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Thursday April 23rd

Court sat at 9 am.

Present – same judges (3) and assessors (2)

Himatangi – continued

Mr. Fox addressed the court.

(Reference to fixing of date for settling titles questioned).

Court stated that it would endeavour to give judgement on Monday April 27th at 12 noon.

Court adjourned at 1.30 pm.

Court resumed sitting at 3 pm.

The court intimated that it was prepared to hear the agent with reference to the application of the counsel for crown for adjournment of hearing of other Manawatu Rangitikei cases to Rangitikei.

Mr. Williams addressed the court objecting to adjournment on the ground that the claimaints and their witnesses had no food at Rangitikei also that they were afraid of the Ngatiapa.

Mr. Fox put in two affidavits, one by Peeti Te Awe Awe with reference to alleged threat of Dr. Featherstone to fill the Ngatiapa ammunition also one by Ihakara and others relative to same.

After discussion between Mr. Fox and Mr. Williams.

The court decided to adjourn the hearing of the Rangitikei Manawatu cases to Rangitikei.

The court announced that on its rising on the 27th instead it would adjourn its sitting to Rangitikei where it will sit for the hearing of the Rangitikei Manawatu cases on Tuesday the 12th of May and following days, the court to open at 2 pm.

Court adjourned at 4 pm.

Court sat at 7 pm.

Present – same judges and assessors.

Piritaha – Tutere Te Matau (children of Riwai Te Ahu)

Continued from pp 673 in this book. (Postponed March 10th 1868, pp53 and April 17th 1868 pp 305).

Hema Te Ao appeared and stated that he withdrew his opposition to the claim of Riwai’s chidren having come to an understanding.

Te Tutere appeared and stated that he wished to name Komene Patumoe as joint trustee with himself to be appointed for the management of the estate. Witness stated that Komene is the maternal uncle of the children. He is a respectable man. He is living.

It was ordered that a certificate of the title of Pirihira Te Ahu, Alfred Te Ahu and Ruiha Te Ahu – minors, to a piece of land at Otaki containing a1 – r3 – p20 known by the name of Piritaha be made and issued to the governor.

It was ordered that the court do recommend that the trustees be appointed for the management of the say Te Tutere Te Matau and Komene Patumoe.

Fees to be paid Invest £1 Cert £1 Cr. Gt £1 Total £3.

Waerenga West – Natanahira Te Waro

Adjourned case from last sitting postponed – pp 333 (from pp 710 in this book).

Natanahira appeared and stated that the surveyor, Mr. Hughes was about to make a fresh survey of his claim.

Hearing adjourned to a future sitting of the court.

Ramaroa Wainui – Hoani Wiremu Tunui

Adjourned case from Wellington January 27th 1868.

Hoani Wiremu Tunui – appeared.

Mr Swainson informed the court that this land was a native reserve which had been brought under the Native Reserves Act 1856. The applicant on being informed that the court had no jurisdiction over such lands unless when referred by the governor. Withdrew his application with a view to applying to the government for a reference to the court under the 11th section of the Native Land Act 1867.

Case dismissed.

Ramaroa No. 2 Wainui – Kereopa Te Ikameke

Adjourned case from Wellington January 27th 1868.

Hoani Wiremu Tunui appeared for claimant.

This appears to be a part of the same reserve as above.

Dismissed for the same reason as the previous case.

Te Uruhi Waikanae – Poharama Wainoa Tamati

Adjourned case from Wellington January 28th 1868.

Case called – No appearance.

Mr. Swainson informed the court that there was no survey.

Hearing adjourned to future sitting at Otaki.

Court adjourned at 9 pm to Monday April 27th at 12 noon.


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