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Wednesday March 4th 1874

Present – John Rogan Esquire – Judge Enoka Te Whanake – Assessor

William Bridson – clerk Edwin Turner Woon – Interpreter

Court opened at 10 am.

Hukiki applied that the Muhunoa claim be heard.

The court explained that the Ngati Kauhata had applied for time to complete some business before attending the court and as their interest might be required by proceeding with this case at once and as they were promised that they should be heard in this matter. Muhunoa will be adjoined for ???

Ahitangutu No. 3 – See 187 Otaki

I had a claim to land adjoining this and I ? it for this with Eru Tahitangata. My land was not adjoining. My land was near the bridge and to a block called Piritaha. This I exchanged with Eru Tahitangata. I am not aware of any dispute to the title of this. Eru is now in court and there are also no other persons present who knew of the exchange.

Eru Tahitangata

I have heard the statement of Ranapiri. It is correct. We exchanged our lands. I inherited this land from my father and elder brother – it was theirs. My fathers name was Hoani Te Pokai. They had undisputed possession and it was given over sacredly by him to me.

Ob jectors challenged.

Te Wiata said my father had an interest in this land and Eru had no right to give it away.

Claim adjourned because of dispute.

Section 187 Otaki

Claim read – Plan by Swainson produced

James Ransfield said that Mr. Smith had given judgment in this matter along with several other sections. This land was ordered in favor of Naihi and were ordered to subdivide and has six months to do it. We failed to comply within the time. Naihi applied for the title to one section. Naihi has sold this section to me and I wish to have the adjoining claims which I own heard conjointly with this.


Sections 187. 179. 186. 178. 177

Hemi Ransfield – sworn

I claim these sections. My claim to 197 is that of purchase from Naihi Pekeia. I claim the other sections through my wife who inherited these from Hori. Hori is deas. My wife’s name is Riria Ranapiri. Hori Ngawhare was her uncle. Her matua name is Riria Motuaharama. Riria obtained it through Hori. This land has been let by us for ten years. No one has ever disputed the lease. When the case was heard previously Naihi came forward and disputed and he got one section. I have since purchased Naihi’s interest. I want one grant in the names of my wife and some of my children for that section. I will produce the names.

Naihi Pekeia – sworn

I know the land described on this plan. I have heard James Ransfield’s statement. It is correct.

Objectors challenged – none appeared.

Ordered that a memorial of ownership be issued to Riria Ranapiri, Hemi Ranapiri and children. No restrictions recommended.

Tutangatakino No. 4 – a3 – r0

Claim read – Plan by Thomson produced.

James Ransfield – sworn

This land was my mothers. She lived on this land and ? on it. I grew to be a man. My mother was a Ngati Raukawa. Nobody else occupied it besides my mother and me. No one ever disputed our title. The part which was disputed is that which I wish to be left out 2 acres. Hoeta disputed the right to the 2 acres. Hoeta is at Rangitikei. Ngahora will substantiate my statement.

Ngahora – sworn

I know the land shown on the plan between the Otaki river and the line. It is near the residence of Dr. Hewson. The person I saw in occupation of this land when I came into this country were Ransfield’s grandfather and his mother. I occupied land adjacent to this piece. Nobody ever disputed about this piece before the court. James Ransfields occupation was never disturbed.

Objectors challenged – none appeared.

James Ransfield said he wished a grant in his name without restrictions.

James Thomson applied for survey charges amount of £2.2.0.

Ransfield admitted claim.

Ordered that a memorial of ownership be issued to Hemi Ranapiri.


Claim read – Plan produced – Claim disputed – Adjourned

Pukerarauhe No. 2

Claim read – Plan by Wyles Busk produced- certified

Kipa Te Whatanui – sworn

I know the land shown on the plan.

Hepi said the lands in the neighbourhood of this piece are disputed. I allow this claim to go on.

Tamihana Te Rauparaha said this land would be disputed.

Claim adjourned.

Pahianui No. 7 – a3 – r2 – p0

Claim read – Plan by Wyles Busk produced

Hapi Te Horohau – sworn

This land is near the town, 6 chains from the Otaki river. I ordered the survey of this land. I pointed out the boundaries. It has been cultivated by my father and is now under cultivation by me. There are no other claimants. I am the only one. I have a sister who is Mr. Cooks wife. I have occupied the land for many years. Previous to my birth my parents occupied this land. No one ever disputed our claim. Kipihana will substantiate my claim.


I know the land described by the plan. It belongs to Hapi. I have land adjacent. I have heard Hapis statement. It is correct. Hapis father had the same claim to this piece as Ngati Raukawa have to all this.

Objectors challenged – none appeared.


I wish to have a grant in my own name only without restrictions.

Ordered that a memorial of ownership in favor of Hapi Te Horohau.

Turangarahui – 81 acres

Claim read – Plan by Wyles Busk produced

Kare Wirikake – sworn

I know the land described in this plan. I claim this land. Maka is one Maka Pukehi. Winara is another. ? by occupation since N.Raukawa came and took possession of this country. Aperahama Te Ruru first occupied it. Aperahama is dead. He died lately. The land is not cultivated at present. I never cultivated this land. I am sure there would be no dispute. Pineaha will say something.

Pineaha said

I withdraw my objection if my name is put in the list of owners.

Wirikake said

Pineahas claim is a very small one – not exceeding ¼ of an acre. I have arranged that he shall have a portion of the money when I sell this land.

Claim adjourned for the settlement of the names in this order.

Court adjourned for half an hour.

At 1 pm the court resumed.


Turangarahui – continued

Mirikaki said we have agreed as to the named which should be in the grant – Hare Wirikake, Ihaka Pukohu, Wiriora and Matini Tuainuku said I claimed this land. My name is in the application.

Objectiors challenged – a number appeared – case adjourned.


Claim read – Plan by Thomson produced

Pekeia – sworn

Ruhia is dead. She was my sister. I know the land described on the plan. A road passes through it. It is near the blacksmiths shop in Otaki.

Ruhia’s husband ordered the survey. Wekete is her husband’s name. He is a European.

I pointed out the boundaries. I claim the land. My brother also claims. His name is Ngahora. We claim from occupation. This land was cultivated by my father. It is not cultivated now. There are houses on it. A white man’s house. I have a house on it also. We have not cultivated it for 2 years past. A portion of it is fenced.

NOW IT GETS MESSY ... i.e. not able transcribe.


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