Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 18 March 1874
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Wednesday 18th March 1874
Place – the same Present – the same
Weraawhango or Muhunoa (continued)
Kaperiere – sworn
I belong to Ngati Tukorehu. I live at Ohau.
I know the land before the court. I have lived at Ohau since my childhood. Muhunoa belongs to Ngati Pare to Te Ao so far as I have heard. Te Poa the chief was killed at Te Poa. Another reason it is Ngati Pare’s is he gave this land to Ngati Tukorehu. Ngati Tukorehu is a different tribe to Ngati Raukawa. They belong to Potetere. Te Ao was the only Ngati Raukawa chief who did anything for the people.
A third reason is his continual occupation of that land to the day of his death. A fourth reason is that Hema has occupied the land shown on the map. Te Ao lived at Muhunoa. Hema lives at Kirikiri.
I know the trees on which birds were caught by Te Ao on this land. I know the cultivation Kauaepango which was Te Ao’s and Hema’s at Te Kirikiri. Houses standing, belonging to Hema. I have seen the flax planted at Muhunoa belonging to your father.
Te Ao had authority over Weraawhango. Hema has authority over that land now. I have seen Hema’s horses and cattle running over this land. I know the inland portion of this block.
I got up to object at Foxton and stated my objection to Roera before the court. I knew the land was Hema’s and therefore objected.
Xed by Roera
Point out the land given to Ngati Tukorehu. The land either side of Ohau at first.
Point out where you have cultivation on this land. Between Muhunoa and Mangaohau not Te Aruhetakaka.
Are you living there now? No. We lived there together years ago.
What year was that? Shortly after Haowhenua up to Kuititanga and when ---- was introduced.
Have you not seen me living at Te Aruhetakaka? I saw you there, we were together.
Have I any houses there now? Our houses are broken down.
Haven’t I cultivations there now? When we cultivated together I saw them since.
Haven’t you seen a house of mine at Muhunoa? That is outside of Hema’s claim.
Is that the only flax on this land that named by you? That particular flax was planted.
Is there a brand on that flax? No. It is not usual to brand flax.
Who of Ngati Pare had authority when that land was given? It was Koroniria of Ngati Tukorehe.
How did your occupation there cease? We came to Otaki because of the church. All came together.
Where are these trees now? They are at Weraawhango.
Aren’t some of them mine? Yes – ours together.
Haven’t I a cultivation this side of Ohau Ngati Kirikiri? Your cultivation is in Hare Hemi’s.
Have you heard of the Kirikiri dispute between me and Hare Hemi? Yes I have.
Didn’t you hear that a boundary was agreed upon there? That was settled by a Maori committee.
Te Katene – sworn
I live at Rangitikei and belong to Ngati Parewahawaha – Roera’s hapu.
I know the land before the court. I have a claim to this land at Rotokare and Te Aruhetakaka. My claim to Te Aruhetakaka is through Te Ao who gave it to us.
Te Ao obtained that land through Te Poa therefore we Ngati Parewahawaha have no claim on that land.
Rotokare belongs to Ngati Parewahawaha. Nepia, Aperahama Te Huruhuru and Kuruhou stayed there. We went to Rangitikei and after that land to Hukiki. After Hukiki gave us this land, he sold it to Dr. Featherston. We objected to Hukiki’s sale. I belong to Roera’s hapu. My right to Aruhetakaka was through Te Ao. 10 of us men cultivated on this land. I can give their names – Te Meihana, Patoropa, Nirae, ---- Tuoi, Rangitakauia, Kakahi, Patukino, Tauaiarangi and their wives. I did not come under the authority of Patukino.
Xed by Roera
What hapu did Te Ao belong to? Where is he from? Ngati Pare.
Weren’t your houses burnt down at Rotokare by Ngati---? Yes they were.
Have you houses and cultivations on the land now?
Where was the land Hukiki sold? At Whakapuni and Manawatu.
