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Present: Mayor B.R. Gardener, Councillors Douglas, Hall, Hawkins, Hudson, MacKenzie, Levy, Prouse, Ryder and Williams

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Amongst the correspondence a letter from R. Butt & Co. Ltd asked for a temporary slaughterhouse licence. The Mayor moved and Councillor MacKenzie seconded “that a temporary licence be granted to R. Butt & Co. Ltd for a period of four months”. This was carried.

The President of the Foxton Chamber of Commmerce wrote asking the Council to appoint a delegate to attend a Conference to be held at Palmerston to consider the formation of a Harbour Board for Foxton. The Mayor was appointed by the Council to attend the Conference as representative of the Council.

Mr Walton, Inspector of Noxious Weeds attended and gave the Council some accounts of his work in this district.

The Minutes of the Special Meeting held on the 4th May 1908 were read and confirmed and the following resolutions were passed:

Mover – Cr. MacKenzie, Seconded Cr. Hall

“That the Special Order made by this Council at the Special Meeting on the 4th May 1908 striking a Special Rate of two-elevenths of a penny in the ₤1 on the capital value as security for and to provide interest etc on a loan of ₤4000 raised for connecting waterworks, be now confirmed”.

“That the Special Order made by this Council on the 4th May 1908 striking a Special Rate of one penny and seven-twentieths of a penny in the pound (₤1), as security for and to provide interest and other charges on a loan of ₤18,000 raised for the purpose of establishing waterworks for the Borough be now confirmed”

Cr. Hawkins asked for a return showing the amounts paid to Mr Charlesworth for engineering and survey fees.

Cr Williams moved and Cr. MacKenzie seconded – “That the footpaths in Reeves Street be attended to at once and that the Roads Committee meet to see to the requirements”.

Accounts passed for payment

Loan Account

J. Craig – account purchase catchment area
H.W. Chimie – Reports
R. Baylis – contract No. 7 Pro. Payment 30.0.0


General Account

I. Hook Wages ₤2.14.0
T. Gregory
E. Curtis
M. Purcell 5.05.0
F. Plaster Carting
G. Astridge Wages
H. Knox Wages 7/1/- 1/8/-
F. Griffin
F. Hook 3.08.3
H.I. Birdensen
J. Hargreaves 2.0
P.K. Patten Lamplighting a/c
Martin & Atkinson Law Lists
E. Bourke C. Aid a/c
F. Farley
W. Sigglekin
Sivansen & Bevan Ltd Goods
J.W. Gibson 12.0
Geo. Milnes 14.4
Le Grove & Co Rubber stamps
W.H. Gallichan Carting 3.6
Griffiths & Co
J. McTaggart Caretaker – Fire Brigade 3.00.0
P.W. Goldsmith 11.05.0




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Meeting 82 - 26 October 1908
Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
Minutes of Council Meeting - 27 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 3 June 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907


first council minute book,
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Meeting 82 - 26 October 1908
Minutes of 2nd Council Meeting 11 May 1906
Minutes of 1st Council Meeting 2 May 1906
Minutes of Council Meeting - 27 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 3 June 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 February 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting -15 April 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 1 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 20 May 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 18 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907