Meeting 49 - 4 November 1907
- Description
PRESENT: The Mayor (Mr B R Gardener), Crs Douglas, Hall, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Prouse, Ryder and Williams.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Correspondence: A letter from Mr F G Bolton stating his willingness to act as delegate for the Council at the election of Trustees for the Wellington Hospital Board and the Wellington Benevolent Institution was received and the following resolution on the motion of Cr Hall seconded by Cr Williams was carried “That Mr F G Bolton be appointed to act as the Council’s delegate at the elections of the Trustees of the Wellington District Hospital and also the Benevolent Institution which are to be held on Monday 2nd December ‘07”. Moved by Cr Levy seconded by Cr Douglas “That the Mayor and “Councillor Prouse be empowered to obtain a fire-proof door if satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Horowhenua “County Council”.
No Acetylene Gas
The N.Z. Acetylene Gas Co, wrote offering to put a scheme of lighting the Borough with Acetylene before the Council if the Council would consider it. Moved by Cr Hall and seconded by the Mayor “That the N.Z. Acetylene Gas Co be written to informing the Coy that the Council has already made a decision with reference to lighting the Borough.” Carried.
Mr Welch’s account
Mr J T Welch of the Australian General Electric Coy, sent in an account for £ 10.10.0 for reporting on the Lighting of the Borough by electricity. Moved by Cr Hudson, seconded by Cr Levy and carried “That Mr Welch be written to stating that this Council does not recognise any claim for expenses in connection with his visit as the report was offered by Mr Welch without any expressed wish of this Council”.
Overdraft etc
Treasurer reported that the overdraft at the Bank was £105.16.0 and that rates to the amount of £300. 9. 9 had been paid.
Rubbish removal
The Sanitation Committee reported “That the time is inopportune to make arrangements for the removal of rubbish by the Councils servants or contractors in view of the fact that before long the Council will probably procure a horse and dray of its own.” This report was adopted.
Grazing on roads
In connection with the Road Overseer’s report on the motion of Cr Ryder seconded by Cr Douglas the following resolution was carried : viz – “That the Roads within the Borough be opened for grazing from 6.00am to 6.00pm from the 7th November 1907 until further notice”.
Fire Brigade account
Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr Mackenzie and carried “That the account for the Fire Brigade Plant amounting to £105.8.1 be passed for payment.”
King’s Birthday Holidays
The Mayor – Cr Williams “That the Borough Offices be closed on Monday 11th (in place of Sat. Nov 9th) in honour of the King’s Birthday”. Carried
Gas Loan proposals
Moved by The Mayor seconded by Cr Hudson and carried “That confirming the resolution passed at the Special Meeting of the Council held on the 14th October, this Council hereby resolves –
1) “That steps be taken to raised a Loan for the purpose of erecting Municipal Coal Gas Works mounting to £10,000 for a period of 26 years, the rate of interest being payable at 4½% per annum.
2) “That the cost of raising the loan and the first year’s interest be paid out of loan, and
3) “To strike an annually recurring rate of 9/16ths of a penny in the pound on the Capital Value of all rateable properties in the Borough of Levin to provide interest and other charges on the said loan.”
Held over
The Notice of Motion re changing the name of Weraroa standing in the name of Cr Hankins was held over by consent until next meeting.
The following accounts were passed for payment
Winter and Close – (contractors)
£27. 7. 3 I W Proctor (painters/lamp posts 2. 13. 6 Public Health Department sub to salary
6. 5. 0 P K Patton – lamp lights
3. 9. 8 I Hook – wages
12. 3. 0 T Gregory – wages 8. 8. 0 G Astridge – Sanitation etc
18. 8. 0 G Curtis – casual
12. 0 Levin Expresss – carting 4. 0. 6 Horowhenua Publishers – Printing etc 12. 1. 6 I W Gibson – C-aid a/c Smith & Swan
2. 5. 0 H C Gapper “ Watson
2. 10. 0 C Williams and Co. “ Bignall 3. 0. 0 E Bourke “
2. 8. 0 I W Thompson – Office requisites
17. 0 Sline and Co. – directory 10. 6 Swainson & Bevan Ltd – wire netting
17. 0 A Musgrove – loss on sale of gelding 8. 6 I Ryder Shamer & post 5. 0 P W Goldsmith – salary for October 11. 5. 0 119. 14. 5 Fire Brigade Plant
105. 8. 1 £225. 2. 6 18 November 1907
- Date
- 1907
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