Wellingtion and that the Native Minister would probably remain in that city until the close of this cession.

Ihakara said that he was desirous that the cases already opened should he disposed of before the rising of the court but that no fresh claims should be entertained.

Totara No. 3

Hoani Taipua pointed out ion the tracing the boundaries and said that it had not been included in any other certificate or grant and handed the name which he wished an order should be made out for.

Objectors challenged.

Kipa Te Whatanui said I object.

Ordered that this claim be called on again

Kipa Te Whatanui said I misunderstood the boundaries of the land described by the boundaries of Hoani Taipua’s claim to Totara No. 3 and I now wish to withdraw the objection which I had just now made.

Hoani Taipua said I wish for a grant without restriction.

Court decided to order a certificate for the Totara No. 3 Block containing by estimation 347 acres in favor of Hoani Taipua without restrictions – estate to best from today.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Hoani Taipua

Be made and the said person shall furnish a proper survey thereof without restrictions and that the estate best from today.

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Cert £1 C. Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Ohau No. 1 – 750 acres

Claim read – tracing produced - Piahaua said that is our claim. Objectors challenged.

Miriana Pariarua said I object.

Piahana said his (Winiorao) name should appear – (the number of names were then eleven) – and asked for two certificates but I have the power to become responsible for the excision of Piahaua’s name and there one grant might be assured. I desire that Piahaua’s name be struck off and one grant be issued.

Court decided to order a certificate to Piahaua and nine others land title to be restricted.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Natana Te Hiwi, Peina Tahipara, Atereti Taratoa, Horomiria Te Whakawhiti, Winiata Te Tarehu, Patoropa Te Nge, Katene Rongorongo, Pirihira Koroniria, Kaparariere Mahirahi, Winara Pariarua

Be made and issued to the said parties when they shall furnish a proper plan thereof title to be stricted as to alienability – estate to best from today.


Claim read – tracing produced

Huru Te Hiaro said

That tracing was taken from the government plan. It is a portion of the Ihuraua Block which was adjudicated upon at Masterton some time ago. I claim this piece. I do not know of any others. I did not sell the surrounding land. I reserved that piece when the land was sold by Ngati Kahungungu. I went to Masterton.

It is a place of abode of my ancestors. When I had been there one night, 50 persons came with a surveyor to survey this piece. I was with 2 of my relations who were living on this piece and met these people. The surveyors name was Willis, he had his chain. I desired him to stop while I addressed the people who followed him. They agreed that I should speak and welcome me. I then addressed Te Otene who was the principal native selling the surrounding land and desired him to show the boundaries of that he had sold. Noa is a Ngati Kahungungu.

After this, Otene said, what you say is right and fixed the boundary at Ihuraua thence to Ahiaruhe. I then said, I and my parents own this land and on that day surveyed the land with Willis (Wills) – he was a government surveyor. This happened a great many years ago. I was a child at the time perhaps 35 years ago. From that time we have held that land. Of late years other persons have set up a claim to this land. They have not mentioned it to me but I have heard it from white people.

Other claimants called.

Paro said – I desire to appear as an agent for other persons. Karanama is one, they are absent at present and I would wish the claim adjourned on their behalf.

Ngatuere said – I have a claim to this land – Moroa – and I wish my name inserted in the grant.

Te Hiaro said – I do not agree to her claim.

Ngatuere – sworn

I am a Muaupoko on my mother’s side and live at Wairarapa.

I claim this land through my ancestor on my father’s side. I am aware that my parent lived on this land. He was a Ngatimairehau, a section of Rangitane.

I do not know who dealt with the surrounding land, I was a child at the time. I know my parent sold some of the adjoining land with Te Otene. My parent and Te Otene were co-claimants for this land. My brother who was much older than me received a share of the proceeds of the sale of the adjoining land. I am not aware that this land was reserved by Te Otene for Huru. Horopapera was the cause of this reserve being made and he did it because of its being the burial ground of his. He is dead. I am one of a number of his relations now alive. I have not been on this land. My brothers have. They are living at Wairarapa. I can call my husband.

Ngatuere said – I know the block called Moroa.

There was a dispute about it at Mataikona because of some persons who were buried on it.

