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Wednesday May 14th 1873

Place – the same Present – the same


Nepia Taratoa said – I have a claim at Waitohu in the block under investigation.

Wiremu Te Manewha - declared he would speak the truth

I belong to Ngati Koroki. I now live at Manawatu formerly I lived at Otaki.

I know the Pukehou block. I have a claim to it. Paruauku is the name of the place. I was desired by Bishop Hadfield to go and split shingles. I saw a totara tree on the portion given. I split shingles on this block for which I received £40. The other portion I purchased with the money I received for shingles. I paid the money to Te Puke. I paid £8 for the land which was for the tree and the land, the boundaries were agreed to by Te Puke and one ---- on the ground and marked extending from one swamp to the other from Paruauku to Otipua then following the course of the swamp just to the boundary of the portion given by swamp side of Pukerarauhe then to a swamp near Ngatotara then following the Ngatotara Stream then to the commencing point. There was no interference at the time. These boundaries were agreed upon. For years I cultivated food there. Nobody interfered with me during that period. Pokai’s claim is the other side of my boundary. It is his land. I heard that which I bought was Te Puke’s. The land originally belonged to Te Puke. My portion was divided off and so was Hoani Pokai’s.

This (Hoani’s) land was paid for in cattle. My piece might be 100 acres. Wi Piti and Te Hau had cultivations beside mine at Paruauku. They belonged to Ngati Pare and Ngati Kauwhata. They did not purchase their land, it was their own.

I do not know the boundaries of Hoani Pokai’s. I know the boundary between myself and Hoani Pokai. Hoani Pokai’s land at the time of purchase was bush. It is now cleared and cultivated.

I know the Pukehou station. That belongs to Ngati Pare and Ngati Kauwhata.

I only wish to state what I know. I heard this land was Te Puke’s and Ngati Kauwhata’s.

When I went to Manawatu, I left Rikihana in charge of my land. Rikihana is my child.

Xed by James Ransfield

What was the names of the men who cut up the totara tree with you? Honi Ngawhare, Te Rei and Ngarape. They are Ngati Kapu. They are my children.

Did not Hori Ngawhare cultivate at Paruauku? Yes.

Have Ngati Pare cultivations at Paruauku? Yes, at Te Pokai’s part.

Had Eru Tahitangata and others rights to catch birds at Pukehou? I don’t know.

Do you know Taikai? I have not seen it.

Do you know Waitawa? Yes, it is Ngati Kapu.

Do you know Parerarauku? Yes, it is Ngat Kkapu.

Do you know Te Ngongo? Yes, it is Ngati Kapu and I know Ngatotara, it is theirs too.

Do you know Piritaha? Yes, it is Ngati Kapu’s.

Do you know Pikiwahine? Yes, it is Ngati Kapu’s.

Have Ngati Kauwhata cultivations at Paruauku? No. They are outside.

Have Ngati Pare cultivations at Paruauku? Yes, at Wi Piti’s.

Xed by the court

I do not know whether Ngatikapu have any claim to this land. When we went to lay off the boundaries of my purchase from Te Puke, Ngatikapu were living at Pukekaraka. I was in occupation of that land for about 10 years.

Court adjourned for 15 minutes.

Court resumed at 12 noon.

Henare Herekau – sworn

I live at Manawatu. I am a clergyman of the Church of England.

I know the Pukehou Block under investigation. I have no claim in it. I know Paruauku.

I came from Manawatu to Otaki on 5th March 18--. In the evening, summons was sent to me from Kerei Te Puke for me to go and hear a conversation between him and Te Oha relative to the sale of land to Hoani Pokai. I went with several others who were selected to Kerei Te Puke’s house.

Wirihana Toatoa asked Kerie Te Puke “what did you ask us here for?” Kerei replied, “Part of my land I have was sold to Te Oha to Hoani Pokai.

Wirihana asked Te Oha, “is it true you have sold part of Pukehou?” Te Oha said, “Yes, it is Paruauku”.

Wirihana asked in the sale of this land, have you not consulted with Kerei? Te Oha said, “No”.

Wirihana asked, “What is the reason?” Te Oha said, “When Te Puke sold Mangapouri to Mr. Hadfield, I did not receive any of the money”.

Wirihana asked, “What did you get for it?” Te Oha said, “2 cows. One of them was in calf”.

Wirihana asked, “Can you describe the boundaries of the land you sold?” Te Oha said, “Yes. The portion which has been cleared - the boundaries have been marked on trees”.

Kerei Te Puke was then satisfied as the principal part of his land remained – was not sold by Te Oha. Kerei said, “Let persons go out to identify the trees which have been marked”.

Wiremu Matewha, the last witness, was sent out. Hopa went with him and also Te Oha. They returned and concurred in the statement of Te Oha. They saw the trees that were marked. This is all.

I know Pukehou station. I have heard that Te Puke and Ngati Kauwhata have the right to the land there and Ngati Pare.

Xed by James Ransfield

Have you the summons you received from Kerei? No.

Do you know of the giving of Waitohu by Kerei Te Puke to Ropata Hurumutu? I did hear of it.

