Meeting 78 - 14 September 1908
- Description
Present :The Mayor (Mr. B.R. Gardener) Crs. Hall, Hudson, Douglas, Levy, MacKenzie, Prouse, Ryder & Williams – an apology was received from and leave granted to Cr. Hankins for absence on account of indisposition.
The meeting was called to consider tenders for Building Report House etc. and to approve a schedule of duties for gas manager as submitted by the Engineer, also any general business.
Tender Accepted for Building Report House
Two tenders were received for buildings as advertised. Cr. Levy moved and Cr. Douglas seconded “That the tender for gasworks contract no. 3 – erection of report house etc. according to specifications for the sum of £775 be accepted”. Carried
Gas Manager
The Schedule of Duties of Gas Manager as submitted by the Engineer were read and approved. It was decided to advertise the position – applications to close on 19 October 1908.
General Business
To Join the other Local Bodies – re loss of Revenue
A letter was read from the Chairman of the Horowhenua County Council re loss of revenue through the sale of the W. & M. Railway Co. to the Government.
Cr. Prouse moved and Cr. Levy seconded “That this Council joins with the adjoining counties interested, in forming a deputation to wait upon the Government to place before them the loss that will result to the various local bodies upon the acquirement of the W.M. Railway Co by the Government and to endeavour to secure from them fair compensation for such loss”. Carried
Engineers a/c passed
The Mayor moved and Cr. MacKenzie seconded “That Mr Climies account for engineering fees amounting to £267.17.0 be passed for payment”. Carried
B.R. Gardener – Mayor
Sep 21st 1908
- Date
- 1908
- Created By
- Unknown
Object rights
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