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Monday June 2nd 1873

Place – the same

Present – the same

The crown agent said an arrangement had been completed with Wi Parata whereby the crown would be satisfied. A line had been fixed upon at an iron peg a few chains to the eastward of the Trigonometrical station at woods fence and an angle of 270 degrees east summary to Tararua.

Wi Parata said I have heard the statement of Mr. Wardell the crown agent and I on behalf of the Ngati Awa tribe accept that line as the boundary between the Ngati Awa tribe and the crown.

The court complimented Mr. Wardell for the satisfactory manner in which this arrangement had been completed.

The court decided to make an order for the Ngati Awa tribe to other parties a list of whose names Wi Parata will supply.

Case adjourned until tomorrow.

Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.


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