Patoropa – sworn
I live at Ohau and Rangitikei. I belong to Ngati Parewahawaha.
I know Muhunoa. I have a claim to this land. I have a cultivation at Te Aruhetakaka. It was given to me and my elder brother by Te Ao. Ngati Pare and Ngati Kahungunu cultivated there. These are Roera’s hapu’s. Rotokare belongs to Ngati Pare. Kuru--- Aperahama my relatives of mine cultivated there and Ngati Pare burnt down their houses. Te Ao was the chief of that land – I heard so.
Xed by Roera
Don’t you know I am cultivating Rotokare now? No.
Haven’t I eel pa’s there? I don’t know.
Haven’t I sheep and horses there? I don’t know.
Am I not letting the land there? I don’t know.
Where do you live now? At Ohau and Rangitikei.
Xed by the court
Ihakara Tukumaru – sworn
I am a chief of Ngati Raukawa and I now live at Manawatu.
I have seen Muhunoa – have travelled there on foot. I have no claim to it. I was not sent for an an arbitrator in the matter of a boundary. I came to make peace with the parties who were quarrelling. The quarrel was about the land with -----Karanama, Wi Pukapuka and others. Roera’s boundary was pointed out to me at that time. It was a fence close by Muhunoa. All I know is confirmed to the middle with nothing of either end.
The boundary we talked about was between Mateawa and Ngati Tukorehe. This was on Hare Hemi’s land. Ohau River was the boundary fixed between Hare Hemi and Hainia Te Ao and Roera. Hema and Roera were disputing about the land. Hema and Roera were on one side of Ohau. Hare Hemi on the other.
Ropata Hurumutu – sworn
I live at Porirua and belong to Ngati Toa.
I know Muhunoa. I remember the death of Te Poa at Ohau. He was a Ngati Toa. This land was given to Te Puke. Ngati Toa, Ngati Te Maunga and Ngati Tera gave it to him. Rakaherehere, Mohi and Tungia were the chiefs.
The meeting to side took place at Kapiti. Te Puke and Te Ao were Ngati Toa and partly Ngati Raukawa also on account of relationship. This was the land between Papaitonga and Ohau.
Nopera Te Ngihe – sworn
I live at Porirua and belong to Ngati Toa.
I know the land before the court. After the different migrations had arrived at Kapiti – the land on which their people had been killed by Muaupoko was given to Te Ao. This was at Ohau to Papaitonga.
Puke and Te Ao were the people who first came to see us Ngati Toa. It was then the land was given to them.
Xed by Roera
Were all Muaupoko killed by Ngati Toa when they came? No but I don’t know where those went who escaped.
Did you obtain all this land? Yes.
Was Ngati Toa on the mainland when Te Ao came? No. At Kapiti. I lived there.
Did you hear of Papaitonga Pa? Yes I have heard.
Where were Paipai and Takerei killed? At Papaitonga.
Did you hear of the sale by Hukiki? Yes. I heard also of Hema’s sale.
Concludes Hema’s case.
Tamehana Te Rauparaha said – I have a claim to this land – all over it. I want to prove the ---- of Rauparaha over this land until the present time. I call Matene, Rakapa, Ururoa, Poria, Cootes ½
Tamehana Rauparaha – sworn
I am well. My thoughts are clear. My expression is not.
I know the land on the map. I claim it with Roera.
Roera said – I admit Tamehana’s claim. His dead are buried there.
Tamehana Rauparaha said – These are claimants with me – Matene, Pipi, Karipa, Ria, Ururoa, Rakapa, Tiapo Cootes
Roera said – I only admit Tamehana.
Tamehana Rauparaha
When Rauparaha came from Kawhia, he lived at Muhunoa. He came with a large number of Ngati Toa to Ohau. He thought in his mind to take possession of all that land – reserved it to himself and made it sacred, eels and all. This was to himself and Rangihaeata.
