Meeting 83 - 2 November 1908
- Description
Present Crs. Hall, Hudson, Mackenzie, Levy, Prouse & Ryder, Cr Hankins absent on sick leave. The Mayor presided. Mr Chas Palmer who had been elected a member of the Council in the place of Mr Charles Williams resigned took the usual declaration and his seat at the Council table.
Minutes confirmed
The minutes of the previous meeting and of the Special Meeting held on the 26th October 1908 were respectively confirmed.
The following resolutions were passed:-
Slaughter House License extended
Mover Cr. Levy Seconder Cr Mackenzie
“That the Bulls Company be granted till the 18th inst. to remove their slaughter house from their present position”.
Taking over Victoria and Sussex Streets
The Mayor – Cr Prouse.
“That as Victoria and Sussex Streets have been formed and metalled to the satisfaction of the Council, the necessary certificate to that effect as required by the Lands Transfer Office be hereby authorised and given under the Seal of the Council”.
Arising out of reports of Gas Engineer and Lighting Committee the following:-
Tenders to be called for cartage of pipes
The Mayor – Cr. Mackenzie
“That as recommended by the Gas Engineer tenders be called for cartage of pipes etc. from Railway Station to places indicated in the specifications, such tenders to close on Friday next and be dealt with by the Lighting Committee”.
Gas Plant tenders to be sent to Engineer
Mover The Mayor Seconder Cr Hudson
“That the tenders for Gas Plant with the classification list prepared by the Clerk be forwarded to Mr Blackman the Gas Engineer for consideration and report”.
Tender for Meters accepted
The Mayor - Cr. Ryder
“That as recommended by the Lighting Committee the tender of Alder and Mackay for meters & main cocks for £256.7.8. (less discount) be accepted”.
Retort Setter
Cr Hudson – Cr. Palmer
“That the Gas Engineer be authorised to engage Mr Stine for setting retorts in terms of Stine’s letter to Mr Blackman dated 14th October 1908.
Erection of Cottage
Cr. Prouse – Cr Hudson
“That tenders (to be in by next meeting) be called for the erection of a T Cottage of 5 rooms for Gas Works Manager cost not to exceed £350. Plans & specifications to be provided by the Lighting Committee”.
Further resolutions passed:-
Expenditure of Thirds
The Mayor – Cr. Palmer
“That the “Thirds” accrued in the Levin V S be expended in clearing the road of stumps and timber and that tenders be called for this work in (1) Winchester Street, and (2) in Makomako Road east.”
Dedication of certain streets
Mover The Mayor seconder Cr. Mackenzie
“That this Council hereby agrees to the dedication of “Keepa, Seddon, Mackenzie, Mabel, Ward and Rina Streets, the same having been formed and made to the satisfaction of the Council, and this Council further authorises that the Common Seal of the Mayor Councillors and Burgesses of the Borough of Levin be attached to the deed of dedication”.
Road Overseers Report
The Road Overseer reported on the unsatisfactory state of affairs with regard to the rubbish depot, and further recommended that the Borough Roads be thrown open for grazing. Cr. Mackenzie moved & Cr. Palmer seconded “That the matter of grazing stockt on the Borough streets be held over until next meeting”. Carried
Library Committee increased
Cr. Levy moved and Cr. Prouse seconded “That the name of Cr. Palmer be added to the Library Committee in place of Cr. Williams, resigned”. Carried.
Grant for Library applied for
The Secretary of the Public Library wrote asking the Council for a grant of £25 towards the Library Funds. The matter was referred to the Library Committee.
Settling Tanks
Tenders for Headworks Contract No. 3 Settling Tanks were considered. Four tenders were received. Cr. Mackenzie moved and Cr. Levy seconded “That the tender of Henderson & Coady be accepted”. As an amendment Cr. Hudson moved and Cr. Hall seconded that the lowest tender for settling tanks be accepted D Roberts £1229”.
The amendment was lost on the following division:- viz
Ayes (3) Noes (5)
The Mayor Crs Mackenzie
Cr Hall Levy
Cr Hudson Ryder
The resolution was then put and declared carried.
Progress payments
Cr. Mackenzie – Cr Hall
“That the accounts of Messrs A W Jones & R Baylis be held over, but that progress payments of 75 per cent as authorised by the Engineer be made” carried.
No accounts to be passed unless presented early
The Mayor – Cr. Hall
“That in future no accounts be presented to the Council for payment unless handed in to the office on the Saturday previous to the Council’s meeting” carried.
To sign agreements
The Mayor – Cr. Hall
“That councillors Hudson & Mackenzie be appointed to sign the agreements with contractors for the following contracts :-
No. 14, 15, 16 & 17 (Streets Contracts) and for Waterworks Contract No. 3” carried.
Notice of motion
Notice of Motion by Cr. Hudson
“That the resolution passed on 6th April 1908 approving of the plans and specifications of the roads in the settler Block, be rescinded”.
Accounts passed for payment
The following accounts were passed for payment:-
Loan Account
I Hook – Clerk of Works – Sheep £13.10.0 F Plaster – Formation – cartage 7.16.0 S Parsons “ wages 2.10.0 Horowhenua Publishing Company ads 1.18.6 Manawatu Daily Times “ 1.4.6 E. J. Williams – Tunnel contract Prog Pay No 1 10.0.0 E Curtis – Formation – Wages 2.0.0 £39.5.0 General Account
T. Gregory wages 10/16/- F. Plaster 1/9/3 £12.5.3 S. Parsons “ 6/10/- E. Curtis 1/4/- 7.14.0 G. Astridge – wages 19/16/8 com 1/13/- 21.9.8 P. K. Patton – Lamplights 9.18.8 H. C. Jones – fencing wire etc 1.12.0 L. Arcus – Clerk of Works Retort House 14.10.0 J. W. Gibson – C Aid a/c Smith 1.0.0 E. Burke “ 2.8.0 W. Woollett – Refund of Rate 2.1.3 A. & T. Burt Ltd Refund deposit 1.1.0 D. Roberts “ part “ 30.0.0 T Broome - pick 4/6 W H Gallichan Carters 1/6 6.0 Victoria Insurance Co. Renewal Prem 8.8 Typewriter Supplies Co. paper etc 9.6 Legrove Co. Ltd – carbon sheets 12.10 P W Goldsmith salary 11.5.0 Charlsworth & Merrell – Drainage report 45.0.0 £162.1.10 Confirmed Basil Gardener Mayor
Nov 16 1908
- Date
- 1908
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