Meeting 47 - 14 October 1907
- Description
Present, The Mayor (Mr. B.R. Gardener) and Crs. Douglas, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Prouse, Ryder & Williams.
Object of Meeting
The meeting was called to consider a scheme for the lighting of the Borough. Mr. Welch Manager for the Australian Electric Company put certain proposals and figures before the Council with regard to Electrical Lighting, power to be obtained from the Ohau River.
Proposals re lighting
Mr T.W. Butcher of Wellington put proposals before the Council re Lighting by Coal Gas. The Lighting Committee’s report contained a proposal or recommendation to the Council that both schemes viz. Lighting by Electricity – and Lighting by Coal Gas be placed before the ratepayers. A minority report of this Committee recommended that the scheme of lighting by Coal Gas be put before the ratepayers.
Cr. Williams moved and Cr. Mackenzie seconded ‘That the Report of the Lighting Committee be adopted.’
As an amendment Cr. Hudson moved & Cr. Hankins seconded ‘That a poll of the ratepayers be taken on the question of installing a gas plant in Levin as a Municipal enterprise, at an estimated cost of ₤10,000.’
A long discussion took place and at its conclusion on the amendment being put it was carried on the following division:-
Ayes (7) Noes (2)
The Mayor Cr. Mackenzie
Cr. Hankins “ Williams
“ Hudson
“ Douglas
“ Levy
“ Prouse
“ Ryder
The amendment was then put as the motion before the Council and was carried on the same division.
The meeting then terminated.
Basil Gardener Mayor.
Oct. 21 1907.
- Date
- 1907
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