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Wednesday September 27th

Court sat at 10 am

Present – same judge and assessors

Pekapeka – Winia Kiharoa and others

Case called – no appearance – no plan

Application in handwriting of G. F. Swainson.


Ngatoko – same claim as preceding – see pp2 (pp 809 this book)

Te Ahitangutu – Tiemi Ranapiri and others

Tiemi Ranapiri appeared.

Put in by J Thomson – S. O. W 324 – r1 – p4 ½ - not certified.

Tiemi Ranapiri – Sworn – Evidence (A)

(A)Verbatim evidence

Tiemi Ranapiri- Sworn

Kei Otaki taku kainga. Noku anake te whenua kua whakaahua tia ki te mapi i te aro aro o te Kooti. E hara i ahau tenei kupu i te kahiti “me etahi atu”. Ko taku take. He whenua hook naku, i hokona kia Enoka Te Wano, nona taua whenua, ko te rua tenei o aku tau i taku hokonga, e toru pauna £3 – 10 – 0 i hokona ai e ahau. Kei konei a Enoka. E takoto noa iho ana te whenua inaianei. He ton otaku kia whakaputaina te pukapuka tuturu ki ahau kia atea kaua e here herea.

Enoka Te Wano – Sworn – Evidence (B)

(B) Verbatim evidence

Enoka Te Wano – Sworn

Kei Otaki taku kainga. Ko Ngatiraukawa taku iwi. E mohio ana ahau ki te whenua kua whakaahua tia ki te mapi. Noku taua whenua no aku matua. Kua hokona e ahau kia Tiemi Ranapiri kei aia inaianei. Ko taku tohu. No Whakatere te whenua he tane, ko Rangikuia tona Tuakana, na Rangakura ko taku whaea, ko Ngariki. Ka mahi taku whaea a Ngariki me taku papa ki tana whenua. Kua mate aku matua. Ko ahau anake to raua uri e ora ana. Kahore ano ahau i mahi ki tana whenua. Kahore he uri o Whakatere, e ora ana.

James Thomson – Licensed surveyor – Sworn – Evidence C

(A) Verbatim evidence

I am a licensed surveyor. The plan before the court was made by me and the land surveyed by me. The boundaries as shown on said plan have been distinctly marked on the ground. The boundaries were pointed out to me by Tiemi Ranapiri. I am not aware of any dispute as to ownership. I was employed by Tiemi Ranapiri to make the survey.

Objectors challenged.

Hoani Taipua appeared. Stated that he objected to certificate in favor of Tiemi Ranapiri on the ground that the land included portion of land belonging to him.

The court ordered that Hoani should deposit £3 as security.

Hoani stated that he had no money. The portion in question appeared to be about 7 rods.

Interlocutory certificate ordered in favor of Tiemi Ranapiri (half caste) at Otaki – a0 – r1 – p4 ½ - Te Ahitangutu where plan is certified.

Fees Crown Grant £1

Judge to report not proper to restrict alienability.

Sec 177 – 178 – Tiemi Ranapiri

Tiemi Ranapiri – appeared – Sworn

(Certified plan before court S. O. W 210 – a1 – r1 – p6 – G. F. Swainson. (Surveyors evidence taken at sitting before Judge Monro 13.2.69)

Verbatim evidence (A)

Tiemi Ranapiri – Sworn

Kei Otaki taku kainga. Ko te whenua tena i te mapi. E mea nei ahau ki wakawakia. No Te Rei Te Paehua te whenua nona anake. No Hori Ngawhare te tohu o te whenua i te whakanohoanga o te taone ka whakaritea enei tekihana kia Hori Ngawhare te tuakana o Te Rei. Ka nohia e Hori e Te Rei a tae noa te tama i haere ai a Hori ki raro mahue iho kia Te Rei. Kei Maungatautari a Hori inaianei. Waiho ana eia te whenua ki tona teina noho ia ana e tona teina. Kua mate ia, a Te Rei. He whare nona e tu ana inaianei. E takoto reti ana nga tekihana e rima ki te pakeha inaianei na te Rei ano I reti. Kei a Kerekeha te tikanga o tana whenua te tamaiti o Te Rei ake. Heoi ano tona tamaiti e ora nei. E tuahine te Te Rei. Ko Merania te ingoa, kua mate. Ko nga uri ko Haimona, ko Riria, ko Ruhia, heoi ano nga tangata e uru ana ki taua whenua. He tono taku kia whakaputaina i te pukapuka tuturu o te kooti kia ratou toku wha. Kahore ki ahau. Inaianei ko maua ko taku hoa nga kai tango i te moni a te reti, I te ngaronga Kerekeha. E mea ana ahau me Karaeti tuhera.

Proposed grantees B


Sections Otaki

Grantees proposed by Ranapiri – Kerekeha Te Paehua, Riria Ranapiri, Haimona Hiwhenua, Ruhia Rongorongo

Objectors challenged.

Akapita Te Tewe – appeared and opposed claim.

Ordered to deposit £3 as security for costs says he has no money at present.

Further hearing adjourned tomorrow.

Continued at pp 8 (at pp 826 in this book).

Te Ahitangutu – Naihi Pekeia

No appearance – dismissed – same as N. L. C

69/- 494 L R fol 48

Maringiawai No. 3 – Hemi Kuti

Hemi Kuti appeared.

Plan not certified put in by James Thomson S. O. W 325 – a5 – r0 – p31.

Hemi Kuti – Sworn – evidence (C)

Witness traces boundaries as in plan.

