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Monday March 9th 1874

Place – the same Present – the same

Takapu – continued

Ihakara Tukumarau – sworn

I live at Manawatu.

I know the land under investigation. It --- on to my land.

The time that land of mine was in dispute between Tuaimuku Te Tahuri and Te Hana, these persons prevented my going on to Horowhenua. We disputed there about 2 totara trees and my boundary was fixed. This was about the period that Manawatu was purchased by Wakefield. I ceased --- to interfere in any way about this land. My totara trees were taken away by Tuaimuku and his children. I cut up these totara trees to prevent the other party making use of them for canoes.

I refer now, to Ngati Huia claim (Hape). Their fires have been kindled on their land for a long period up to the time of court but not at the place where the totara’s stood to which I have referred. The totara’s stood behind the boundary of the land under dispute.

Ereni Hutana – sworn

I live at Manawatu.

I know the land before the court. Ihakara’s statement relative to the totara’s is correct. I felled them. I cut them up and burnt them. Our fire burnt continuously there. We had a difficulty but after the timber was cut and burnt we never returned to it again. I recognise this land (pointed out). I do not know the boundary line between Karoraina claim and Ngati Huia’s. Ngati Huia had a right to ---- their fires on the mountains. Hukiki and Nepia had settled their boundary line. The totara’s referred to are included in this boundary line. I have only heard of this boundary line. I was not present when it was laid off.

This concluded the evidence in Takapu. Court decided to proceed with Kukutauaki and deliver judgement in Takapu at another time.

Kukutauaki No. 1

Matene Te Whiwhi said – Rakapa has not yet come from Wellington. I wish the case to be adjourned because the other witness I have named decline to give evidence in the matter.

Case adjourned.

Kukutauaki No. 2 or Ngakaroro

Claim read

Hare Wirikake said I claim for Ngakaroro within those boundaries .

Hape said – Ngati Huia have a claim

Hare Wirikake said my claims are Katihuku Hinetua, Tuahuri and Karu o te whenua.

Hakaraia said – I claim Wahaotemarangai within that.

Kipa Te Whatanui said – my claims within those boundaries are Tuahuri No. 2 – Pukeramoki No. 2.

Moroati said – I claim Wahaotemarangai in that.

Tuni Ransfield said - I claim Kohetuahumai in that.

Hape said - I claim Waipukatea

Hunia Te Ao said - I claim Mangaone

Hapi Te Horohau said – I claim Wairarapa

Taia Rupuha said – I claim Tuahiwi No. 3

Pene Arama said – I claim Tuahiwi

Petera Te Kaha said – I claim Tuahiwi No. 5

Karepa Kapukai said – I claim Katihiku No. 4

Taia Rupuha said – I claim Katihiku No. 3

Wireti Te Rui said – I claim Urukaraka

Manahi Te Humu said – I claim Kurukohatu No. 2

Hakaraia Te Wera said – I claim Kurukohatu

Nutana Ngarepo said – I claim Rikiriki

Tauteka said – I claim Mangahanene No. 1

Taia Rupuha said – I claim Mangahanene No. 2

Taia Rupuha said – Iclaim Karamu

Rawiri Tame Hawea said – I claim Katihiku No. 2

Penehira Rangitiora said – I claim Kahukura

Penehira Te Teira said – I claim Karuotewhenua

The court explained that to admit of an arrangement of all these claims and to give an opportunity of having a plan of the land on a much layer scale there is not before it would adjourn until tomorrow.

Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.


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