15 May 1873
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115 - 163
Thursday May 15th 1873
Place – the same Present – the same
Pukehou – continued
Akapita – recalled
That was the time that peace was made after Haowhenua. After a lengthened period the tribes I alluded to returned to Otaki but not on to the land in question.
Ngati Kauwhata came outside the boundary to Waitohu. Ngati Pare to Manuao, outside the boundary.
Some time afterwards, Pehi Turoa came from Whanganui to ask or fetch Ngati Raukawa chiefs to join him in avenging the death of his children. Kingi Te Ahiaho assented. Ngati Raukawa chiefs ascended and Kingi Te Ahiaho headed the party and he went to Whanganui. Ngati Kapu joined in this consent formed the war party and left some of their people Ngati Kapu on this land. On their arrival at Whanganui, they were met by a war party from Ngati Ruanui. Ngati Raukawa attacked Ngati Ruanui and killed a number of their chiefs. Te Pu---, principal chief of Ngatiruanui was killed. When the fight was over, Ngati Raukawa returned to outside of the land before the court. They reached Otaki. Matia a chief of Ngati Pare was jealous. The chief thought that he should raid a party for revenge. He was jealous of Ngati Kapu. Ngati Raukawa came and then ensued the Kuititanga fight. On the return of Ngati Pare from Whanganui, they settled at the mouth of the river and at Maringiawai.
Ngati Kapu returned from Whanganui, part of them lived on the land in question and part at Maringiawai. Ngati Raukawa were killed by Ngati Awa. On their return to Otaki, the several tribes I have alluded then disperse - some to Oroua, some to Manawatu. Ngatikapu remained on this land. Shortly after the fight at Kuititanga, Mr. Hadfield arrived to preach the gospel.
On his arrival, the tribe which had dispersed, returned to Otaki to attend his ministrations. Ngati Pare occupied Man---- and other places. Ngati Kauwhata to Waitohu. Ngati Raukawa all embraced Christianity. Ngati Kapu did not. They remained permenantly on this land up to the Treaty of Waitangi.
On the arrival of the Catholic Minister, Ngati Kapu then embraced Christianity and continued to o9ccupy this land also other parts outside of these boundaries.
We have not seen any other person interfere in our occupation of this land. This ends the old title.
Rikihana is the man who worked at Paruauku on the outside end of it together with Hori Ngawhare and Te Rei. I do not know that this is Rikihana’s land. All I know is that he is working there with Ngatikapu’s consent. That land that Rikihana cultivates is Hori Ngawhare’s. Hori is a chief of Ngatikapu.
I know Ngatotara. That land is Ngati Kapu’s. Ngati Pare and Ngati Kauwhata have no cultivation there. I know Wai----. That is Ngati Kapu’s land. Neither Ngati Pare or Ngati Kauwhata have cultivations at Paruauku.
Wi Piti came to cultivate. Did more harm than good and was driven away. He was a Ngati Pare.
I know Te Hau. He partly belongs to Ngatipare and is connected with Eru Tahitangata and Hoani Pokai. He has land at Paruauku. It was given to him by Eru and his father Hoani. I am aware of the leasing Eru only – not we. I heard of the leasing at the time. It was when we returned from cutting boards at Ohau that we heard of this leasing.
We disturbed them and told the pakeha – Martin – that he must drive them away. Martin consented and they were driven into Ransfield’s paddock. I do not know how long those cattle were on the ground. I demanded payment from Rikihana for having placed pakeha cattle there without authority. He consented and the court has heard his statement. Rikihana built a house which was burnt down. He has no house there now.
I know the Pukehou station. Ngati Pare or Ngati Kauwhata have no building there. They are Ngati Kapu’s.
I know Taikai. It is a potato cultivation of Eru’s. It is the mountain side of Pukehou.
I know Te Ahiarangikahiri. It is Eru’s Tahitangata’s Ngati Kapu’s. Ngati Pare or Ngati Kauwhata have no cultivations there. They are Ngati Kapu’s only.
Xed by Hoani Taipua
Is your evidence about the parties going to Whanganui etc hearsay or your own knowledge? It is hearsay. The same as Korero.
Had the fight at Te Kuititanga anything to do with the claim to this land? It has in my opinion. Matters of importance grew out of it when the tribes dispersed that I have alluded to. Ngati Kapu remained on this land, Ngati Huia at Katihiku.
Did Ngati Kapu join in the Kuititanga? Some Ngati Kapu remained on this land.
Why did thos e people go to Oroua and Manawatu? It was for fear, they went to Oroua and Maungatautari. They only returned because of the fires of Ngati Huia and Ngati Kapu.
Were Ngatihuia and Ngatikapu the only hapu’s which were not afraid? Yes. The feeling of running away never entered my head and in consequence of our staying the others came back.
Did these two hapu’s acquire possession of the land of those who went away about Otaki? No.
You have been sworn to speak the truth? Yes.
Is the Manuao the only land Ngati Pare have? Manuao and other parts. Waitohu is Ngati Kauhata.
Have not Ngati Pare land at Waitohu? Their claim is through a woman “Ngaringa” a Ngat Kauwhata.
Is Eru’s statement yesterday false, Ngati Pare and Waitohu are Ngati Kauwhata’s? It is correct.
Is Ngatotara within the boundaries of the land as shown on the map? It is.
Did you hear Ransfield’s question to Renao relative to this place? I did.
Did all Ngati Kauwhata go to Oroua and did not some remain at Otaki? Some remained at Otaki but not on the land in question.