Hunia and Horopapera disputed. Huru had relatives buried there. In late days since the institution of the Native Land Court peoples returnes there. At a sitting at Foxton, women went oto Huru and asked him to allow their names to appear with his. He did not consent. I went with the women. Huru told us to wait as he was busy. I said to the assessors to them don’t let any money be paid to Huru on account of this land. This is all I have to say.

Huru Te Hou – sworn

Said statement relative to his father going to the sale with Te Otene is correct.

The section of Rangitane who went to that sale was Ngati Mairehou also Muaupoko. Other persons of Rangitane who were desirous of getting money, at that time I did not desire land. I wanted to retain this piece now under investigation. Portions of my land have been lost to fire by that sale. At that time, Rangitane and Muaupoko received part of the payment for the land and I corroborate the statement of Ngatuere’s wife that her father went with Otene. I was alone in my desire to retain this portion of the block. All the others wanted to sell. I did not want money. I wanted to keep my land. That portion of Aru’s evidence referring to persons buried there - relatives of Horopapera, is correct. I want to retain this land for myself and children. I do not want to sell it as hinted by Ngatuere.

Peeti Te Aweawe – sworn

I am a Rangitane. I know Moroa Block. I have heard of it – that is my knowledge. I have heard Huru’s statement about Aru Ngatuere’s statement. I believe it is Huru’s.

Huru heard that Ihuraua had been sold by Te Otene and Potangaroa. Huru then went there to reserve this piece. Otene came on Huru’s arrival together with his surveyor and 50 persons with him. Huru then addressed Otene.

This is my word. Cease your surveying. Let this remain for our parents, Horopapera and Tipure, because the layer portion of our land has been sold by you. Huru’s demand was agreed to.

Te Otene desires the surveyor to make a plan of Moroa that it might remain for Huru and his father. This sketch before the court is a copy of that plan. It was four years before we discovered the plan from which that tracing was made. It was desirous by Mr. Halse and Mr. Locke. I was not with Huru at that time.

Tipene and Otene told me what I have said. I was with Huru in the search for the plan of this reserve.

Whareiaia – said a person named Mutu was at the investigation at Masterton and Mr. McLean promised to inform him of the investigation and desired that time be allowed to send him a telegram to come from Foxton.

Court decided to adjourn this case for a day or two.

Court adjourned for an hour.

At 1 pm, the court resumed.


Hapi Te Horohau – said there are no objections to a certificate for this piece.

Objectors challenged.

Court decided to order a certificate in favor of Hapi Te Horohau and others.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Hape Te Horohau, Karipa Te Rangiataahua, Meretene Kuku, Tamati Parakaia, Taia Rupuha, Akara Ngahue, Heni Te Rei, Ria Te Rangiataahua, Pene Te Ruapuia

Be made and issued without restrictions when the said parties shall furnish a proper survey thereof.

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Certificate £1 Crown Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Whirokino – Ngatipare Claim

Hema Te Ao claim read and a list of names put in for whom a certificate of title was asked. Boundaries pointed out on the large map.

Hoani Taipua stated – I claim this land through my father and not through my mother who has no claim, had she, I would willingly insert her name in the list.

Hema Te Ao said – we, each of us, claim this land through our fathers, one is named Kupa – a half caste, we have in receipt of the rents of this land. If the person’s nominated, will allow other names to be inserted, it is for them to agree. The names given are of the heads of those claiming. The persons nominated have been agreed to by the persons interested and that it be -----.

Hoani Taipua said – the persons nominated have been in receipt of the rent for 20 years.

Ria objected because her name was not in the list.

Court informed Ria that her name could not be inserted in the grant because she had given no reasons for her claim and decided to order a certificate in favor of Moroati Kiharoa and others without restrictions.

Ordered that a certificate of the title of

Moroati Kiharoa, Pineaha Te Matauariki, Kipa Te Whatanui (h.c.), Hoani Taipua, Hema Te Ao, Areta Taipua, Ropata Te Ao

Be made and issued without restrictions when a proper survey has been made thereof and that the legal estate best from today

Fees charged

Hearing £1 Certificate £1 Crown Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.


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