Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 19 March 1874
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Thursday 19th March 1874
Place – the same Present – the same
Hare Wirikake said – I do not intend to call anymore witnesses because of an arrangement I have made with Roera since the rising of the court yesterday. We are now one.
Other objectors challenged
Kipa Whatanui said – I claim through Aperahama and if Hare Wirikake has established a claim through him I ought to be admitted.
Roera said – If Aperahama’s claim is proved, Kipa has as much right an any other. He is descended from Aperahama.
Case of claimant closed.
Hearing of the address by counter claimant and claimant adjourned until 2 pm.
Waiwiri Weraawhango – or Weraawhango No
Claimant not prepared to go on.
Claim read – Plan produced
Te Rutene said – I appear for Kamareira – my brother who is now at Waotu. I lived here previously. Went to Waikato and have returned now to sustain my claim to this block of land.
I occupied this land. My father and I cleared the bush off it. This was when fighting ceased between Ngati Awa and Ngati Raukawa. We cleared the land, put food in the ground and built houses there. It derives its name from the fact of a bird called the Miromiro perching itself on the ridgepole of one of the houses during its erection. One of the boards is to be found at this day – is now standing.It was a Wharepuni.
Myself and my fathers lived on the land up to 1840. I then put a black ---- on the land. His name was ‘Flash Jack’. Whales frequented these places.
In 1861, I went to Waikato. I left Rapana Kamariere, Hoani, Haniahona and Anaru our father and Amiria our mother. Anaru died after I left.
In 1863, Hoani, Kamariere, Hamahona and Amiria would go to Waotu. Te Naihi and Ngahora remained to look after the land.
In 1872, Kamariere returned from Waikato. I sent him to survey the land. The land was surveyed.
I now ask for an order of the court in favor of myself Te Rutene Pehiohaura, Te Naihi Pekeia and Ngahora.
Hema Te Ao said – We claim the land together from the same ancestor. If Rutene will admit – there will be no further objection.
Court adjourned until 2 pm.
At 2 pm the court resumed.
Weraawhango or Muhunoa
Hema Te Ao addressed the court for counter claimants.
Roera Hukiki addressed the court for claimants.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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