Meeting 65 - 4 May 1908
- Description
Present: Mayor Gardner
Councillors Douglas, Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Ryder and Williams.
Cr. Prouse was granted leave of absence for the meeting.
Minutes Confirmed
The Minutes of the previous meeting were duly read and confirmed.
No business was done with regard to the correspondence read at this stage.
Reports were received from the Sanitary Inspector and the Streets Committee. The report of the latter recommended that tenders be called in due course for footpath formation, curbing, channelling and asphalting. On the motion of Cr. Williams seconded by Cr. Hankins the recommendation was adopted.
Gravel Reserve in Committe
The Council went into Committee to consider an offer from Mrs E.B. Ostler to surrender her interest in the Gravel Reserve lease and also to open tenders for footpath formation easterly side of road to station from Bath Street. On resuming the following resolutions were passed:
Purchase decided upon
Mover Cr. MacKenzie – seconder Cr. Hudson “That Mrs Ostler’s interest in the Gravel Reserve be purchased on the best possible terms”.
Cost to be Ascertained
Mover The Mayor – seconder Cr. MacKenzie “That the Finance Committee be requested to ascertain the estimated cost of carting 10,000 yards of earth to the gravel pit and also to bring in a report as to the best means of financing the cost of the undertaking.
Tender Accepted
Mover Cr. Williams – seconder Cr. MacKenzie “That the tender of Mr R. Baylis for forming, laning, banding, footpath on the eastern side of Oxford Street be accepted”.
Tree Planting
Mover Cr. Hudson – seconder Cr. MacKenzie “That the Reserves Committee be empowered to expend a sum of money not exceeding £20 on tree planting in Horowhenua West Road from Weraroa Road to Tiro Tiro Road during this winter”
Mover Cr. Williams – seconder The Mayor “That a sum of money not exceeding £15 be expended in planting Mako Mako Road with trees when thought desirable.”
Note of Adjournment
At nine o’clock the Council adjourned to hold a Special Meeting. Business was again resumed when the Special Meeting was concluded.
Accounts Passed
The Accounts passed for payment were as follows:-
Ed. Burke – C. Aid account – 4 weeks @ 12/-
2.08.00 Hudson Marriott Ltd – C. Aid account 5.00.00 Geo. Milnes “
1.05.00 “ Sundries
1.01.00 Fire Brigade account – supply stores – goods 3.02.00 W. Palmer
6.06 P.W. Goldsmith – salary
11.05.00 Petty Cash
2.00.00 Levin Express Co. – cart 13.00 W.H. Gallichan “
3.00 R.W. Bradley – Coach Hire
10.00 Whitcombe & Tombs – stationery 4.06 I.E. Dean – poll clerk
15.00 R. Jones – sanitary pans etc
14.03.00 N. Aikenson – metal contract no. 6
72.05.06 W. Robson – level
4.00.06 E. Curtis “
1.00.00 West Coast Sawmillers Assn
13.01.00 Share Licencing Expenses
3.07.09 Public Health Dept – Share Inspectors 12.10.06 I.W. Thompson – envelopes & print 1.10.00 Stonebreakers: F. Hargreaves
4.02.03 H.I. Birderem
2.19.06 F. Griffin
3.03.00 J. Dwyer
1.06.03 P.K. Patten – lamplights
9.18.08 G. Astridge – wages & bonus
24.06.08 I. Hook
11.14.00 T. Gregory
10.08.00 H. Knox
3.04.00 F. Plaster
2.02.00 £223.16.04 Confirmed
B.R. Gardener – Mayor
May 18th 1908
- Date
- 1908
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