(C) Verbatim evidence

Hemi Kuti – Sworn

Kei Otaki toku kainga. Naku te whenua kua wakaahatia ki te mapi i te aro aro te kooti. Noku tenei whenua no taku kotahi. He mea hoko kia Ropata Te Ao kia ani Kanara te hoa o Pene Te Hapupu. Ka rua nga tau o toku hokonga ki ahau. Kei konei ratou no ratou te whenua, no aratou papa te whenua. E tono ana ahau i te karaati kia whakaputaina kia ahau, kia watea.

Ropata Te Ao – Sworn – Evidence D


Verbatim evidence

Ropata Te Ao – Sworn

Kei Otaki taku kainga. E mohio ana ahau ki te whenua e tonoa nei e Hemi Kuti kia whakawakia noku tetahi taha o taua whenua, ko te taha ki te hauauru. Kua hokona e ahau kia Tiemi Kuti, no taku papa te take. I noho maua ko taku papa ki reira. Ko maua ko Ema nga orange inaianei, ko maua anake. No Ani Kanara tetahi wahi o taua whenua te taha ki te ra whiti.

Ani Kanara – Sworn – evidence (A)

(A) Verbatim evidence

Ani Kanara – Sworn

Kei Otaki taku kainga. E noho ana ahau ki te whenua kua oti te whakaahua ki te mapi.

Naku tetahi wahi o taua whenua, ko te taha ki te rawhiti, kei a Hemi Kuti inaianei kua utua e ia.

James Thomson . L.S. – Sworn – evidence B

(B) Verbatim evidence

James Thomson – L.S. – duly Sworn

The plan before the court is mine. I made the survey. The boundaries were pointed out to me by the claimant Hemi Kuti. I am not aware of any dispute as to ownership. The boundaries as shown on the plan before the court have been distinctly marked upon the ground and the rules of court observed.

Objectors challenged – none appeared.

Certificate (Interlocutory) in favor of Hemi Kuti – half caste – at Otaki a5 – r0 – p31 Maringiawai No. 3 when certified plan is furnished.

Judge to report not proper to restrict alienability.

Fees Cert £1 Cr Gt £1 Total £2

Plan referred to deputy inspector for certificate.

Court adjourned at 1 pm for 1 hour.

Court resumed at 2 pm.

Hakuwai No. 4 – Tiemi Ranapiri and others

Tiemi Ranapiri – appeared – Sworn – Evidence (C)

(C) Verbatim evidence

Tiemi Ranapiri – Sworn

Kei Otaki taku kainga. Ko te take o tenei whenua. Ko taku wahine he taha tenei no te whenua i wakawakia i tera nohoanga o te kooti. Ko te taha ki Hare Hemi kua mahue ki waho. Kahore ahau i te mohio e tautotohe ana a Hare Hemi a Parakaia ki tenei whenua. Noku na maua ko taku wahine te whenua. Etahi o nga tangata i eke ki runga ki taua whenua, i homai e i ratou ana piwhi mo mana. Ehara i te mea e uruana aua tangata inaianei. Ko te take o taku wahine ki taua whenua no tona papa tipu. Ko Matuaharama tona ingoa, nona ake taua whenua, kua mate ia. I rongo ahau ki nga tangata katoa nona taua wahi. Kahore ahau i kite i aia e ngaki ana. He whenua takoto noa iho inaianei. Na Hori Ngawhare tungane o te whaea o toku wahine ko ia i kitea e ahau e ngaki ana ki reira. Ko te putake o taua whenua ko Matuaharama, toko toru nga tamariki o Matuaharama e oia nei inaianei i uru katoa ki taua whenua noku ano tetahi taha no taku tipuna no te papa o taku whaea. Ko Ngakapa te ingoa, kua mate. Ko ahau te Matamua o matou o ona mokopuna.

Ko Erena te ingoa o taku whaea, i te ra e ora ana ia, nona anake te whenua, kua mate ia.

I mahi tahi a Matuaharama raua ko Ngakapa, no tenei ra ka ata rohe rohea he mea whakarite na matou na nga tangata e uru ana ki taua wahi.

Ko te rohe kia Hare Hemi na matou. Ko Hare i whakatakoto, te rohe kia Te Moroati na matou ko Te Moroati ma, te rohe kia Ihakara na matou tahi ko Ihakara, te rohe ki Ururoa na matou. Ko Ururoa.

Ko taku ki, kia toko wha matou ki roto ki te karauna karaati ko – Tieme Ranapiri, Riria Ranapiri, Haimona Hiwhenua, Ruhia Rongorongo

Me karauna karaati tuhera. He nui noa atu a matou whenua ki era atu wahi ke.

(Plan put in by James Thomson – S. O. W 329 – a17 – r3 – p32 – not certified).

(Returned to Mr Thomson to alter meridian) 4 grantees proposed.

James Thomson – L.S. – Sworn – evidence A

(A) Verbatim evidence

James Thomson – L. S – Sworn

The plan before the court is mine. The land was surveyed by me. The boundaries as shown on said plan have been distinctly marked upon the ground. The meridian has been corrected by me – reserved. I was employed by claimant to make the survey. The boundaries were pointed out to me by Hakaraia Te Puingira. I am not aware of any dispute as to ownership.

Objectors challenged.

Perenara Te Tewe – appeared.

Stated that the plan included land belonging to himself.

Parties advised to confer together before proceeding with enquiry.

Further hearing adjourned.

Continued at pp 10 (at pp 829, in this book).

Maringiawai No. 3 – Hemi Kuti

Same claim as N. L. C 70/1569 – disposed of.

Court adjourned at 3.30 pm till tomorrow.


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