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Saturday 11th April 1874

Place – the same Present – the same

Waihoanga No. 3

Hohipuha – sworn

I live at Manawatu, I am a Ngati Maiotaki and Ngati Moewaka.

I have a claim to this land through Kingi Te Ahoaho and Matangi also through Te Hira – my father who is a younger brother of Kingi and Matangi also through Mohi. Those are the persons who commenced to divide this land.

When Tungia of Ngati Toa gave the land to Matangi and Kingi - these old men were the first to make clearings on this land.

I know nothing of Rawiri or Kepa on this land. I went on this land when I had grown to manhood. My occupation is bird catching. I have never seen or heard of Rawiri or Kepa on this land.

When Mr. Williams (Reverend) was minister here, I lived with him. I left my parents and brothers to go on this land.

The hapu’s named by Rawiri as claimants to this land – Ngati Pare and Ngati Waihurihia – have no claim. They never used the land in any manner.

In 1854, Mr. Williams was ordered to Napier. I went with him. I returned in 1855. I went again to Napier and there – used a letter from Kingi to return – I didn’t obey.

1859, Kingi ordered my brothers and Hekiera – Hekiera and Rota wrote me to come back. I went to Manawatu and have remained there until this day.

In 1862, Kingi died. I did not hear that Kingi had transferred his rights in this land to Kingi or any body else. Hira and others were then on the land. In 1872, my father Hira died.

Xed by Hoani Taipua

I don’t admit Rawiri’s claim on this land. I had objected to Rawiri junior. Hekiera’s statement relative to Rawiri made yesterday is not correct.

Which land did Tungia give to Kingi? I believe it began at Paremata on the sea beach and went to the mountain.

Hasn’t Rawiri Junior a right to any land from Paremata to the mountain? Yes. Rawiri’s claim stops at ---. Kingi and the other old men I have named above made claim on this land.

Who do you admit on this land? Myself and my side.

Rikihana Tarure – sworn

I live at Otaki and belong to Ngati Koroki and have a claim on the land. I was born here and grew up to manhood here.

I heard that Tungia had given the land to Kingi and his wife Rangiwhaea – not to the hapu but to him personally. Kingi located some Ngati Maiotaki from the beach to the mill. Ngati Maiotaki’s claim ceases at my land. I obtained the land through Kingi and Rangiwhaea. They gave it to me. I heard that Kingi gave land to other hapu’s also – from the mill to the mountain and all the cultivation was the property of Kingi and Hira. Kingi gave a portion near the mill to Ngati Ngarangi also at Waihoanga. The only person who used Pareamatangi was Hira and his people.

Hira was Hohipua’s father and used the lower part with Mohi, Kepa or Rawiri Senior never went to use the land on the Parematangi side.

I began to use this land in 1854. Wi Hopihona – the brother of Hekiera ordered me on to the land. Kingi, Wi, Hopihoua and Hira were the only persons I saw there then.

Tamati gave me his bird trees. We planted a peach tree there which is now growing beside it.

I don’t admit Ngati Parehaurangi and those named by Rawiri. I have never seen them on this land. The places they used were on Hema’s portion.

On the south boundary of this block are a number of trees which were used by Te Kingi – he pointed out this boundary to his children. It was received last December. Natana when laying of his boundary did not interfere with ours. Rawiri Senior could not point to any portion of this block which he has used.

Xed by Hoani

I have a claim to this land through occupation.

Atanahu – sworn

I live at Nelson. I am Ngati Toa and Ngati Raukawa.

I have a claim to the land through Tungia – my aunt. Tungia gave this land to Kingi on account of family connection. Kingi died without issue.

The court said it would consider the evidence now before it and that it would probably arrive at a decision which it would give on Monday morning.

Court adjourned until 10 am on Monday.


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