Rauparaha went to Papaitonga to ---- Muaupoko about a canoe. While there Muaupoko attempted and nearly took his life. He escaped and killed two Muaupoko’s first. My sister and brother were killed. Ngati Toa heard of it and went there in --- body. They were angry. Rauparaha said he would neither forgive nor forget the killing of his children.
Toheriri – chief of Muaupoko was killed by Rauparaha. He returned to Kapiti after driving Muaupoko away into the bush.
He then came back again and chased the Muaupoko up to Horowhenua. Rauparaha was then a dad director of all the chief of Ngati Toa. Rauparaha had been chasing Muaupoko many years. Then Hukiki came in 1828. Hukiki went to Kapiti to Rauparaha for instructions. At this time Rauparaha lived in Uma---ohau – a large carved house at Kapiti. This house was named from the killing of his children at Ohau.
Hukiki asked if he might come to Kapiti. Rauparaha consented. Hukiki wanted to go to Maungatautari. He went and brought his children and Ngati Raukawa with him. Hukiki then occupied this land before the court. Rauparaha gave Hukiki a right with him. Rauparaha ordered Ngati Toa to live at Waikanae and Porirua. They had nothing to say at Muhunoa. Hukiki occupied this land until the day of his death.
Tiapo Cootes said – neither Tamehana nor I have any claim whatever on this land. Our rights was ceded a long time ago.
Tamehana exd by Hema
Do you dispute my claim on this land? I have not heard.
Didn’t my parents live on this land? I never saw or heard of it.
Matene Te Whiwhi
I know nothing of this land except that relating to the death of the children.
Kutia said – Tamehana’s claim is through the children killed. Rauparaha gave the land to Hukiki and to Te Ao. Muhunoa proper was given to Hukiki and the other side (Ohau) to Te Paea. Hukiki continually made presents of food to Rauparaha while he was here.
Court adjourned for an hour.
At 2 pm the court resumed.
Rakapa said – I know the land called Muhunoa.
I confirm the statemen of Tamehana relative to the death of his relatives there. I was at Ohau at the time.
I knew Rauparaha at that time. No boundaries were fixed then because Muaupoko had not been killed. Rauparaha did not live on this land then. He did not live on or cultivate this land.At the time, Sir George Frey came here and after the fight at the Hutt, Rangihaeata came and lived at Muhunoa. He was the only one of our family who cultivated there. Te Ao and Hema’s father saw him and he gave up his houses and cultivations to Te Rangihaeata. He cultivated at Papaitonga and Muhunoa not the places Hema’s father gave him. He maintained his authority over the land and went to Porotawhao. Tamehana never occupied the land.
The disputes have arisen latterly in consequence of dealings with the land.
What Hema said about the persons killed and about his occupation is correct.
Roera’s claim is through Rauparaha and the persons who were killed. Roera has a claim to his portion. Hema has a right to his piece. Hare Wirikake also has a claim.
Court decided to hear no further witnesses on behalf of Tamehana’s claim as no evidence had been brought by those he had called to substantiate his title. Roera has admitted Tamehana’s claim with his.
Counter claimants case closed.
Hare Wirikake said – I will call Ngawiki, Te Puke and Kawana Hunia.
Plan of Weraawhango produced.
Hare Wirikake said – I claim over the whole block through Aperahama Te Ruru. He lived at Waiwiri when Ngati Raukawa came here to occupy. He came to Otaki and left his sister at Waiwiri.
Muaupoko occupied Papaitonga then. Ngati Raukawa had not then occupied Muhunoa.
A was party of rangihaeata’s came from Kapiti. That was to revenge the the death of Te Poa, Te Uira and others. Rangihaeata ---- Aperahama to assist him against Muaupoko.
Aperahama went with his people Ngati Huia, Ngati Kikopiri.
