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Monday July 4th

Court sat at 10 am.

Present – same judge and assessors.

Waerenga Nos. 4 and 5

Continued from pp 26 (Continued from pp 759 of this book, see last copy).

George Frederick Swainson – Licensed surveyor – Sworn

The sketch before the court is a sketch plan of a actual survey made by me of this land. Employed by Ranapiri. Boundaries point out by him and by another who I think was Reupena. Boundaries as shown on the sketch have been distinctly marked on the ground on the south east and north west bounded by lands formerly surveyed by ---- and passed the court on north east. ---- Waerenga No. 3 surveyed by Mr Hughes passed the court. North West and south east boundaries partly fenced.

Te Ahitangutu – continued from pp28 (from pp 761 this book)

Mr Swainson appeared and tendered a sketch plan of the claim which the court declined to receive as it did not show the boundaries of the claim correctly but included a portion of a claim already disposed of by the court.

Hearing adjourned to a future sitting.

Whakarangirangi – Mere Kaumatua

No appearance – dismissed.

Same claim as N. L. C 68/897.

Waiariki No. 2 – Kipa Te Whatanui

Claimant appeared.

Plan J. Hughes S O W No.62 certified with reservations a8 – r0 – p10.

Kipa Te Whatanui – half caste – Sworn

Lives at Otaki. Mother’s ‘hapu’ Ngati Huia and Ngati Pare.

Witness traces boundaries as given in letter 68/2146. This land is fenced as shown. The public house of William Dodds is that shown on the plan. I claim to be owner of this jointly with my 3 sisters as in list (A).

(A) Waiariki No. 2

Names of parties interested together with Kipa Te Whatanui

Half Castes – Kipa Te Whatanui 3rd 22 years

Riria Kipa eldest

Turia Kipa 2nd

Half castes and minors – Meri Kipa, Paranihia Kipa

We are half castes. Claim this land as the property of my mother. Her name was Hinenuitepa. She is dead. Died about 5 years ago. Father’s name was Ropata Kipa (Robert Skipwith). This land belonged to my mother solely. My mother lived there with her mother Paranihi Whawha. I don’t know how old I am – suppose about 22 years. Remember the great earthquake (1855?). Our eldest sister Riria is gone to England and may be dead. Went about 5 or 6 years ago. She is the eldest of the family. Turia is the next. I am next. Meri is the next to me (appeared) Paranihia is the youngest. We were all baptized here.

Hakaraia Matehuia informed the court that Meri was born about the time of the earthquake of 1855.

Meri Kipa appeared and stated that her age was 18 years and her sister Paranihia 16. Archdeacon Hadfield told her so.

Paranihia – appeared.

Kipa – continued.

This land was surveyed by Hughes. I was present at the survey. The fences were then standing and are still standing as shown on the plan.

Objectors challenged – None appeared.

Plan referred to Mr. Swainson to make correcting referred to by Inspector of surveys.

Certificate ordered in favor of

Half castes – Kipa Te Whatanui, Riria Kipa. Turia Kipa.

Half castes and minors – Meri Kipa and Paranihia Kipa to Waiariki No. 2 at Otaki containing a8 – r0 – p5.

Judge to report that it is proper to restrict alienability to be made inalienable except with consent of the governor as in case of Native Reserves.

G. F. Swainson – Sworn

Proved signature of J. Hughes

Fees Hearing £1 Cert £1 C Gt £1 Total £3

Ngatoko – Te Rei Te Paehua and others

Karanama Te Whakaheke – appeared.

Land surveyed by J. Hughes.

Certified plan before court S. O. W 197 – Hughes a1 – r1 – p34.

Karanama Te Whakaheke – Sworn

Lives at Otaki. Puke Karaka ‘hapu’ Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa. The land shown on plan before court is the land claimed by me and others. Te Rei Te Paehua is dead – died in Auckland in May last – 12th May. Wewere informed by letter from his son – Kerekeha. Kerekeha is not here. He is at Maungatautari. He is the eldest son. He says he shall return in the summer.