Did you hear of the boundaries? No. I only know the land by name.

Is Wiremu Manewha’s statement relative to the boundary between himself and Hoani Pokai and that he knows nothing of the other boundaries of the sale – correct? I know nothing about what Wiremu Manewha says. I adhere to my own statement.

Could the boundaries stated by you – the marked trees – he seen at the present time? Those trees may have been cut down in the clearing of the ground.

Are these boundaries in the swamp at Paruauku on inland side of it? The boundaries were marked on the trees.

Xed by the court

Hoani Taipua – sworn

I live at Otaki.

I know the history of claims to this land – some I know, some I don’t know.

I speak about Manuao’s outside the boundary. This land is Ngati Kauwhata’s and Ngati Pare’s. Inside Manuao – the boundaries were laid of to Kingi Te Ahua, one side to us on the other side – close by Te Manuao is Waitohu. That land is the mountain side --- on either side of it. Next to Waitohu is Paruauku – within the boundaries of the land under investigation.

We occupied Manuao formerly. We have placed some people of Ngati Tuhaua on the land to take charge of it. They are a hapu of Ngati----. They are living there now. They have fenced cultivations there. No person of any other hapu allowed going on to the mountain without our consent. I mean the mountainous country in the Pukehou block and that adjacent to it. People have travelled there with our consent.

Waitohu is a cultivation of Ngati Kauwhata and Ngati Pare. No other hapu’s have cultivations there that I have heard of. I heard that these hapu’s had rights extending to the mountain. I heard of the sale of part of Paruauku to Hoani Pokai by Te Oha. Te Oha is a Ngatikauhata. He was paid for in ---- as already stated. I heard that parts were given to Wiremu and part was sold by Te Puke.

Wi Piti and Te Hau have cultivations at Paruauku. Wi Piti is a relative of mine. They are both relatives of mine. I cultivated there one year. Our cultivations were not interfered with by Ngati Kapu.

I returned to the town and other persons remained to cultivate. The cultivation of these (Wi Pit and Te Hau) people on this land ceased of their own accord. They were not driven off this mountain. Pukehou is ours. I mean the hapu’s who object to Ransfield’s claim.

Xed by James Ransfield

Is what you have said what you have seen? It is what I have heard.

Have Ngatikauhata a cultivation at Paruauku now? No. They have not worked this block at present but they have land within it.

Have Ngatikapu land, cultivations or houses outside the line? They are working on the land which was given them by Te Puke as stated by Renao and others.

Do you know Taikai? No, I do not.

Closes Ngati Pare and Ngati Kauwhata case.

Court adjourned for an hour.

At 2 pm the court resumed.

Moroa – continued

Whareiaia said – I have telegraphed to Masterton to the person I spoke of. I have received no reply and the case will rest with Huru.

Te Hiaro handed in a list of names in whose favor he applied for a certificate of title.

Huru Te Hiaro, Akura Matao, Patoronui Te Kaka, Marakaia Parawaka, Rora Kowhai, Tungane

This is a Native Reserve – Objectors challenged – none appeared.

Ordered that a certificate of the ---- of

Huru Te Hiaro, Akuira Matao, Patoromu Te Kaka, Marakaia Paraweka, Rora Kowhai and Tungane

Be made and issued when the said parties shall furnish a proper survey thereof a Native Reserve subject within the meaning of the Native Land Act 1867 and subject thereto – estate to best from today.

Pukehou – continued

Eru Tahitangata – sworn

I live at Pukekaraka at Otaki. I am a Ngati Kapu.

This is the same Pukehou as has already been spoken of. I claim this land. Ngatikapu claim the whole of the land described on the map. The reason why I claim this land, I was called by Rauparaha and Waitohi to come on to it and -----.

Ngati Kapu’s residence here was prior to Haowhenua. They were not molested. No other tribe interfered with them. The interference of other tribes with Ngati Kapu’s occupation began when Mr. Mitchell was going to put up the station at Pukehou. Ngati Kapu have houses at Pukehou. I do not know when these houses were built. It is a long time ago. Their occupation on this mountain was never interfered with by Ngatipare or Ngati Kauwhata.

I know Te Taikai. It is a potato cultivation of mine. It is the other side of Pukehou near to the Ahiorangikahuri and on Ngati Wehiwehi boundary. Myself and hapu have had peaceful occupation of that place. Nobody has interfered with us.

I know Paruauku. It is a permanent place of abode of all Ngati Kapu, Ngati Kauwhata and Ngati Pare, have no houses there – Piritaha, Waitawa, Pikiwahine extending to Pukehou belongs to Ngati Kapu.

I know Ahiarangikahiwi. It was Kahuiri’s but now it belongs to his descendants who are now in court.

We caught birds on this mountain and it is now used by myself and my children. I have had peaceable use of this place. No person of Ngati Pare or Ngati Kauwhata have been there to interfere with me. Ngati Kapu have land outside the boundary. They still own them. Ngati Kapu have never had land given to them by Ngat Pare or Ngati Kauwhata. Ngati Pare or Ngati Kauwhata have never used Pukehou mountain, had they gone there, I would have driven them off.

