Meeting 44 - 2 September 1907
- Description
PRESENT : The Mayor (Mr B R Gardener) and all the Councillors viz: Crs Douglas, Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Prouse, Ryder, Williams.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Correspondence was read from the Secretary to the Treasury re proposed Loan for Street making; also from the Agricultural and Education Departments re connecting Government Farms with Telephone Exchange.
Mr Swannick’s request
A letter was received from Mr Swannick asking to have water-race removed from his sections in Bath Street – moved by Cr Prouse, seconded by Cr Ryder and carried “That the request of Mr Swannick to remove the water-race from his property be referred to the Roads Committee to report to next meeting”.
Roads Committee Report re trees
Report from the Roads Committee was read. A recommendation in the report that a ‘few trees be planted this season – cost not to exceed £ 5’ led to the following resolution which was carried after the report on the motion of Cr Levy and seconded by Cr Mackenzie had been adopted – viz mover – Mayor, seconder Cr Mackenzie “That the £ 5 voted for tree planting be left in the hands of the Committee to expend in the North and South end of the Borough”. Cr Prouse offered to give lime trees for planting and was thanked by the Council for the offer.
Road Overseer’s report
The Road Overseer reported that Chamberlain Street formation had been completed – also that Laing Bros had completed their contract of delivering 1500 yards of metal in Oxford and Queen Streets.
Sanitary Report
The District Health Officer wrote forwarding the Sanitary Inspector’s Report for his last monthly visit. The report was received.
Annual report
The Town Clerk’s report for the year ending 31 March 1907 was read and considered in committee. The Report as amended was adopted by the Council.
Balance sheet considered and settled
The Balance sheet as received from the Audit Department was read and considered by the Council. Cr Levy moved and the Mayor seconded “That the Balance Sheet as received from the Auditor be adopted”. Some discussion took place with regard to printing the Balance Sheet and eventually the following resolution was passed – moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Mackenzie “That the Balance Sheet be printed and that a copy be sent to each ratepayer only”.
Tender accepted Chamberlain Street
Tenders for metalling Chamberlain Street were opened and considered in committee. Eventually it was reported on the Council resuming that three tenders were received and that the committee recommended the acceptance of Winter and Close’s tender of 2/3d and 2/5d per yard. The Council confirmed this recommendation.
Widening Mako Mako Road
Moved by Cr Hankins, seconded by Cr Ryder “That tenders be called for widening Mako Mako Road from Cambridge Street to Winchester Street – tenders to be in by next meeting”.
The following accounts were passed for payment :
Cemetery Fund – W S Charlswoth (for map)
£5. 0. 0 F Plaster (labour 1 day) 8. 0 District Fund-
Winter and Close - forming Chamberlain St
7. 10. 0 Laing Bros - 3rd progress payment 40. 0. 0 I Hook - wages
12. 3. 0 T Gregory – wages 10.16. 0 G Astridge “ 18. 0. 0 P K Patten – lamplighting 5. 14. 8 Levin Express Co (General cartage)
2. 11. 6 (deliver broken metal)
8. 2. 6 Public Health Dept. (quarterly contribution) 6. 5. 0 Town Clerk (Salary for August) 11. 5. 0 A Tomlinson - (trim trees) 1. 4. 0 I W Thompson – printing etc.,
12. 6 Telephone entrance fee 20/- Subs 15/1 1. 15. 1 Horowhenua Publishing Co – Advertising
6. 18. 0 W B McIntosh – Steel bar 12. 0 Mrs Rae – 4 wks board for Mrs Hill C/Aid a/c
2. 0. 0 F W Pink – 1 pr boots ditto
12. 6 Edmund Burke – 4 weeks at 12/-
2. 8. 0 I W Gibson – stores – Mrs Ferris 2. 0. 0 C.Williams and Co – stores for Aug. Mrs Bignall 3. 0. 0 £ 143. 9. 9
CONFIRMED H Mackenzie – Acting Mayor
16 Sept. 1907
- Date
- 1907
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