Ngati Raukawa were at Otaki but the news came from Kapiti. They went in the night to Waiwiri. When they got off Waiwiri, 2 went ashore to light fires to guide the canoes into the stream. They arrived at Papaitonga – there found Hikake and Te Rei outside the pa. Hikake was Aperahama’s sister – by her means a canoe came from the pa to the shore. The persons who brought the canoe were killed. Muaupoko bolted, some were killed. Paipai and Takarei were killed. Ururoa (now in court) was wounded by Paipai then. Another man went to Ururoa’s assistance and Paipai was killed.
The slain which were lying in heaps were given to Ngati Toa by Aperahama and in consequence all the land was given to Aperahama.
After this, Aperahama occupied the land at Muhunoa. He first occupied Pukerangataru (within the island) and left Hikake and Te Paea – sister and his brother to take of it.
After this, Tuaenuku – his younger brother went to Muhunoa and lived on it. They cultivated all the land from there to Aruhetakaka.
In 1844, I came here. Aperahama had not been dispossessed of his authority over the land at that time. This extended as far as Pukeatua. This is inland.
Tuaenuku went to Weraawhango and Pukeatua to work. No person had power or did dispossess them of that land. Shortly after this, Hukiki came. Both Aperahama and Tuaenuku had authority over this land extending to the mountain. There was no dispute about Muhunoa in olden time. Hukiki and Tuaenuku claimed through Te Kanawa and Aperahama. These were disputes about Kirikiri whereas and Tarare. I heard about these disputes. Tuaenuku died and was buried at Muhunoa.
Hare Hemi put some pigs on Weraawhango. An old slave (Ruruhi) of Aperahama’s went and killed them. No ---- were put there afterwards. This was afterwards called Te Tahuapitoitoi.
In 1863, Aperahama wrote to me to come down on to these lands. When Hukiki offered the land for sale, Aperahama, Kararaina and others laid off a boundary dividing the land. When I arrived, Aperahama told me that Hema’s cultivations should stop at or nea Parikaua.
I heard at that time that Hema never obtained Te Weraawhango. Roera has many times admitted my claim over this land.
Xed by Hema
When Paea and Hikake were on the land in 1841, was anyone else here? Yes. Tuaenuku.
Did you not see Hukiki? No. They were at Whareao.
Which were first occupied, Whareao or Muhunoa? They were living at Muhunoa.
Did Tuaenuku and Aperahama live at Muhunoa? Yes. Aperahama was the first and Tuaenuku shortly after.
Was not Te Ao there then? I didn’t know him.
Ngawiki said
I live at Otaki and belong to Roera’s hapu.
I know the land before the court.
Hare Wirikake, Roera and all of us have a right to that land. I have no claim on Te Poa. My claim is on Weraawhango.
My claim is through Aperahama. He cultivated at the base of Muhunoa. Aperahama’s slaves worked at Weraawhango. I don’t know when Aperahama died. It is not long since. I don’t know when he came to live at Otaki. He lived at Waiwiri. I don’t know when he left it.
I have lived at Muhunoa. I grew up to be a woman there. We used the land – the whole of it – up to Tarare. We caught birds there. I wasn’t there since I was young. My parents and relatives died and are buried there.
Hare Hemi’s statement relative to our parents is not correct.
Aperahama cultivated also on the Papaitonga side of that block. He did not use Rotokare. He did at the mouth of Waiwiri also Hikake and Te Paea. Hukiki cultivated also Te Poa – close by where the people were buried. Hukiki lived at Whangai---- - island of Peho.
Xed by Hema
I heard something about the fight with Muaupoko after the death of Te Poa.
Who were first of Ngati Raukawa who lived at Papaitonga? Aperahama and Te Puke, Hikake and Te Rei.
Who were first at Muhunoa? Makaka and others.
Who afterwards? Hukiki and others.
Didn’t Te Ao live at Muhunoa? He did.
What did Aperahama’s slaves do at weraawhango? They built houses there.
Court adjourned until 9.30 tomorrow.
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