Ngati Kapu occupied this land previous to Haowhenua and after it. Tauake a Ngati Ruanui was killed there. Tauake was killed by my brother for eating the berries and food of Ngati Kapu’s land ---- Ngatotara he was killed. The killing of Tauake was the reason of the Haowhenua fight. Any right that Ngati Toa had then ceased some of them remained at Katihiku.

Ngati Awa claim ceased after Haowhenua. They remained at Waikanae. Ngati Toa claims extended over the whole country through Rangihaeata and Rauparaha. Some Ngatitoa located at Katihiku at Otaki outside the block under investigation.

It is not for me to say what Ngati Toa’s ---- are.

Xed by Hoani Taipua

Did the call of Rauparaha and Waitohi extend to all Ngati Raukawa? I only know of my statements relates to my own.

Did not Waitohi call to Ngati Raukawa? Yes. He called to the whole of which I am a section.

Did you come with the first migration? I came together with my hapu.

Were you not taken a slave of Ngati Kahungunu and Whanganui? A number of Ngati Raukawa were taken slaves by Whanganui.

Were you not a slave of Ngati Kahungunu? All Ngati Raukawa were.

Have you not seen any person working on this land? I saw one man, Wiremu Manewha working on a ----- but of the land but his rights were through Ngatikapu.

Is Wiremu’s statement relative to the purchase of the land true or not? I do not know anything about it. I did not hear of it.

Did you see Wi Piti and Te Hau working at Paruauku? Wi Piti was not there, he was driven off and Te Hau, I allowed to remain because he was an old man and had been there a long time.

What did Wi Piti come for? To try and get a bit of land for himself. Ngati Kapu would not consent.

Did you see him cultivating? No.

Did you not hear of the sale by Te Oha to Hoani Te Pokai? I did not see this sale.

Do you know the year Paruauku was cleared? No, it was a long time ago.

Did you hear that the land of Rikihana was let? Rikihana came to me and my father first for our consent to this letting.

What hapu do Rikihana and Wiremu belong? Wiremu to Ngati Koroki. Rikihana’s mother to Ngati Kapu and that is Rikihana’s claim.

Have Rikihana and Wiremu any right to my part of this land? Rikihana has a right to a small portion on which the cattle are running.

Are their names included in the list of persons interested? They are not because they have joined the other parties as ---- and for this reason I have thrown them and their small piece off.

Which is the piece you are willing to let them have? A small piece near Otipua.

Why did you omit mentioning the names of Wiremu and Rikihana? Because they were opposing my claim.

Whose is the hapu adjoining? There are many hapu’s outside.

Who gave the land to Ropata Hurumutu? Kerei Te Puke and others, Renao and others and I was aware of it. They belong to Ngatipare. Kerei was a son of Puko the chief owner of the land.

Is this boundary between Ngati Pare, Ngati Kauwhata and Ngati Kapu arranged? No. It was an old boundary laid down by Te Oha.

Did Ngati Pare and Ngati Kauhata consent to this boundary? Yes. It was pointed out by Te ----.

What is your work at Pukehou? Snaring birds.

Akapita Te Tewe – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Kapu.

I know the land shown on the plan. I claim a portion of it – the whole of it becausebefore Haowhenua – Ngati Toa, Ngati Awa and Ngati Tama had the right to it also before Haowhenua certain persons of Ngati Kapu went and lay off boundaries which the boundary of this land was one – from Pukehou to the mountains.

Ngapawa Te Kaho and Rangi--- were the persons of Ngatikapu who went and --- the same time a person Pahika went and laid off the boundaries on the other side of this land extending to Takapu. That land had already been marked off by Tohutohu. Pahika saw the marking and then returned 2 weeks after this he saw the goodness of the land and Ngatikapu went in a body.

The first – they went and occupied was Pukerarauku and Te Moutere – they went on to marking land – thence to Pikiwahine. They then went to see the place where Pahika had seen marked - Piritaha close to Takapu. Afterwards Ngati Kapu cultivated the part of land on which Tauake was subsequently killed. About the time that potatoes we put in pits the particular hapu of this man who was killed came to eat the food. Ngati Kapu heard of it and determined to go and kill Tauake – they killed him.

That was the cause of the Haowhenua fight.

After it, Ngati Awa divided off to Waikanae, Ngati Tama to Wellington, some of Ngati Toa to Kapiti and some remained at Otaki.

The land was then left open.

Ngati Raukawa chiefs thought another fight would take place and Ngati Pare retired to Manawatu also Ngati Turanga and Ngati Rakau. Ngati Kauwhata and some of Ngati Pare went to Oroua. Ngati Parewahawaha went to Rangitikei and part of Ngati Wehiwehi. Ngati Huia remained at Katihiku on this side of Otaki. I and Kapu remained at Waitawa within the boundaries of the land before the court. Ngatiwehiwehi at Waikawa, Ngati Kapu at Waitawa, Te Mateawa at Ohau also Hamua at Muhunoa.

Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.


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