Do not Ngatotara land that was given by Ngati Kauwhata and Ngati Pare to Ngati Kapu? It is not.
Do you object to Ngati Pare and Ngati Kauwhata’s claim to this land? I do.
For whom is the land of Wi Peti and Te Hau in the court? For Te Hau.
Is not that man of Ngati Pare? Part of Ngati Pare and part Ngati Kapu.
For whom is the land Rikihana’s portion that you have spoken of? For Hori Ngawhare because his right to cultivate there is of former times, he may give it to Wiremu if he likes.
Hori is dead, can he give instructions to Wiremu? His offspring can.
Is William’s statement relative to the purchase of the land correct? I don’t know anything about it.
Who gave Paruauku its name? It is an old name.
Is it Ngati Raukawa’s or Muaupoko name? I do not know.
Did you not hear that ---- was caught at Pukehou? I did not hear, only since the sitting of the court.
Did you not hear Kawana Hunia and Kemp at Foxton relate the circumstances of the catching of this woman? I did not.
Do you know what year Paruauku was cultivated? It was 1858.
Did you not hear of Hoani Pokai purchasing part of Paruauku? I did not.
Did you hear from my witnesses that they were taking Pikiwahine? I see by the map that all that land is included in the land claim before the court.
Did you hear that my witness claim Pukerarauhe? No. They know that is Ngatikapu’s.
Did you hear that my witness claim Taikai? No.
Karanama Whakaheke – sworn
I live on the land before the court. I am a Ngatikapu. I claim this land.
I am going to state about the occupation of this land by Ngati Kapu of Ngatotara. I am the chief. I let it and it is let by me now also Te Te Ngou and thence to Turehurohu. All the land down to the sea – eel weirs in Ngatotara stream are mine and Enoka’s including portion outside the land under investigation and on which I have a large house now standing. We have an eel weir at Otipua and other places extending to the back of Pukehou. Our cultivations and houses are at Paruauku. Neither Ngatipare nor Ngati Kauwhata appra--- Ngatotara nor have they any right to Otipua in any way. Eel weirs are now in their existence. The houses in which the nets are kept are standing. They belong to Ngati Kapu. Ngatipare or Ngati Kauwhata have no fishing rights over any part of the block nor do they go there to fish.
Hoani Taipua
Do Ngati Kapu claim all this land to the mountain? Yes.
Do you ask for an order for it in the names of those persons whose names have been sent in to court? Yes.
Do you not know of Wirihana and Rikihana having land in this block? I do not know that they have land. I know Hori Ngawhare has.
Are you aware that Hau and Wi Piti have land at Paruauku? I do not know Wi Piti. Hau has a claim through Ngati Kapu only.
Are you aware that Ngati Pare and Ngati Kauwhata own Pukehou and that you are hiding the truth? No.
Is not this land in dispute – formerly? I have not seen any.
Is it correct that Rikihana’s house was burnt? Yes we burned it down.
Is the statement of Eru relative to turning off Wi Piti correct? It is.
Rikihana is not Ngati Pare, he is a Waikato. Wi Piti went to cultivate and we drove him off. Akapita’s statement relative to the occupation of this land is quite true. Rikihana’s house was standing on the land when we went to burn it down. It was not built very long when we burnt it. He had a f---- cultivation there but it was with Hoani Ngawhare.
Te Kohu – sworn
I live at Waikawa. I am a Ngatiwehiwehi. I have no claim to this land.
I remember the persons going from Manawatu to see the boundaries of this land. I did not go. I know the boundary between Ngati Kapu and Ngati Wehiwehi. The boundary was to divide the top portion being a pig run between us. Pigs trespassed on either side and we killed pigs of theirs and they killed our pigs. We agreed upon a common boundary and it was laid down. The arrangement of this boundary was at a meeting of Ngati Kapu and Ngati Wehiwehi only. No other tribes were present. It was agreed that we should not go on either side to catch pigs but pigs of either party could be killed within the boundaries of either party whether theirs or ours. The similar turns applied to bird catching.
I never heard that Ngati Kauwhata or Ngati Pare caught birds on Pukehou. I have seen and I know that Ngatikapu are the persons who have right to catch birds and pigs there. I know because my land is adjacent.
I know of Taikai. It is Eru Tahitangata’s near our boundary and convenient for catching birds.
I know Paruauku. It is Ngati Kapu’s clearing.
I know Te Rikihana. I do not know that the land belongs to Ngatikapu. I have not heard that Rikihana has land there. I know that Ngati Kapu have a right to Paruauku, Pukerarauhe, Piritaha and Moutere.
Xed by Hoani Taipua
Do you know all the boundaries of this land? No. I know the boundary between us and Ngati Kapu.
Is Taikai near Pukehou? It is forest land and cannot see – perhaps 2 miles.
Did you not hear of Puke’s right? No, that was in the days of our fathers.
Did you not hear of Hoani Pokai’s sale? I heard nothing of it. It was not generally known.
Did you hear that Wi Piti and Te Hau had cultivations at Paruauku? I heard of it from the witnesses in court.
Do you know the year that Paruauku was cultivated? No. It was just before the ----- ----- was perhaps at Tainui.
What was the land a long time ago? It was a forest.
Did you and Ngati Kapu lay down the boundary between you? Yes. The Ngati Raukawa and us agreed to the boundaries of the granted land. I did not hear Ransfields evidence at Foxton.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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