Meeting 48 - 21 October 1907
- Description
Present: The Mayor (Mr. B.R. Gardener) Crs. Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Prouse, Ryder and Williams.
Minutes confirmed
The minutes of the previous ordinary meeting & also those of the Special meeting of the 14th Oct. 07 were read and severally confirmed.
Correspondence was read from the Secretary of the Wellington District Hospital, G. Potts Field, Luckie & Toogood, also from the Secretary to the Treasury re Streets Loan of ₤3000. The letter from the Secretary to the Hospital was held over until next meeting.
Road Overseer’s Report
The Road Overseer reported that Winter & Close had finished the Mako-Mako Rd. contract etc. & advising that certain payment could be made on account.
Moved by Cr. Levy & seconded by Cr. Prouse ‘That the Road Overseer’s report be adopted & that a progress payment of ₤24 be made to Winter & Close.’
Fire Brigade Committee
The Mayor gave a verbal report of meeting with the Fire Brigade Officers & discussing the future management of the Brigade and he moved ‘That Councillors Hankins Hall & Douglas be appointed to represent the Council on the Fire Brigade Committee.’
This was seconded by Cr. Levy & carried.
Signing Rate Book
Moved by the Mayor & seconded by Cr. Hall ‘That Councillors Hankins & Hudson be appointed to sign the Rate Book for the current year – 1907-8’.
Streets Loan
The Mayor moved and Cr. Prouse seconded the following resolution:- ‘This Council hereby resolves that
(1) Immediate steps be taken to borrow from the Colonial Treasurer under ‘The Loans to Local Bodies Act 1901’ and its amendments, the sum of ₤3000 for a period of 41 years the rate of interest to be paid to be ₤4 per centum per annum.
(2) The purpose of the loan is that of making streets within the Borough, the expenditure to extend over a period of two successive years.
(3) Notice be given that the Council intends to make & levy an annually recurring rate of two thirteenths of a penny in the ₤ (2/13d) on the capital value on all the rateable properties within the Borough as security for & also to provide interest & other charges for the said loan.’ Carried.
Mr Gibbon’s overhanging trees
Some discussion ensued regarding overhanging trees in Weraroa Road growing on land occupied by Mr. Gibbons. Eventually the following resolution was passed: Moved Cr. Prouse seconded Cr. Levy. ‘That the overseer inspect the trees overhanging Weraroa Road and request Mr. Gibbons to remove the overhanging branches which he thinks detrimental to the Road. Upon non-compliance with the Overseer’s request the work to be performed by this Council & cost charged to Mr. Gibbons.’
Congratulations to Cr. Douglas
Cr. Hankins moved & Cr. Hudson seconded ‘That the Council tenders its congratulations to Councillor Douglas on his entering into the bonds of matrimony.’ Carried.
Purchase of Railway line
Cr. Williams moved & Cr. Hudson seconded ‘That this Council takes steps to obtain representatives from other Local Bodies to act with this Council in waiting upon the Government in regard to the purchase of the Manawatu Railway Line.’ Carried
Sympathy of Cr. Levy
On the motion of Cr. Williams seconded by the Mayor the Council passed a vote of sympathy with Cr. Levy in the loss he has sustained through the recent fire in Oxford St. Cr. Levy thanked the Council for their kindness as shown in this vote.
Matters pertaining to Dog Registration, Hankins and Pedlars, & the condition of certain streets in the Southern end of the Borough were discussed.
Notice of Motion by Cr. Hankins
‘That the Council discuss the desirability of changing the name of Wereroa to Levin South.’
Account for payment
Account passed for payment:-
Winter & Close – Contractors ₤24/-/-
Basil Gardener Mayor.
Nov. 4th 1907.
- Date
- 1907
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