Hearing adjourned to future sitting in absence of son of deceased claimant – Te Rei.

George Frederick Swainson proved J. Hughes signature to plan.

Court adjourned at 1 pm for an hour.

Court resumed at 2pm.

Totara No. 1 – Hoani Taipua 69/645

Hoani Taipua – appeared.

Stated that the land had not been surveyed and that the amount £15 referred to in the document attached to papers has not yet been received.

Applies for adjournment of hearing to future sitting.

Hearing adjourned to future sitting.

Totara No. 2 – Roera Hukiki

Case called – No appearance.

Applicant returned to Manawatu put at bottom of list.

Continued at pp 49 (continued at pp 794 in this book).

Horowhenua – Tauteka and others

Horowhenua – Kararaina Whawha and others

Mr. Swainson informed the court that these claims were for the same land which had been surveyed by him but the plan was at Manawatu will be here by coach tomorrow.

Tauteka appeared and stated that she admitted the claim of Kararaina Whawha and those named in her application but that Kararaina objected to name of Riria Te Huruhuru. There was no other cause of dispute.

Wiremu Pomare appeared and stated that the land in question had not been properly surveyed. There was a dispute about the boundaries with Muaupoko and the object of his visit was to arrange the question with them as a person interested. He wished the claim to be withdrawn and that the case should be brought on again after the matter had been arranged with Muaupoko.

Tauteka and Kararaina Whawha agreed to proposal to withdraw claim and to send in a fresh application after boundaries had been arranged.

Claims withdrawn.

Te Hakuwai No. 4 and 5 – Tiemi Rauapiri and others

Claimants did not appear.

George Frederick Swainson appeared and put in sketch plan from actual survey a33 – r1 – p20.

Hakuwai No. 4 – a14 – r0 – p0

Hakuwai No. 5 – a19 – r1 – p20

George Frederick Swainson – Licensed surveyor – Sworn

Rangitikei. The land shown on the sketch has been surveyed by me. Employed by Tiemi Rauapiri. Boundaries pointed out by him and Hare Hemi and Perenara Te Tewe. Surveyed by me in February 1869. Have not sent in plan for certificate having been otherwise engaged. Partly privately and partly employed by government. The boundaries as shown on the sketch have been distinctly marked on the ground. Rules of court observed except as to forwarding to inspector. There was a dispute by Parakaia’s wife who appeared at the survey but after a time she left without doing anything. She did not remove any of the pegs. Did not show any particular boundary as her claim. The subdivisional boundary has been marked.

Hare Hemi Taharape – Sworn

Live at Otaki. Te Mateawa ‘hapu’ of Ngatiraukawa. I claim the ownership of the land shown on the sketch before the court with Tiemi Rauapiri. This land has been given to me and Tiemi by Te Peina. It is land that belonged to the Mateawa. Te Peina is the ‘kaumatua’ of Te Mateawa who is living and he gave it to us. It was given to us by Te Peina in 1868. I ask for a certificate in the names of certain persons list (A).

Hakuwai Nos. 4 and 5

Grantees proposed by Hare Hemi – Hare Hemi Taharape, Tiemi Ranapiri (half caste), Te Peina Tahipara, Te Pahana Potaua, Te Natana Te Hiwi, Reupena Te Kairangi.

Objectors challenged.

12 objectors appeared. Names in (B).


Names of parties opposing claim of Tiemi Ranapiri and others to Hakuwai Nos. 4 and 5 – Parakaia Te Pouepa, Moroati Kiharoa, Hakaraia Te Matehuia, Ropata Te Ao, Hema Te Ao, Hoani Taipua, Paranihia Whawha, Aperahama Te Ruru, Hori Te Tawharu, Kiharoa Mahauariki, Manahi, Ria Te Haukoraki.

Court adjourned at 4 pm.


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