Meeting 67 - 6 May 1908
- Description
The Annual Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday the 6th May 1908 at 12 o’clock noon, for the purpose of installing the Mayor elect.
There were present: Levin Councillor Hudson, Crs, Hankins, Hall, Levy & Douglas, and the Town Clerk – P.W. Goldsmith. Apology for absence received from Cr. Ryder
The Clerk read sections of the Act of Parliament and the By-law constituting the Meeting, and Levin Councillor Hudson took the usual declaration from the Mayor, Mr B.R. Gardener and congratulated him on his election to the office of Mayor for the third term.
All the Councillors present also congratulated the Mayor and expressed their good wishes for the new mayoral year.
The Mayor in taking his seat thanked the Councillors for their confidence and good wishes and hoped they would have a successful year and that the business of the Council would run smoothly and The Clerk presented his Annual Report and Balance Sheet as prepared for audit and the business terminated.
- Date
- 1908
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